"What is Pangu ant? Is it powerful?"

No. 1 looked at elder martial sister Miaoyin suspiciously.

Because No. 1 knows that she knows the sacred beast mountain very well.

As for the little ant in his hand, No. 1 is really curious.

This little thing doesn't seem to have any accomplishments.

But you can get a slap from number one without dying.

Although No. 1 is just a casual slap, it doesn't use any strength.

But with the physical quality of number one and the strength of number one.

That slap, even a stone tablet, should be broken.

But I can't help this little mole ant.

With elder martial sister Miaoyin's expression at the moment, No. 1 actually has a very bad hunch.

"Quickly, quickly lose it. Don't be bitten by it."

Elder martial sister Miaoyin seemed very frightened, she said hurriedly.

But she dared not touch the ant.

No. 1 was puzzled, but he was also ready to listen to elder martial sister Miaoyin.

He shook his hand to shake off the ant.

Unfortunately, I have already eaten it.

I saw that it was raised high and seemed to be protesting. The pliers had bitten down hard.

Just bite in the palm of number one.

"Horizontal trough."

Number one immediately screamed.

A sharp pain so strong that No. 1 could hardly bear passed from his palm.

In an instant, it permeates the whole body.

The burning pain comes directly from the soul.

Toxic. It was determined on the 1st that the little ant was highly toxic.

The poison is as strong as that colorful spider.

Fortunately, the response of number one was fairly fast.

He took out the unicorn's blood essence for the first time and took it as soon as he looked up.

The pain is getting better.

Since the last time elder martial sister Miaoyin was bitten by a colorful spider.

Ye Youran keeps some Unicorn blood essence for emergencies.

"Lying trough, what kind of monster is this? A small mole ant can have such strong toxicity."

Number one has lingering palpitations.

Even an ant in the sacred beast mountain is so terrible that no one dares to underestimate the mole ants in the future.

"Run, let's run quickly. We must return to the God of war academy as soon as possible."

Although the poison of No. 1 has been detoxified.

But elder martial sister Miaoyin's face was not much better.

She was full of fear now, and more and more fear.

"What's the matter?"

Little monk Liujing finally came.

Before, he saw elder martial sister Miaoyin walking towards No. 1. He thought elder martial sister Miaoyin had whispered with No. 1!

So he avoided a little.

Hearing the scream before No. 1, he hurried over.

"I've been bitten by ants."

No. 1 said with a bitter smile.

He was bullied by an ant for the first time in his life, and he couldn't get revenge.

Because the ant doesn't know where to go.


Little monk Liujing smiled.

Flirting and flirting to ye Youran is also great enough.

A strong man in heaven's realm pretends to be weak to shameless in front of a woman. Little monk Liujing feels that he has been completely defeated.

He didn't expect ye Youran to have such a face.

But the next moment, little monk Liujing couldn't laugh.

Because elder martial sister Miaoyin said in panic:

"It's Pangu ant. He was bitten by Pangu ant."

Elder martial sister Miaoyin said, more and more flustered.

She looked around and listened, as if she were looking for something.

"Sleeping trough, isn't it? Run away, let's run back to the war god Academy."

This time, it was Liujing's turn to panic.

Even he couldn't help saying that he took No. 1 and ran to the periphery of the sacred beast mountain.

They must return to the outer transmission array and return to the war Theological Seminary as soon as possible.

"What the hell is going on?"

No. 1 is really going to be hoodwinked, but No. 1 dare not hesitate.

He asked as he ran after him.

An ant can make little monk Liujing and elder martial sister Miaoyin react like this.

He knew that the ant was not easy.

But he wanted to know what kind of ant it was.

"Pangu ant, it is said that it was melted by some liquid on the body after the death of Pangu God. It contains highly toxic. They are not marching ants. They usually don't act together. They go out alone to look for food. Once they are in danger, they will send out a smell that we can't smell, but they can attract a large number of Pangu ants in a short time. Go quickly, and later will change."

Little monk Liujing ran quickly with No. 1.

He explained.

It's common sense that you can't fly in the sacred beast mountain.

Because flying will become too obvious a target and will cause a large number of divine beasts to attack.

"Just now that Pangu ant raised its pliers, it was calling for its companions. If it bit you, it would leave a smell. We must leave the sacred beast mountain quickly, or we will all die."

Elder martial sister Miaoyin also explained.

She didn't have time to explain so much before.

Now she can explain, but she regretted that she reminded her late.

"This ancient axe has such a source?"

No. 1 was shocked. It's really big in the world. There are all kinds of wonders.

"I tell you, Pangu ants are not easy to mess with. The fairyland has only one comment on it, that is: you won't die if bitten by a Pangu ant, but you will remember it for a lifetime. If you are besieged by a group of Pangu ants, you don't have to run, because your life is over."

Little monk Liujing said and swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

No. 1 was severely earthquake again.

Yes, he was bitten by a Pangu ant. He will remember the pain for a lifetime.

But No. 1 is not someone who has never seen the world.

As the incarnation of Ye Youran, he has never encountered any danger in his life, so after being shocked, he is curious again:

"You said before that Pangu ant was melted by some liquid on Pangu God. What kind of liquid is it?"

The legend of Pangu God No. 1 is naturally known.

It is said that he made a breakthrough in the world.

And incarnate all things, boundless merit and virtue.

"Have you seen the unofficial history of the fairyland?" It is recorded in the book that chaos begets Pangu, everything is dying, and Qi becomes wind and cloud. The sound is thunder, the left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon. The limbs are four poles, and the five bodies are five mountains. The blood is rivers, the muscles are geography, the muscles are fields and earth, the hair and mustache are stars, the fur is vegetation, the teeth and bones are gold and stones, the marrow and bones are pearls and jade, and the sweat flow is rain. The insects in the body turn into Li because of the wind... "

When little monk Liujing finished, he paused and asked:

"Do you think there was anything else in Pangu that was not recorded here?"

Liujing said, and he looked vaguely at the crotch of No. 1.

Number one immediately knew.

Everything on the body clearly records what it turns into.

Only the liquid that can reproduce is not mentioned.

No wonder there is so much satisfaction in the world.

Ordinary people often have more than a billion tadpoles.

Pangu, the great God, is a giant man who can hold the heaven and earth. The number of small tadpoles is almost countless.

Therefore, there are so many mole ants in the world, countless, all over the fairy world and the earth.

However, just as they ran with their lives.

A lot of "rustling" sounds suddenly sounded around.

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