Ye Youran just asked Dongfang Qingmu for a try.

I don't really have too much extravagance about it.

But ye Youran really didn't think of it.

Oriental Aoki would give him such a big cake.

If this cake was smashed in ye Youran's hand before today.

Ye Youran may not dare to answer.

Fifteen chain stores will be opened in QY city within one year.

It must require a lot of money.

In the past, ye Youran had no money. Even if he wanted to take it, he couldn't take it.

But now, ye Youran has a million spare money in hand.

He suddenly felt ambitious.

Of course, this is just ye Youran's idea at this time.

One million may be astronomical for ye Youran.

But for Dongfang Aoki, or for a large company like Dongfang Group.

This money is not even a dime.

The reason why Dongfang aomu handed over the retail market of the whole QY city to ye Youran.

It's all just caring.

Moreover, Dongfang Qingmu has deliberately reduced many hard indicators.

QY city is an important wholesale market of traditional Chinese medicine in China.

Many companies and businessmen all over the country will come to QY city to purchase goods.

Even countless rich people will come to QY city to buy some important traditional Chinese medicine.

Such as ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and other valuables.

Therefore, QY city is really a huge cake.

What's more, there is the support of a large company with excellent reputation such as Dongfang Group.

According to the idea of Oriental Aoki at the beginning.

He needs to bid for a large consortium with assets of at least nearly 100 million or even more than 100 million in QY city.

In order to seize the market faster.

Oriental Aoki also requires that the winning company or individual must open at least 100 Oriental pharmacies in QY city within one year.

Form a systematic retail network.

Moreover, all large pharmacies must ensure that at least 80% of the Chinese herbal medicines on sale are purchased from Dongfang Group.

The remaining 20% of the purchase also needs to be checked by Dongfang Group.

Because businessmen pursue profits, if you don't take care of quality yourself.

Oriental Aoki is not at ease.

It can be said that Dongfang Qingmu really paid for ye leisurely.

However, for Oriental Aoki.

Money is just a number.

He doesn't care about money. He cares more about family.

He is ashamed of his daughter Dongfang Waner.

If ye Youran could treat his daughter differently.

It's all worth it.

Oriental Aoki doesn't want to interfere in his children's marriage.

At least he didn't want to interfere in his children's marriage.

But he was confident in his daughter's beauty and character.

As long as ye Youran has more special feelings for Dongfang Waner and more opportunities to get along with her.

Ye Youran will fall in love with her daughter sooner or later.

And that's all he can do as a father.

"Don't worry, uncle. I'm definitely not a mercenary. I'll strictly guard the quality."

Ye Youran said overjoyed.

Ye Youran dare not say anything else.

But ye Youran will and must do this.

Although making money is very important.

But ye Youran won't harm or trap people for money.

Ye Youran doesn't think he is great.

But the doctor's parents' heart.

He studies medicine and deals in traditional Chinese medicine.

How could he abandon medical ethics and morality for money?

"That's good. I believe you."

Dongfang Qingmu patted Ye leisurely on the shoulder and said:

"I'll send the lawyer to you as soon as possible. We can sign the contract at a time. As for the opening of the store, you need to deal with it yourself."

"But let me remind you that business depends on people, reputation and site selection. Opening a shop in a good area can get twice the result with half the effort. As for the site selection, it depends on your own. I will ask someone to make a unified plan for you."

Dongfang aomu is a self-made old businessman.

He told ye Youran many things.

This makes ye Youran benefit infinitely.

Oriental Aoki is gone.

The stone in ye Youran's heart finally fell to the ground.

Now I have a way to make money, and I still do Chinese herbal medicine business.

This is of great benefit to ye Youran's life and Cultivation in the future.

At least ye Youran doesn't need to worry that he can't find good traditional Chinese medicine materials to cultivate medicinal Qi.

And the next two days.

Ye Youran did nothing and didn't want to do anything.

He devoted himself to cultivation.

Ye Youran stayed in the Qingguang mountains for two days.

In these two days, ye Youran ate and lived in the Qingguang mountains.

In order to completely recover the drug Qi in the body.

Now ye Youran has broken through the realm of controlling Qi into a needle.

The medicinal Qi in the body is as big as chopsticks.

And ye Youran is not just back to his peak.

He also added a new medicine for himself.

Now ye Youran has the medicine gas as big as two chopsticks in his body.

Because ye Youran had no luck, he met a really poisonous thing - Scorpio.

We all know that scorpion is one of the five poisons, but it has great medicinal value.

The most valuable one is Scorpio.

A large scorpion with pale yellow pincers.

The price of scorpion in China is about 1500 yuan a catty, and drying is more expensive.

Scorpion has high medicinal value, especially in recent years, scorpion's discovery in the treatment of difficult diseases has made its value soar.

Because scorpion can treat vasculitis and thrombus occlusion.

Scorpion venom of scorpion can treat cardiovascular diseases, various tumors, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.

In addition to medicine, scorpion can also be made into nourishing food.

Ye Youran has good luck. The Scorpio he met is not short.

After absorbing its medicinal gas.

Ye Youran finally gave birth to the second chopstick's thick medicinal gas.

As long as ye Youran condenses the thick medicinal gas of these chopsticks into ten pieces.

Then ye Youran can break through to the next level again.

However, now ye Youran's body is just two medicinal Qi.

If you want to gather ten, I'm afraid you can't finish it in a short time.

Two days later.

Ye Youran came out of the Qingguang mountains.

First, I was looking for a restaurant to feed myself.

Then we went straight to the affiliated hospital.

It is worth saying that ye Youran doesn't scare ordinary people with his amazing food intake.

Ye Youran ate this meal in several restaurants.

Change a restaurant when you're full.

After eating seven or eight restaurants in a row, ye Youran was completely full.

However, up to now, ye Youran's appetite is still amazing.

But it is nearly half less than when the foundation was successfully built at the beginning.

But even so, it takes five or six adults to feed ye Youran.

After eating and drinking enough, ye Youran went straight to the Affiliated Hospital for the first time.

It's time to give pan Yueming the last injection.

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