Pan Yueming couldn't believe his ears.

She never thought that ye Youran not only cured her disease for free.

And gave her a living to support her family.

For Pan Yueming, it is not difficult to buy traditional Chinese medicine in his hometown.

Because this kind of thing is not manual work.

She can do it.

Meishan has nothing, just the most traditional Chinese medicine.

Many merchants buy Chinese herbal medicines in Meishan, and they collude with each other.

Try to suppress prices.

This makes many drug farmers unable to make ends meet, and their lives are very difficult.

If ye Youran can raise the purchase price by 10%.

There should be many drug farmers willing to sell their herbs to ye Youran.

"Of course it's true. Even if I lie to you, I won't lie to my sister!"

Ye Youran touched Niu's head and said.

After ye Youran and pan Yueming agreed on some matters again.

Ye Youran asked for Pan Yueming's landline telephone number.

When ye Youran's shop opens, ye Youran will call her.

After that, under Niu Niu's reluctant eyes.

Ye Youran left the affiliated hospital.

"If those two words don't tremble..."

Ye Youran just walked out of the gate of the affiliated hospital.

The cell phone in my pocket rang.

"Hello, sister Xiaoling!"

Ye Youran saw that it was nurse Xiaoling's mobile phone.

Said happily.

"I'm not good. I remember someone said he would invite me to dinner, but he didn't cash it. I'm hungry!"

Nurse Xiaoling's beautiful voice came with a trace of resentment.

Nurse Xiaoling is almost not thinking about food and tea these two days.

Now the job is lost and the booth is gone.

But she had no mind to think about that.

All she can think about is ye Youran.

But ye Youran didn't call for two days.

It took her a long time to summon up the courage to call ye Youran.

Ye leisurely patted his head and quickly apologized:

"Look at my memory. I've been so busy these two days that I almost forgot."

Ye Youran paused and said:

"It's better to hit the sun than choose a day. It's just that I'm hungry now. Why don't sister Xiaoling enjoy having dinner with me!"

Ye Youran's words are somewhat against his heart.

More than an hour ago, ye Youran ate seven or eight restaurants and was full.

But ye Youran is not hungry now.

But another meal won't be a problem.

"OK! It's on the romantic coast! I live nearby."

Said nurse Xiaoling, holding back her inner excitement.

But when she hung up.

Nurse Xiaoling was so excited that she jumped off the bed.

Then nurse Xiaoling began to rummage through the boxes to find clothes and make-up.

Romantic coast is a good hotel near the sea.

Generally, some couples come here for dinner.

The atmosphere here is also very attractive.

Although nurse Xiaoling lives in a public rental house near the romantic coast.

But she's only been there once.

That was the guest of Dr. Shen Conglin.

At that time, nurse Xiaoling didn't want to go, but Shen Conglin was a resident doctor.

As a nurse, it's not appropriate for her not to go.

But I have to say that nurse Xiaoling really likes the romantic coast.

Because where the layout is like dreamlike romance.

If, in that romantic atmosphere, any story happened to her and ye Youran.

That's a real... Good story.

Soon, ye Youran took a taxi to the romantic coast.

Ye Youran waited at the gate of the romantic coast for a while, and nurse Xiaoling arrived.

Seeing the fresh and refined nurse Xiaoling, ye Youran looks pleasing to the eyes.

Even a little distracted.

Of course, ye leisurely's eyes are clear, just appreciation, and there is absolutely no blasphemy.

In ye Youran's Kung Fu.

Nurse Xiaoling affectionately took ye Youran's arm.

Said with a smile:

"Well, didn't you wait too long?"

"No... i... I just arrived, too."

Ye Youran said unnaturally.

When ye Youran used to be with Chen Li.

Even holding hands is rare.

In public, Chen Li doesn't even touch ye Youran.

In this public, nurse Xiaoling took ye Youran's arm so unabashedly.

Smelling the faint girl fragrance from nurse Xiaoling.

Ye Youran enjoyed it and was embarrassed.

And a little bit... The satisfaction of men's self-esteem.

"Let's... Go in!"

Ye Youran quickly calmed down and said.


Nurse Xiaoling replied with a little tenderness.

Although nurse Xiaoling's figure is not as exaggerated as Wang Yan's.

But she is still very confident in her appearance.

She could feel it in ye Youran's eyes.

Ye Youran was attracted by her beauty.

A woman's face is pleasing to herself.

Nurse Xiaoling's mood now makes her happier than any praise.

"By the way, nurse Xiaoling, have you found a job now?"

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, ye Youran casually found a topic and asked.

"Not yet!"

Speaking of work, nurse Xiaoling was slightly depressed and said:

"Now there is so much pressure on employment. I'm going to set up another stall and slowly look for a job while setting up a stall."

Since the booth was confiscated.

Nurse Xiaoling also realized that her stall business was risky.

She can't bet all her bets on the stall.

Because the booth may face the risk of confiscation at any time.

Once confiscated, she lost her job again.

So she is going to find another stable job and set up a stall after work.

In this way, the booth is gone, and she will not cut off her source of income.

But jobs are not easy to find.

These two days, nurse Xiaoling went to many companies.

Because of the limitations of her major and her lack of experience in other jobs.

Most companies don't want people like her.

"Or so! I'm going to open a traditional Chinese medicine store in QY city. If you're interested, you can be my store manager!"

Ye Youran said with an idea.

Ye Youran has decided to open a shop.

Oriental Aoki gave him such a good way to make money.

Ye Youran has no reason not to answer.

However, ye Youran is still a student after all.

Naturally, he can't be in charge himself.

Moreover, ye Youran needs to open at least 15 Chinese pharmacies in QY city within one year.

This must require a lot of manpower.

So it is necessary to hire a trustworthy store manager.

Nurse Xiaoling herself majored in nursing.

Nursing graduates can be nurses, beauticians, sales representatives, medical representatives and so on.

Most importantly, they have shared weal and woe.

Ye Youran is absolutely trustworthy to nurse Xiaoling.

However, nurse Xiaoling agreed to ye Youran's proposal without thinking about it:

"OK! Excuse me, boss, when can I officially go to work?"

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