Ye Youran and others deeply realized the horror of shenbeast mountain again.

When elder martial sister Miaoyin told ye Youran and others to be careful.

She didn't know that danger had come to her.

A big colorful spider suddenly fell from the tree.

It fell right on the back of elder martial sister Miaoyin's neck.

Because this self-determination has no accomplishments.

So ye Youran and others didn't notice in advance.

Maybe they all noticed it, but no one noticed it.

Because it is like the goblin beast with leisurely leaves.

It belongs to a very special fierce beast.

It has no IQ and no accomplishments, just like ordinary insects.

Goblins and monsters have no cultivation, only instinct.

But when it controls the magma in the center of the earth.

It is terrible, it can even be said to be invincible.

Although after reaching the fairy world, the strength of goblins and monsters has been greatly limited.

But as long as ye Youran finds it a strong enough flame and a hard enough ore.

It is still invincible, and the Immortal Emperor can kill it second.

So is the spider.

Therefore, even if the spiritual forces of Ye Youran and others know its existence, they will not pay attention to it.

This is the so-called black under light principle.

It is also an instinct of practitioners.

When the spider landed on the pink back neck of elder martial sister Miaoyin.

Ye Youran finally changed her face.

Because this is a colorful spider.

This is an ordinary and beautiful name.

But in the eyes of poison masters, colorful spiders are the supreme treasure.

Because the poison of colorful spiders is known to poison the Immortal Emperor.

"Be careful."

Ye Youran was the first to recover.

Because ye Youran is also an alchemist and knows the horror of colorful spiders.

Unfortunately, ye Youran is still slow.

Because as soon as the colorful spider fell, it didn't wait for ye leisurely to react.

It was already biting hard on the back neck of elder martial sister Miaoyin.

The next moment, ye leisurely broke out a suction force in his palm.

The colorful spider in his hand.

Ye Youran had no time to think more and threw the colorful spider directly into the golden body hall.

And summoned the unicorn.

Because ye Youran can see with the naked eye that elder martial sister Miaoyin's back neck has been black.

The poison of the colorful spider is like ink dripping in clear water.

In an instant, it spread out.

Such poison is terrible.

If ye Youran hadn't been here, elder martial sister Miaoyin would have died.

Because even the Immortal Emperor can't resist the poison, elder martial sister Miaoyin can't resist it.

Just a few breaths, she will die.

Fortunately, ye Youran has a unicorn, whose blood can detoxify.

Ye Youran pricked it directly from behind the unicorn's ear and sucked two drops of blood essence from the palm.

Drop by drop in elder martial sister Miaoyin's mouth.

Make a drop fall on the wound on the back neck of elder martial sister Miaoyin.

Unicorn's blood is worthy of being the bane of all poisons.

Even the terrible poison of soul poison can be solved.

The poison of multicolored spiders is natural.

Elder martial sister Miaoyin's back neck immediately returned to pink.

However, elder martial sister Miaoyin still looked pale and recovered from a serious illness.

"Thank you."

Just after walking through the ghost gate, elder martial sister Miaoyin's beautiful face is still haunted.

This also makes the sacred beast mountain full of fear again.

"You're welcome. It's a piece of cake. You recover first."

Looking at elder martial sister Miaoyin, ye Youran couldn't bear it.

Originally cold, she showed a helpless expression at the moment. I really feel pity at the sight.

"How about... Let's go back!"

Elder martial sister Miaoyin backed down.

The last time I went to the middle of the sacred beast mountain, I almost caused the teacher to hang up.

This time, just at the junction of central Wai and the periphery, he almost gave his life here.

If it weren't for ye Youran, he would be around.

She's really going to die.

Most importantly, elder martial sister Miaoyin knows what ye Youran's existence means to the Ares Academy.

It means the future of the God of war Academy.

If she brings ye Youran here, she can't explain anything to the war god Academy.

"It's all right. If people of our generation are afraid of danger, why do they become strong?"

Little monk Liujing said solemnly:

"Let's go on!"

Ye Youran and elder martial sister Miaoyin looked at little monk Liujing strangely.

Especially elder martial sister Miaoyin.

This time I'll see you again, little monk Liujing. It's really different from before.

This made elder martial sister Miaoyin not used to it for a time.

However, it must be admitted that what little monk Liujing said is very reasonable.

The road of cultivation itself is not a peaceful road.

Now that you have chosen this path, you should be fearless.

So elder martial sister Miaoyin recovered and stood up silently with firm eyes.

Of course, fearlessness is not death.

People still try to be careful and safe.

They did not dare to go too deep and tried to walk back and forth at the junction of the periphery and central Wai.

On the third day, ye Youran suddenly made a stop gesture with a solemn look.

"What's the matter?"

Elder martial sister Miaoyin looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

Because it was quiet around, she didn't notice any danger or the smell of divine beasts.

"There's a big guy."

Ye Youran said with some excitement.

Then under the leadership of Ye Youran.

The crowd quietly lurked in the past and immediately saw a huge divine bird.

The shape of the divine bird is very similar to that of a pheasant.

But he has many long and beautiful feathers.

It looks high and moves gracefully.

The most important thing is that it is big, bigger than Hu Chuang's ROC bird.

But if you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that the two eyes of the divine bird are very big.

In each eye, there are two eyes.

"Oh, my God! It's a heavy bird."

Elder martial sister Miaoyin covered her mouth and tried not to make too much noise.

"Is this the legendary Chongming bird?"

Ye Youran said in surprise.

Chongming bird is a auspicious animal on earth. It is the ancestor of chicken and enjoys the reputation of "bird of five virtues".

Because Chongming bird has a crown on its head, which is Wende.

It's martial virtue to have a distance behind your feet and be able to fight.

It is brave to fight ahead of the enemy.

It is benevolent to have food to greet the same kind.

It is faith to keep watch at night and announce the dawn in the morning.

"Let's go! This Chongming bird has grown up and can't recognize the Lord. Moreover, its strength is no worse than that of the ordinary Immortal Emperor. We are not rivals."

Elder martial sister Miaoyin withdrew again.

Because the best time for a divine beast to recognize its Lord is when it is not yet an adult.

The beast itself is difficult to be recognized as the Lord. Even in the beast mountain, it may not be successful.

The probability of success of adult divine beasts is even smaller, which is almost negligible.

Moreover, this Chongming bird is an adult divine beast, and its strength is too strong.

"I think we can try."

Ye Youran pondered and asked elder martial sister Miaoyin:

"Elder martial sister Miaoyin, do you dare to attract it? As long as you can attract it, maybe I can sneak attack successfully."

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