Brother Hu was very excited.

The only person Hu Ge worships in his life is his father.

Because of his own fault and hurt his father, brother Hu hasn't had a good day for nearly a thousand years.

Until I saw ye Youran and the unicorn.

Hu Ge rekindled hope and thought his father was saved.

Unexpectedly, his own brother has changed Wanyao valley.

My father may have been killed.

At this moment, brother Hu had an impulse to kill.

"Chuang'er, your father and I are brothers. I'm sorry about him, but you must never go back and die for nothing."

Eighth uncle said tragically.

He can't keep his brother, but he must not let his nephew break into trouble.

"No, I'm going back now. I'm going to kill him myself."

Brother Hu is so excited that where can he listen to advice?

If Uncle Ba hadn't stopped him, brother Hu would have rushed in and tried his best.

"Brother Hu, don't be impulsive. Your father should still be alive."

Ye Youran spoke again. Uncle Ba and brother Hu calmed down in an instant.

Because this result is what they most want to see.

"Ye Youran, how do you know?"

Brother Hu is like a drowning man who grabbed the last straw.

He grabbed Ye leisurely's arm and asked eagerly.

"As long as your brother Hu Lang has not officially become the valley master of Wanyao Valley, your father should still be alive."

Ye Youran analyzed.


Hu asked again.

"Although I don't know about Wanyao Valley, it has been passed on for so many years, and the inside information is definitely beyond the comparison of ordinary forces. Or more accurately, there are definitely many rules in Wanyao Valley, especially in the inheritance of the valley master. For example, it needs the approval of many elders or what the valley master announced himself."

Ye Youran analyzed.

"Yes, the selection of the valley leader of our ten thousand demon Valley is very strict. There are two hard rules, that is, when the old Valley leader dies, more than 80% of the elders need to agree. Or when the old Valley leader dies, he personally announces the successor, and the successor needs more than 50% of the elders to agree before he can become a new Valley leader."

The eighth uncle explained.

Ten thousand demon Valley is the most powerful hidden force in the fairy world.

It is related to the life and death of the whole ethnic group.

Of course, you can't play with such an important candidate for Valley leader.

Although Hu Lang now controls the whole Banshee valley.

However, the old Valley leader didn't personally announce it, and he hasn't made any announcement yet. He has won the support of more than 80% of the elders.

So he can't be elected the new Valley leader yet.

"What exactly do you want to say? I'm confused now. Tell me your conclusion quickly."

Hu shouted.

Now he just wants to know whether ye Youran's analysis is right.

Others, he is too lazy to guess, and he can't guess his current state.

Or more precisely, he was afraid to guess.

"Hu Lang wants to be the valley leader more than anyone else, but he doesn't get the consent of more than 80% of the elders, so he can only start from your father. But your father wants to impeach him, so if I'm right, your brother shouldn't be stupid to kill your father. At least he won't start with your father before he is elected the valley leader, and he will even think about it Fang tried to prolong your father's life until your father announced that he would inherit the valley master. "

Ye Youran analyzed.

"In fact, I thought so too, but I have been investigating and interviewing openly and secretly for more than 100 years, but I have no clue. I don't know where he imprisoned the valley master."

Eighth uncle said somewhat discouraged.

After so many years without a clue, uncle Ba had to start to doubt.

The valley master is gone.

"Uncle Ba has two things you must answer me seriously."

Ye Youran thought for a moment and said.

"You said, as long as I know, as long as it doesn't involve Xinmi of Wanyao Valley, I can tell you."

Ye Youran's wisdom has been recognized by eighth uncle.

Most importantly, ye Youran has a unicorn. The person who can make the unicorn recognize the Lord will never be an ordinary person.

So uncle Ba is no longer hostile to ye Youran.

"Who does the valley master care about most in the ten thousand demon Valley? Or does he have any other relatives?"

Ye Youran thought about it and asked.

"No, the valley master only loved one woman in his life, that is, chuang'er's mother, but chuang'er's mother died soon after giving birth to Hu lang. the valley master never married again."

This matter is an open secret in the whole Banshee valley.

There's nothing to hide.

"Second question, has Hu Lang sent anyone to leave Wanyao Valley these years?"

Ye Youran asked again.

Eighth uncle is responsible for guarding the safety of Wanyao valley. If someone leaves Wanyao Valley, eighth uncle will know.

"As far as I know, No."

The eighth uncle thought carefully and said.

"Do you mean you don't know whether Hu Lang sent someone to leave Wanyao Valley, or that no one has left Wanyao Valley in recent years?"

Ye Youran asked again.

Uncle Ba looked at ye Youran suspiciously, but then he remembered something and said:

"More than a hundred years ago, not long after the valley master disappeared, someone left Wanyao valley. I'm not sure if it was the one sent by Hu lang. at that time, I always cared about the valley master and was looking for the whereabouts of the valley master, so I didn't care much. It's said that the people who left Wanyao Valley never came back."

Eighth uncle spoke slowly.

After all, after so many years, his memory is also a little vague.

"Ye Youran, did you say that my father was secretly sent out of the ten thousand demon Valley by the beast?"

Brother Hu suddenly grasped the key point.

Wanyao Valley is so big that it's not easy to want Tibetans.

Besides, uncle Ba has made an open and secret visit for more than 100 years. If people are still in Wanyao Valley, they can't have no trace at all.

Even the eighth uncle is bright at the moment. Maybe this is very close to the truth.

But ye Youran shook his head.

"No! As far as I know, the more ambitious people are, the less secure they are. They can't easily trust others. In these people's world, only themselves are the most credible. Your father's existence is related to whether he can be elected as the valley leader, so he can't send people out of the ten thousand demon valley."

Ye Youran pondered and analyzed:

"I'd rather let the people of the world bear me than let the people of the world bear me. This is a common problem of all ambitious people. Therefore, if I guess correctly, he should keep your father by his side. He can see it at any time. At least he can control it himself."

Ye Youran's analysis is clear and correct.

But brother Hu listened to Uncle Ba more and more confused. He didn't know what ye Youran wanted to say.

"If you are concerned, you will be confused. From my analysis, the people sent by Hu Lang are not transferring the valley master, but looking for brother Hu, because brother Hu is the one who the valley master cares about most. As long as you catch brother Hu, you can make the valley master obey."

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