Ye Youran has just made a breakthrough. In just one month, ye Youran in the middle of tianzunjing feels that he is going to make a breakthrough again.

Another breakthrough is the later stage of tianzunjing.

Most importantly, ye Youran hurried to make his body stronger.

Such a huge force of vitality poured into Ye leisurely's body.

Strengthen ye Youran's body from inside to outside.

Moreover, ye Youran's body is still full of vitality. Now even if he cuts ye Youran's body, he can recover quickly and won't leave any scars.

The breakthrough is imminent. Ye Youran doesn't dare to hesitate. Immediately, he concentrates and calms down and begins to impact the realm.

This time's state impact can be said to be the most relaxed one ye Youran has ever had.

There is no need to experience any pain at all. Everything is so natural.

Whether before or during the breakthrough, ye Youran feels more comfortable than ever before.

A strong breath erupted from ye leisurely.

The calm pool suddenly surged.

All the power of vitality poured into Ye leisurely's body.

The water level of the gushing fountain of life dropped a lot in an instant.

These are the energy water liquefied by the power of vitality.

Now the water level has dropped by nearly one meter.

It can be seen how much vitality ye Youran's body has absorbed.

But it's not surprising.

Because ye Youran is the body of ancient demons.

His real body is eight feet tall.

The improvement of quality naturally requires a lot of energy to supplement.

Therefore, every breakthrough of Ye leisurely requires great energy.

"What kind of Freak is this boy? I've never seen the water level drop in the spring of life."

Not far from ye Youran, the old Valley master who was also immersed in the spring of life opened his eyes.

Originally, the old Valley leader was concentrating on healing and feeling the changes in his body. At the same time, he was still trying to guide the energy of the spring of life to run in his body.

But by this time he had been disturbed.

Seeing that the springs of life around him are becoming less and less, the old Valley leader can imagine the shock in his heart.

It can be said that such a situation has never occurred since the formation of the spring of life.

How much energy did ye Youran consume from the spring of life to cause a sharp decrease in the spring water?

Can a person's body really hold so much energy?


When the old Valley leader was shocked.

The spring burst open.

Because the breath of the strong in the later period of tianzunjing burst out from ye Youran.

The strong impact is like that ye Youran is a humanoid bomb.

Ye Youran finally made a breakthrough.

Powerful power surged on Ye leisurely.

As long as ye Youran clenches his fist gently, it seems that he can burst the space.

"It feels really good."

Ye leisurely opened his eyes infatuated.

The improvement of strength will also bring ye Youran a strong self-confidence.

Although ye Youran has not the courage to challenge the super Immortal Emperor.

But it is definitely not easy for ordinary immortal emperors to leave ye Youran.

Even if it is the Immortal Emperor who has just broken through, ye Youran is very confident that he can kill each other.

"Eh! Old man, what are you doing looking at me like this? Come on, I'll help you sort it out again."

Ye Youran suddenly regained his mind. Then he found that the old Valley leader looked at him like a monster.

Ye Youran was embarrassed.

Because they want to make the power of vitality better contact the body.

They are all naked at the moment.

Being stared at by an old man like this, ye Youran can't help feeling creepy.

Then ye Youran didn't give the old Valley leader the chance to speak at all.

Send three merits and virtues directly into the body of the old Valley master.

With such a big benefit, ye Youran is not stingy with his power of merit and virtue.

Soon, the old Valley leader entered the settled state again.

Ye Youran even took the opportunity to check the old Valley master's body.

With the power of merit, the cultivation of the old Valley master recovered quickly.

If this continues, he should be able to recover more than 80% in another month.

The last 20% needs to be adjusted and recovered slowly by himself.

"The spring of life is really magical. It's full again."

Ye Youran just absorbed a lot of energy from the spring of life.

The water level dropped by one meter, but now it is full again.

Ye Youran really wants to fill his golden body hall with the spring water of these springs of life.

In this way, he can often soak the spring of life.

The most regrettable thing is that the spring of life can't be taken away at all.

As long as you leave this pool, the spring of the spring of life will begin to evaporate.

Moreover, the volatilization rate is very fast, and no container can retain the energy of the spring of life.

However, such a good thing is rare to come in. If you can't move it away, you can't waste it casually.

So ye Youran summoned the unicorn and the golden eyed beast.

They are still sleeping. After all, they have absorbed so much divine animal blood essence. They need to sleep for a long time.

I hope they can get some luck in this spring of life!

After placing unicorns and golden eyes in the spring, ye Youran suddenly has nothing to do.

Because he just broke through, he can't break through any more.

It's not a good thing to break through the realm too fast. Even if you can break through, ye Youran must be suppressed.

"By the way, doesn't it mean that you can understand Li Daitao's forbidden art by soaking in the spring of life? Why didn't I understand it?"

Ye Youran suddenly thought of Li Daitao's forbidden art.

This access control technique is absolutely against the sky. Ye Youran is full of desire for it.

But ye Youran has been soaked here for so long.

But there was no response.

Did Hu Chuang deceive him?

In fact, what ye Youran doesn't know is.

The spring of life is precious, so it will become the most sacred place in Wanyao valley.

It is because only the people of ten thousand demon Valley can understand Li Daitao's forbidden art in the spring of life.

In other words, only those with Orcish constitution can trigger understanding in the spring of life.

Ye Youran is 100% human blood, so it is impossible for him to trigger such understanding.

In other words, the precious degree of the spring of life is not the spring water, but Li daitaojiang's forbidden art.

Therefore, except for the valley master of the ten thousand demon Valley, all the people of the ten thousand demon Valley must not enter the spring of life.

On the contrary, human beings like ye Youran can't enter the spring of life, so there is little restriction.

This is also the reason why Hu Chuang dared to lead Ye leisurely to the spring of life.

It is also the reason why the elders of Wanyao Valley don't object to Hu Chuang bringing Ye leisurely to the spring of life.

Because ye Youran can't understand the real forbidden art of wandemon valley.

But ye Youran is not reconciled!

He's already salivating about the access control.

"Do you need to sneak into the bottom of the spring of life to trigger perception?"

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