Originally, ye Youran thought that Hu Chuang didn't give ye Youran access to the spring of life because of the overall situation.

But after hearing Hu Chuang's explanation.

Ye Youran couldn't help but wonder whether it was the strict rules of Wanyao Valley, or Hu Chuang deliberately made such a set of rules in order to tie ye Youran to Wanyao valley.

Of course, in fact, ye Youran's heart does not exclude being an honorary elder or sacrifice of Wanyao valley.

Ten thousand demon Valley is a thin camel, bigger than a horse.

Even if it is turbulent now, the deterrence of Wanyao Valley can still not be underestimated.

In the fairy world, even forces like wudangzhao would never dare to fight Wanyao Valley easily.

Even mysterious forces like hell should be afraid of three parts of Wanyao valley.

Otherwise, in the nearly 1000 years when Hu Lang has controlled Wanyao Valley, hell has already begun to attack Wanyao valley.

Hell has been standing still, but in the form of infiltration, it is eroding the ten thousand demon valley.

That means there are places in Wanyao valley that hell fears.

Therefore, ye Youran should still earn money if he can be a sacrifice or honorary elder of Wanyao valley.

Of course, you have to pay if you want to get it. Ye Youran must find out what ye Youran needs to pay when he is an elder and a sacrifice.

"In fact, you don't have to worry. Whether you are an elder or a priest, you are still quite free."

Hu Chuang sees through ye Youran's mind. Before ye Youran asks, Hu Chuang has taken the initiative to explain.

In fact, there are many worshippers and honorary elders in Wanyao valley.

Some of the worshippers or elders have never been to Wanyao valley.

They just help Wanyao Valley deal with some things that Wanyao Valley is not convenient to deal with in the secular world.

Although the forces like ten thousand demon valley are in a semi reclusive state.

But it is still impossible to completely break away from the fairyland.

For example, the acquisition of some cultivation resources, some pills, immortal stones and other things mainly depends on the fairy world.

Therefore, ten thousand demon valley will solicit a group of trusted people to be worshippers or elders.

These people will be sheltered and supported by Wanyao valley.

Correspondingly, they need to provide many conveniences for Wanyao Valley, such as obtaining cultivation materials.

Or when the young generation of talented disciples of Wanyao Valley experience in the fairy world, they secretly escort, or provide other help and assistance to those talented disciples.

The identities of these honorary elders or worshippers are generally confidential.

Only the top management of Wanyao Valley and themselves know.

Only in the moment of life and death can they reveal their identity.

Once exposed, they are no longer suitable to be worshippers or elders.

If they have made great contributions to the ten thousand demon Valley, they can choose to enter the ten thousand demon Valley, practice in isolation in the ten thousand demon Valley, and charge for the ten thousand demon valley when needed.

If they contribute to Wanyao Valley, Wanyao valley will compensate them for a fortune.

Then take back their identity.

"I see."

Ye leisurely knows that no wonder people in Wanyao Valley can practice in seclusion with such peace of mind.

Feelings are that many people provide various conveniences to Wanyao Valley and deal with some mundane trivial things.

Therefore, these hidden forces can maintain a carefree attitude, even a Taoist spirit.

"But brother ye, you are different. You have made a great contribution to our ten thousand demon valley. As long as you are willing to be the elder and sacrifice of our ten thousand demon Valley, you don't have to remain mysterious and will not be bound by our ten thousand demon. If you walk in the fairy world in the future, you can show yourself as the elder of our ten thousand demon Valley as long as you don't do evil and discredit our ten thousand demon valley."

Hu Chuang urged:

"And although you are an honorary elder, your status is more respected than that of the real elders of our ten thousand demon valley. All honorary elders or offerings of our ten thousand demon Valley can be at your disposal."

If the honorary elders or offerings of ten thousand demon Valley in the fairy world are assembled, it is also a great force.

As long as ye Youran controls this force, ye Youran can definitely provide great help to ye Youran if he walks in the fairy world in the future.

For example, when ye Youran wants to get any information, or meets a strong man who can't be defeated, he can find those elders or worship them.

Because they can become the worshippers of ten thousand demon valley. The lowest cultivation is the heaven realm.

The cultivation of honorary elders is at least Immortal Emperor.

Especially those honorary elders of ten thousand demon Valley, many of them are powerful, or the owners of a large family or a city.

Therefore, it is absolutely deceptive to say that ye leisurely does not move.

"Brother ye, there is a greater advantage for you to become the honorary elder of our ten thousand demon valley."

Hu Chuang saw Ye leisurely and thoughtful expression, lowered his voice and continued to encourage him.

"What are the benefits?"

Ye Youran asked puzzled.

Now there are enough benefits, and there are even greater benefits.

"Then you can enter the spring of life! The spring of life is a very mysterious place in our ten thousand demon Valley, which many people outside don't know. As long as you go in, your cultivation may break through. And..."

Hu Chuang said, and after a slight pause, he continued:

"And have you seen my li daitaojiang's forbidden technique? This access control technique is in the spring of the spring of life. Only those who enter can start to understand it. With the talent of brother ye, I believe you can really understand Li daitaojiang's access control technique."

The sentence behind Hu Chuang came out.

Ye Youran's face suddenly changed.

Li daitaojiang's access control technique is absolutely against the sky!

If you cultivate to the true depth, you will be immortal.

Because Li daitaojiang's peak can differentiate every grain cell on his body into a doll.

The human body has at least 40 trillion granulocytes, that is, it can differentiate 40 trillion individuals.

As long as one person survives, he can be reborn.

Whether it is to settle down, escape from evil, or fight for life and death, Li Daitao's rigid prohibition is definitely the most powerful magic power ye Youran has ever seen. It's not too much to say that it is against the sky.

"OK! In that case, I will agree to this honorary elder."

Ye Youran immediately nodded and accepted.

But ye Youran was dazzled by the big surprise of the day, but he didn't find a trace of joy on Hu Chuang's mouth, and he was relieved at the same time.

It was an expression of relief when one's wish was fulfilled.

But this subtle expression flashed away, and ye leisurely had no time to find it.

"This is the keepsake of the honorary elder of my ten thousand demon valley."

Hu Chuang took out a token while it was hot.

The token is engraved with the word "Wan" on one side and the word "demon" on the other.

"This... Is the treasure of ancient times."

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