Many people, including ye Youran, were shocked.

No one expected that Nanli Immortal Emperor would be so well prepared.

He won over not only the medicine devil, but also the Eastern Emperor.

There are two super immortals.

One is Wong Tai Sin in a yellow robe.

Another is Wuji Tianzun with three long swords on his back.

Of course, few people really knew Wong Tai Sin and Wuji Tianzun at the scene.

Because these two people are real antiques that have not been born for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

At their level of existence, they generally don't care about the world.

They are all trying their best to close the door and want to impact a higher level.

Most people don't know or even have heard of them. They are normal.

I didn't expect that Nanli Immortal Emperor's face would be so big.

Can invite so many antiques to be born.

At the moment, even Xiaoyao fairy's face is very ugly.

He vowed before, but now there is absolutely no possibility of flinching back.

If xiaoyaoxian had known that Nanli Immortal Emperor would invite so many super immortal emperors, he really shouldn't have been in this muddy water.

"Listen to me from the God of war Academy. Ye Youran flew up from the mortal world under the jurisdiction of our eastern region. When he flew up, he violated the heaven of our eastern region. After flying up, he killed countless strong people in our eastern region. His crime should be punished. Give him up and I'll turn around and go."

The great emperor of the East shouted loudly.

Ye Youran has always been a disgrace to the eastern regions.

If the leaves fly up leisurely and become unknown, it's all right.

But ye Youran is a brilliant genius. Now many people have stripped away ye Youran's life experience.

Knowing that ye Youran rose from the eastern regions, he said that if the Eastern Emperor did not erase the stain of Ye Youran.

The eastern region will become the school flower of the fairyland.

A demon cultivator came out of the eastern region, which respected the supremacy of Xiandao.

And he was successfully promoted by the demon cultivator. What a shame?

So when Nanli Xiandi went to meet the Eastern Emperor yesterday.

The Eastern Emperor immediately agreed.

"Eastern Emperor, although ye Youran soared in your eastern region, he is now a disciple of our war Theological Seminary. It's too much for you."

Ghost saw sorrow and couldn't help drinking.

If the Eastern Emperor did not come late or early, it was obvious that he would fall into a well at this time.

"What are you? Even the dean of your war theological seminary is not qualified to talk to me like this."

The Eastern Emperor shouted to the ghost with an ugly face.

Although guijianchou is the vice president, it is actually worthless in the eyes of a strong man like the Eastern Emperor.

Because the vice president is actually catching strong men.

Ordinary immortal emperors are busy practicing and flawlessly managing some trivial things.

So let these powerful people in heaven do it on their behalf.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the position of vice president is high and powerful.

But in the eyes of the real Immortal Emperor, ghosts are no different from the general elders of the war god Academy.


The ghost was so angry that he blushed.

If the dean of the war god academy is here, why should he be worried and speak?

"Forget it, people come prepared. It's useless to say more."

Ye Youran interrupted GUI jianchou.

Then ye Youran stepped forward again and said respectfully:

"Brother Hu, it's your turn to play."

Ye Youran's words stunned people again.

Who's brother Hu?

Does ye Youran have any help?

And ye leisurely's voice fell.

A middle-aged man fell from the sky.

He is also an Immortal Emperor and a super Immortal Emperor.

Because there are so many people at the scene.

But no one knows how he appeared.

Even before he appeared, no one knew where he was hiding.

People who can appear quietly like this don't have to think about it. It's absolutely unusual.

Nanli Xiandi and others are racking their brains to recall who this is. They haven't seen and don't know.

Of course, someone knows the scene.

"He is not..."

The vice presidents looked at each other.

Because this middle-aged man is the one who suddenly appeared in ye Youran's healing room yesterday.

"Ha ha, it's so lively! I haven't done it for a long time. Brother ye, is there a fight?"

The middle-aged man is not as cold and indifferent as yesterday.

He is completely a battle maniac. It seems that fighting is more important than anything.

"I don't know what to call you? This is between Nanli Immortal Emperor and war god college. Please..."

Nanli Immortal Emperor's face was very ugly.

"Didn't you hear brother ye call me brother Hu? What about you and the war god academy? If you want to hand over my brother ye, come and fight with me. If you win me, you're welcome. If you can't win, get out of here."

The middle-aged man who claimed to be brother Hu replied impolitely.

This immediately made Nanli Immortal Emperor's eyes fire.

"Good, good. Since you want to step in, I'll clean you up together."

Nanlixian emperor had lost his last patience and roared:

"Half withered Sword Fairy, I'll give you one last chance to hand over ye Youran. You have three immortal emperors and I have five immortal emperors. You'd better not make mistakes."

One more Immortal Emperor and one less Immortal Emperor actually pose little threat to Nanli Immortal Emperor.

On his side, including himself, there are medicine demons, the Eastern Emperor, Wong Tai Sin and the limitless Buddha.

There are only half withered Sword Fairy, Xiaoyao fairy and brother Hu.

In the fight, he left the Immortal Emperor in the south to have an absolute advantage.


Ye Youran smiled coldly and then shouted:

"Old man, if you don't come out again, your hard-working war Theological Seminary will be destroyed."

Ye Youran's words shocked many people again.

And the strong, how many immortal emperors does ye Youran know!

It's not surprising that Nanli Immortal Emperor can invite four immortal emperors to help.

He is the leader of the southern region and a super Immortal Emperor himself.

But how can ye Youran know so many immortal emperors?

Isn't he the lower world man who just flew to the fairy world?

Many people in the fairy world have never seen an Immortal Emperor in their life, even the most ordinary Immortal Emperor.

Ye Youran has no background. He has known so many super immortal emperors in just a few years?

"Ha ha, little guy, I didn't expect you to pierce my identity."

The next moment, a hearty laugh.

Hearing this voice, the people of the war Theological Seminary and even the emperor Nanli changed their faces.

The difference is that people in the war Theological Seminary are more excited.

The half withered Sword Fairy trembled and trembled with excitement.

But Nanli Xiandi and others were a little flustered.

Then the freak appeared.

Yes, it is ye Youran who spent several years in the purple bamboo forest to detoxify him.

Ye Youran once suspected that he was the dean of the war god academy, but he has always denied it.

However, ye Youran saw through.

He is not the dean of the war god Academy. Why does he know and care so much about the war god academy?

He is not the dean of the war god Academy. Why does he have the crystal war god order?

But ye Youran can understand.

As the dean of the war god academy, he was poisoned by others.,

Although he hid in the war god academy, he never dared to show up.

He spent hundreds of years hiding in the cave.

For his own safety and the inheritance of the war god academy, he must be on guard against ye Youran.

Therefore, it is understandable that he does not recognize his identity.

But ye Youran knew that as the dean of the war god academy, his accomplishments had been restored.

It was impossible for him not to observe the unprecedented event of the meeting of the five academies.

So at the critical moment, ye Youran naturally invited him out.

"Dean, it's really the Dean!"

"The Dean has been out of the Customs for hundreds of years. Finally, I see the Dean again."

"When the Dean comes back, the crisis of my war theological seminary is over."

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