"You... What did you do?"

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen strong people in the heaven realm disappeared.

This made brother Hu and eighth uncle stunned.

Of course they can feel it. Ye Youran has received everyone in a space treasure.

Because they have sensed the breath of space treasures at that moment.

That is the breath of the golden body hall.

But ordinary space cannot receive living creatures.

So brother Hu and eighth uncle were a little surprised.

"Anyway, you want them to commit suicide. Anyway, the worst result is only death. Why make a fuss?"

Ye leisurely said faintly.

The golden body hall is ye Youran's secret. If it weren't for these iron men, ye Youran would admire it.

Ye Youran will never use it in front of brother Hu and uncle ba.

Although it is used now, ye Youran is not ready to explain.

Let them guess! At least it can keep Ye leisurely mysterious.

"Well, let's talk about the next plan in detail!"

Ye Youran doesn't give brother Hu and eighth uncle the chance to continue questioning.

Now time is pressing. Once Hu Lang's people return to Wanyao Valley, all plans will fail.

So ye Youran told all about his plan, brother Hu and eighth uncle.

Ye Youran's plan is very simple, that is to let brother Hu get caught.

In order to perform the whole set, ye Youran also asked brother Hu and uncle Ba to have a good fight.

Beat uncle Ba half to death.

Then let uncle eight catch brother Hu back.

This can also better explain the whereabouts of the more than a dozen strong people in heaven, that is, they were killed by brother Hu.

At the last moment, brother Hu was soft hearted and was seriously injured by the eighth uncle's sneak attack.

As long as brother Hu is taken back to Wanyao Valley, he will surely fall into Hu Lang's hands.

Hu Lang is bound to bring brother Hu to the valley master.

Because only in this way can brother Hu see the valley master.

"And then?"

Eighth uncle asked with concern.

Someone found it, and then came the rescue plan.

The rescue plan is the top priority.

"Then of course it was to save people."

Ye leisurely said naturally.

"Of course I know I should save people next, but how?"

Eight uncles some speechless ground say.

Giving Hu Ge to Hu Lang is a very dangerous thing in itself, which will put Hu Ge's life in danger at any time.

Therefore, the rescue plan must be rigorous and comprehensive, and there can be no mistakes at all.

"It's up to me to save people. Eighth uncle, you just need to find all the elders in Wanyao Valley who oppose brother Hu. Then I will naturally take you to save people."

Ye Youran said confidently.

"It's no good. You must tell me all your plans, or I can't rest assured that chuang'er will take risks."

Eighth uncle firmly denied.

Even at this moment, uncle Ba couldn't help wondering whether ye Youran was sharp or not.

He knows nothing about ye Youran, although his impression of Ye Youran is quite good.

But it's a big deal. I can't guarantee it!

Wan Yiye leisurely is Hu Lang's man. His purpose is to send brother Hu into the mouth of the tiger.

The ten thousand demon Valley is really over.

"I don't want to sell off, but you also said before that Hu Lang may use the magic power of soul search. Are you sure you won't be soul searched by Hu Lang?"

Ye Youran said.

This is really a thing ye Youran needs to consider.

Because ambitious people tend to be more suspicious.

Sometimes a very small thing may be verified in many ways to be safe.

Hu Lang can't easily believe such a great thing.

So ye Youran must keep his hand, just in case.


What else does uncle Ba want to say.

But brother Hu solemnly interrupted:

"Uncle Ba, you taught me the truth of doubting people not to use it. I believe ye Youran. Do everything he says!"

Others don't know the details of Ye Youran.

But brother Hu is still very clear.

Ye Youran is the champion of Wuyuan martial arts association and a student of Zhandi, the first God of war in the fairy world.

Most importantly, ye Youran also has a deep relationship with Wu Dangzhao.

With these, brother Hu doesn't think there is a problem with ye Youran's identity.

If ye Youran really has identity problems, Hu Lang can cultivate ye Youran to such a point.

Then he admitted his failure.

"That's good."

Uncle Ba pondered for a long time before he said:

"But I said the ugly words in front. If you really try your best, no matter whether you succeed or not, at least I will regard you as the benefactor of Wanyao valley. If the facts prove that you are playing tricks, I will definitely take you as a cushion even if I die. I believe that as a late Immortal Emperor, I have such ability."

Uncle Ba doesn't believe ye Youran, but he can't believe it.

Because the bet was so big that he began to worry about gain and loss.


Ye leisurely said indifferently.

In fact, ye Youran's participation in this matter itself is a very dangerous thing.

If he fails, ye Youran will never leave Wanyao Valley alive without the help of Uncle ba.

Therefore, in ye Youran's view, the threat of Uncle Ba is not worth a penny.

"Let's start! Eighth uncle, I'm offended."

Brother Hu took a deep breath and finally took the lead in shooting at Uncle ba.

When the two great immortal emperors fought, the scene was quite strong.

In order to make the play more realistic, brother Hu and uncle Ba are all out, and it seems that both sides really have a big feud between life and death.

All moves are extremely cruel and take their own key.

After all, it's not far from Wanyao valley.

Sooner or later, the movement here will be detected by Wanyao Valley, and there will be strong people coming.

But ye Youran is not in the mood to watch a play here.

He needs to hide before the strong men of ten thousand demon Valley come.

Hide more thoroughly for yourself.

Ye Youran went directly into the golden body hall.

Then turn the golden body hall into a grain of dust and sink to the bottom of the dark sea.

In such a place as the dark sea, this grain of dust is insignificant. Even if the strong man at the Immortal Emperor level sweeps here with spiritual force, he will never be aware of Ye Youran's existence.

Because the dark sea will be well protected by Ye Youran.

Enter the golden body hall and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Ye Youran's next step is to wait.

When brother Hu falls into the hands of Hu Lang, he also waits for the signal from Uncle ba.

After returning to the golden body hall.

Ye Youran went to see the python dragon.

Python dragon can't get energy recovery. It is still in a dying state of serious injury.

As for the heroes of Wanyao Valley in Tianzun, ye Youran didn't go to see them.

Because ye Youran doesn't want to expose too many things to them, but places them somewhere in the golden body hall.

Don't see each other.

Later, ye Youran left a happy spirit outside the golden body hall in order to receive the signal of Uncle ba.

Then ye Youran was ready to break through.

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