Youdao is a cunning rabbit cave.

Those who can live long in the fairy world are often the most low-key people.

And low-key people are often good at hiding and know how to hide themselves.

Unlike some people who show off their skills everywhere.

Elder Xi is obviously the kind of low-key person with city government.

Ye Youran didn't expect that he still had such a card.

This is a blood sacrifice for the whole person.

Use blood to sacrifice yourself and let your soul escape from heaven.

Needless to say, such means must have very serious sequelae.

But there is nothing important in this world except death.

It's worth the price.

Elder Xi is suffering from this strong sequelae.

Desperately trying to escape.

At this time, the speed of elder Xi was as fast as lightning.

Not to mention Pangu ant, even the real Immortal Emperor might not be able to stop him.

If nothing happens, elder Xi must have escaped.

Even elder Xi himself was full of confidence in this.

Otherwise, he won't say goodbye to ye Youran before leaving.

Unfortunately, ye Youran is no longer a hairy boy who doesn't understand anything.

Ye Youran always pursues to do things without leakage. Even if it is a matter of confidence, ye Youran will keep an eye on it.

Ye Youran didn't stop elder Xi from running away.

In fact, ye Youran's can't stop it at all.

But although ye Youran can't stop it, ye Youran's outer incarnation can.

When elder Xi was about to escape from the cave.

Four figures suddenly appeared outside the cave.

"What? It's impossible."

Elder Xi thought he was dazzled.

But no matter from looks or breath, these four people are just like ye Youran.

While elder Xi was surprised.

The four people outside the cave shot at the same time.

And it's the ancient devil killing immortal fist.

The ancient demon immortal killing fist is the magic power of the ancient demon body.

It can become more powerful with the improvement of Ye leisurely's cultivation.

At this time, the four people joined hands, and the ancient magic immortal killing fist was enough to threaten the peak of the general heaven realm.

But at this time, the Western elder sacrificed himself with blood. At this time, he was the weakest time.

In addition to speed, he can hardly resist the ancient demon immortal killing fist.

The person who uses the ancient devil killing immortal fist is naturally the incarnation of Ye Youran.

Ye Youran currently has four incarnations.

Ye Youran entered the cave for the sake of safety.

But let four incarnations squat outside the cave to guard against accidents.

Originally, with the strength and speed of Ye Youran's four external incarnations, elder Xi couldn't be stopped.

But there is still a distance for elder Xi to escape to the cave.

At the moment of his departure, ye Youran's outer incarnation "saw".

It can be said that while elder Xi sacrificed his blood, the four of them fought together.

Only in this way can ye Youran's outer incarnation have enough time to react.


With a loud noise, the soul of elder Xi was blasted into the cave again.

At this time, the Western elder was already hurt.

His soul began to fade.

"You have cards, and so do I. These four are my incarnations. They are no different from my own."

Ye leisurely sneers and walks to elder Xi.

Then, ye leisurely burst out a suction force in his palm.

Suck elder Xi into his palm.

Ye leisurely died on the neck of the Western elder.

Although elder Xi is now the body of the soul, he has given up the body.

But in ye Youran's hand, even the soul can't get rid of it at all.

"I wanted you to die more comfortably, but you didn't cooperate! Then I had to find the answer I needed by myself."

Ye Youran said that the powerful soul force suppressed the past to the soul body of the Western elder like a storm.

Ye Youran's soul power is very powerful.

With the blessing of two leopard tailed insects.

Ye Youran is now in the later stage of tianzunjing.

But his soul body is absolutely not inferior to the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

Elder Xi's soul body has become weak.

Simply can not resist the suppression of Ye Youran's spiritual power.

Soon he became ignorant.

Even the expression of fear was still frozen on his face, but his eyes could no longer focus.

"Soul searching."

Ye leisurely's spiritual power goes straight to the Huanglong and probes into the deepest soul of elder Xi.

Here are all the memories of his life.

Just for some useless memories, ye Youran disdains to get.

Half an hour later, ye Youran had read all the memories of elder Xi.

Unfortunately, what makes ye Youran very helpless is.

The hell organization is so mysterious.

Even elder Xi can't fully understand the organization of hell.

From the memory of elder Xi, ye Youran basically knows that the current hell organization is basically divided into two parts.

One is the black hall and the other is the white hall.

The black hall is responsible for assassination, assassination and surveillance.

The white hall is responsible for infiltrating and attracting people's hearts.

White hall and black hall perform their respective duties, and the leader of hell is called the king of hell.

Both the black hall and the white hall are under the unified management of the king of hell.

The black hall and the white hall also have a hall master, two deputy hall masters, and several elders who protect the hall.

Then there are hell messengers. Super immortal emperors such as Hu Lang and Nanli Immortal Emperor are just hell messengers.

Even hell messengers are super immortal emperors. It can be seen how terrible those Temple elders and temple masters are.

Not to mention, there is a king of hell above the temple Lord.

Under the hell Messenger, there are countless cattle, ghosts and snake gods, which are collectively referred to as prison guards.

Ye Youran suddenly became awed of the hell organization.

This is definitely a super behemoth.

No one knows how many people or forces in the fairy world have been infiltrated by hell.

Maybe even some people in the war Theological Seminary have been infiltrated.

Unfortunately, ye Youran wants to know very little other information.

Because hell protects these people's identity very well.

Even many people in hell don't know their identity.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for ye Youran to find the information of Hu Lang and Nanli Immortal Emperor through the memory of elder Xi.

But one message is very important to ye Youran.

It also makes ye Youran very optimistic.

That is, ye Youran has a list of people who joined the hell organization after the mobilization of elder Xi.

One of the names made ye Youran's heart very heavy.

That's Donald.

The Tang family is now one of the eight new families in the southern region.

Donald, the leader of the Tang family, is an honorary elder of the ten thousand demon valley.

This bastard is not only the honorary elder of ten thousand demon Valley, but also the jailer of hell organization.

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