Little monk Liujing and ye Youran settled an account.

Pangu ant queen ant is really not suitable to be a guardian beast.

The horror of Pangu ant is well known. In fact, no one wants to take Pangu ant as a guardian beast.

But ordinary people simply can't catch Pangu ant queen.

Because the queen of Pangu ant will never leave the nest.

The ant nest is heavily guarded by ant soldiers.

Even if you can catch the queen ant, who will use the ant as a guardian beast?

Not to mention several immortal emperors working together, just one Immortal Emperor. It takes 10 billion Pangu ants to kill.

Ten billion Pangea ants need at least 50 or 60 queens to control.

Every queen ant needs an animal controller, so it needs 50 or 60 animal controllers.

Only when fifty or sixty animal control masters work together can they be comparable to an Immortal Emperor.

This is ridiculous.

If you look for a better Guardian beast, you may not be able to win the Immortal Emperor in the future.

Why join hands with so many people to make yourself mediocre in exchange for the strength of the whole team?

And if it is necessary that Pangu ants can resist the joint efforts of several immortal emperors.

A thousand queen ants may not be feasible.

Then you have to have a thousand animal controllers. How difficult is it for so many people to work together?

There will be a lot of inconvenience when two or three people form a group.

More than one thousand people form a group, and we should make one thousand people as a whole, never give up and advance and retreat together.

This is simply impossible.

Even if the army has been separated all the time, it is impossible to gather together all the time.

Therefore, no one has ever thought, and no one is willing to take Pangu ant as a guardian beast.

"These are not important. The important thing is that you tell me whether it is feasible or not."

Ye Youran thought for a moment or asked.

Because it may be impossible for others.

But it doesn't matter to ye Youran.

Because in theory, ye Youran can cultivate 40 trillion body protectors.

Ye Youran is so similar to Pangu ant. Isn't he equivalent to an ant queen!

In the future, there will be a certain number of incarnations outside his body.

Every incarnation outside the body can connect with the heart and spirit, and takes a Pangu ant queen as the guardian beast.

Then he is really invincible.

All his external incarnations come together and are themselves an invincible force.

With so many Pangu ants, ye Youran suddenly has a kind of pride.

What is Tianwaitian? As long as he is given time, he can make the sky tremble at his feet.

These Pangu ants are ye Youran's hope.

After knowing his destiny.

Ye Youran has a strong sense of urgency in his heart.

Because he knows that his identity will be exposed sooner or later.

Once he is exposed, he will be the first to become a thorn in the eye of the outside world.

So I have a destiny to bear on myself.

Ye Youran can't see hope.

But at this moment, ye Youran seems to have seen it.

Hope lies in the incarnation of access control and Pangu ant.

"In theory, Pangu ants are derived from the body fluid of Pangu God, which contains a certain divinity. The reason why the divine beast can be recognized as the Lord is also because of the divinity of the divine beast. Moreover, the queen Pangu ants can control so many Pangu ants, which also shows that the queen ant has intelligence and should be able to guard the divine beast. However, the hatched queen Pangu ants are not suitable because they hatch It means that when it comes to adulthood, it can only find those queen ant eggs that have not yet hatched and find ways to hatch by itself. "

Elder martial sister Miaoyin finally spoke.

She has recovered from her loss.

Because ask yourself, she is not who ye Youran is. What qualifications do you have to ask and expect ye Youran to sacrifice herself for her!

Perhaps ye Youran just treated her as a senior sister and thanked her for guiding him to obtain unicorn.

So elder martial sister Miaoyin is now back to her previous high and cold posture.

"What if you can become a guardian beast?"

Before ye Youran spoke excitedly, little monk Liujing said first:

"The reason why these Pangu ants can constantly evolve is that when they are strong, they are strong because the queen ant is strong."

"The queen ant is powerful because she hunts powerful creatures and devours their flesh and blood."

"For example, if an ant queen eats the flesh and blood of an Immortal Emperor or a divine beast comparable to the Immortal Emperor, the strength of the ant queen can be comparable to the Immortal Emperor."

"Then the evolution of ant soldiers is always slightly lower than that of the queen ant, that is to say, the queen ant is not strong, and the ant soldiers are slag."

"If you have the ability to kill an Immortal Emperor to cultivate an ant queen, why do you need Pangu ants? You can even kill an Immortal Emperor. Does it make little sense to have Pangu ants?"

"What's more, the power of the queen ant is not permanent. It needs to constantly use the blood essence of the strong to keep it strong."

"Therefore, Pangu ants are a group of creatures who keep looking for food all their life. All ant soldiers send out to look for food, and when they find the right one, they will flock to them."

"If we don't have the flesh and blood of the strong to feed for a long time, Pangu ant will only become weaker and weaker. So believe me, Pangu ant is chicken ribs. It's really not suitable to be a guardian beast."

Little monk Liujing knows that ye Youran is going to give his puppet a separate body to look for the guardian beast.

But he must tell ye Youran that Pangu ant is not the right choice.

Choosing Pangu ant, ye Youran will only let his puppet sacrifice a place for a powerful Guardian beast.

Even finding an ordinary Guardian beast is more suitable than Pangu ant.

"In fact, I don't think Pangu ant is the right choice."

Ye Youran suddenly smiled.

Little monk Liujing was relieved:

"Children can be taught!"

Little monk Liujing found it hard to persuade ye Youran.

Fortunately, he said so much, and finally it worked.

"Well, you've just been detoxified. You'd better have a good rest and recover! I'll go and see my puppet avatar."

Ye Youran left happily.

After ye Youran left, little monk Liujing and elder martial sister Miaoyin also found a safe place and began to sit cross legged.

At this time, ye Youran secretly observed at the entrance of the golden body hall.

Those Pangu ants can't break in for the time being.

Ye Youran tries to release it with his spiritual power.

He wanted to know that those were the eggs of Queen Pangu ant.

Ye Youran does admit that Pangu ant is really not suitable to be a guardian beast.

But it only suits him and will be tailored for him.

He had to steal some queen ant eggs and hatch.

Because Pangu ants are different from ordinary creatures, they are maggots before they are adults.

Once hatched, it means it's an adult.

Therefore, ye Youran must distinguish which are the eggs of ant soldiers and which are the eggs of queen ants.

"It should be these. These eggs are bigger, and the queen ants guard them step by step."

Ye Youran soon recognized it.

The queen ants are big, almost as big as ye Youran's fist.

Because I just lost a lot of ant soldiers.

So many giant queens have begun to lay eggs urgently.

But some of the eggs laid by the queen ant are very small, only the size of rice grains.

Some are big, not as big as corn.

And those small eggs will be moved out by ant soldiers.

But those eggs as big as corn kernels will stay with the queen.

Being watched by the queen ant all the time.

These eggs as big as corn grains should be able to hatch into queen ants' eggs.

They will be ye Youran's goal.

Just how to steal, this is a difficult problem.

Ye Youran felt a little helpless for a moment.

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