Ye Youran resents the fact that the queen ants in the ant nest ate ye Youran's previous body.

So in the next half month, ye Youran did nothing.

Instead, he began to cultivate an army of Pangu ants.

Ye Youran found that Pangu ant queen was fed with a lot of blood essence before she came out of the shell.

It can enhance the potential of Pangu ant queen and make it more powerful.

In this way, the queen Pangu ant can command more ant soldiers.

In general, the eggs produced by the queen ant take more than a month to hatch.

However, the eggs laid by the queen Pangu ant No. 1 can hatch in half a month.

Because of sufficient energy, those ant soldiers hatch faster and have greater potential.

In this half month's time, ye Youran has let his four incarnations have Pangu ant queen as a guardian beast.

And each queen ant laid about 400 million eggs.

This is equivalent to 1.6 billion. Now just wait for the eggs to hatch.

It is worth saying that there are gains and losses.

Ye Youran wants to have the queen ant as the patron saint of his incarnation.

He needs the power of merit to restore his outer incarnation every day.

This also delayed ye Youran's time to cultivate a new incarnation.

But it doesn't matter.

The incarnation will take a long time, but ye Youran wants to avenge those queen ants now.

About half a month has passed.

All the ant soldiers hatched smoothly.

"Let all the ant soldiers go out and give me crazy revenge."

Ye Youran said to the four incarnations.

The body incarnates in the golden body hall, and the queen ants are also in the golden body hall. They send out the ant soldiers. Ye Youran can count the death and injury.

Anyway, those ant soldiers are renewable resources. The big deal is that ye Youran is just a waste of merit.

Another reason why ye Youran is so anxious for revenge is.

It's time for the ant nest to lose its vitality.

At present, there are only about 2.1 billion ant soldiers guarding ant nests.

The remaining 3.4 billion were sent out to look for food.

Because all queens have suffered heavy losses, they need a lot of energy to lay eggs.

And their eggs take nearly two months to hatch.

While the large number of insect eggs have not yet hatched, and the queen ant is the weakest time.

It is the best time for revenge.

So ye Youran can't wait.

Under Ye Youran's control, 1.6 billion ant soldiers were rushed out of the golden body hall.

Ye Youran's Avatar has given orders to their queen ants.

And the queen gave orders to the ant soldiers.

So as soon as the 1.6 billion ant soldiers appeared, they immediately began to kill them crazily.

All the ant soldiers close to the ant nest were killed with broken limbs and arms.

The main target of the 1.6 billion ant soldiers was the tens of billions of eggs they had just laid.

Those eggs were bitten by Ye Youran's Pangu ant army.

Even the nearly 100 queens in the ant nest dodged slowly and had no intention of fighting back.

"What's the matter? Those ant queens are weak and don't fight back! Why don't those ant soldiers fight back?"

Ye leisurely observed everything outside in doubt.

His Pangu ant army is like entering a no man's land.

Those Pangu ants in the ant nest, whether ant soldiers or queen ants, did not mean to fight back.

Or it is to avoid in a hurry, and those who can't avoid will be killed.

This is a complete one-sided massacre, not a battle at all.

But ye Youran soon figured it out, because little monk Liujing once said to ye Youran.

Pangu ants don't kill each other.

At least wild Pangu ants don't.

Because Pangu ants are actually a group of very weak creatures.

The most important thing for weak creatures to survive is to stick together.

A Pangu ant, even the queen ant, is weak.

Because the queen ant's action is very inconvenient. Although she is powerful, she can get enough food only by her own strength.

Without enough food, the queen will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, the queen ant also needs to rely on ant soldiers to help it get food and face strong enemies.

Therefore, Pangu ant's nature is not to kill each other.

The same species, even Pangea ants with different ant nests, will never attack their own kind.

At least in the absence of a host, this is their nature.

Ye Youran's Pangu ant army is controlled by Ye Youran's external avatar.

They wouldn't have killed each other.

But with the command of Ye Youran's outer incarnation, they will still obey the command.

The Pangu ants in the ant nest have no host, no command to them, and naturally will not fight back, because they will respect their nature, which is the highest law for the continuation of this species.

"Forget it! Let them stop!"

After talking for a long time, ye Youran suddenly said.

Because ye Youran is suddenly in awe of Pangu ant.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

In fact, this group of Pangu ants evolved a natural rule that the same species do not kill each other in the survival of the fittest in nature.

They follow their rules, yes.

It's right for them to kill little monk Liujing.

This is just their instinct and their way of survival.

Ye Youran is right to kill them by using their rules.

But it seems cruel and contrary to God.

Thinking of these, ye Youran's resentment and hatred towards those Pangu ants also disappeared.

What's more, ye Youran is an advanced human and has the same experience with a group of mole ants, which makes ye Youran feel too ungrateful.

Moreover, almost all the Pangu ants in the ant nest have fled.

Now no one takes care of his golden body hall.

Ye Youran takes back all Pangu ants.

He controlled the golden body hall and left the ant nest.

After ye Youran left far away, he confirmed that there were no escaping Pangu ants around. Ye Youran released little monk Liujing and elder martial sister Miaoyin.

"We... We escaped?"

Little monk Liujing looked at everything around him.

He really feels like he's in a dream.

When encountering a group of Pangu ants, the iron rule of death was broken by them.

"I also let the golden body hall escape when those Pangu ants didn't pay attention. We'd better hurry!"

Ye Youran didn't tell them about his incarnation taking over Pangu ants.

Because this will be ye Youran's biggest card at present.

No one.

Besides, this card has not yet fully grown up.

In the future, ye Youran will cultivate more external incarnations.

The time to command more Pangu ants is the time to show the power of this door.

And ye Youran decided that unless it was a real time of life and death, he must not easily use this card.

This is a card that ye Youran can only use at the most critical moment, so as to have an unexpected effect.

Otherwise, the enemy may find out in advance and make preparations early.

You know, the world is full of wonders.

Although Pangu ant is against the sky, it is difficult to ensure that there are no natural enemies that can resist Pangu ant in the world.

Just in case, try to keep the mystery of Pangu ant's card!

"Are we going to continue our training in the sacred beast mountain or go home?"

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