Ye Youran felt that it was worth exchanging one arm and the life of the devil for the life of No. 1.

Because the arm can be repaired. In the state of heaven, although it is impossible to rebirth with blood, it is not difficult to rebirth with a broken arm.

However, No. 1's injury is not just an arm.

The strong anti earthquake force has made No. 1 seriously injured and ready to die.

Ye Youran sent a power of merit and virtue into No. 1's body, which

To stabilize number one's injury.

But in a short time, No. 1 still had no power to fight again.

However, with the help of merit, No. 1's injury is recovering at a very fast speed.

"Sure enough, there are some means. It seems that I underestimated you."

When No. 1 secretly recovered from his injury, a young voice suddenly sounded.

When No. 1 looked at it, it was actually a child.

The child is only about one meter two tall.

There are two bun on his head.

Wearing a red belly pocket.

It's like a red boy in a TV series.

However, although the image of this young child is amusing.

But his eyes showed a murderous spirit that was not consistent with his height.

"Magic boy, help me."

When the devil saw the child appear, he immediately shouted eagerly.

But at this time, the devil was obviously still suffering so much that his voice was shaking.

"Hum! What a waste."

The child who was called the devil child said coldly in a childish voice:

"If it weren't for you, I would be the eye of this array. I want to kill you."

The Devil boy's voice had no pity.

But what he said stunned No. 1.

The human shaped array eye is set on the living person.

What kind of array is this? I've never heard of number one.

No wonder No. 1 began to wonder when he entered the array. He definitely couldn't see the array eye and feel the existence of the array eye.

It turned out that the array eye was on both of them.

The person who arranges this array is absolutely a genius. He can think of such an array arrangement.

It seems that the only way to break the whole array is to kill one of them.

As long as one of them dies, the array will break through.

While talking, the demon boy waved his hand, and an inexplicable force lifted the demon statue away.

Flying to a pile of rocks in the distance, the devil was thrown seven meat and eight vegetables.

But this is to avoid the opportunity for No. 1 to kill the devil again.

Of course, if number one really wants to kill the devil, it's still easy.

As long as No. 1 exposes Pangu ants, the devil will die.

But No. 1 did not do so, because it is not time to expose Pangu ants.

"Ye Youran, do it yourself! Although I admit that you have some means and don't know what means you used to defeat the devil, you are definitely not my opponent now. If you fall into the hands of my devil boy, life will be better than death."

The magic boy looked at number one sitting next to him.

At this time, No. 1 is very embarrassed.

I lost an arm and my body was even more flesh and blood.

Most importantly, number one's spirit is very depressed.

Of course, this is just the surface of No. 1. In fact, No. 1's injury has almost recovered.

Although it has not fully recovered to its peak, it still has some self-protection ability.

"The word self-determination has never been in my dictionary."

Number one looked at the magic boy coldly.

This is not No. 1 conceit. There is a Buddha in the golden body hall and Pangu ants lurking aside. Even if the demon boy is the Immortal Emperor, he can't be No. 1.

"Really? The demons are dancing."

The devil child sneered, and then the devil child's body began to turn into countless virtual shadows.

At this moment, it seemed that countless magic children jumped on number one.

In the absence of mental strength, it is impossible to tell which is his real body and which is his phantom.

"Small space."

Number one suddenly moved.

Before the demon boy pounced, the body of No. 1 suddenly disappeared.

When No. 1 reappeared, he had reached behind the demon boy.

The art of small space is a perception of space taught by the golden emperor to ye Youran.

Ye Youran can share this feeling with his outer incarnation.

But No. 1's physical quality and Qi and blood are not as good as ye Youran.

So he can't jump in space as far as ye Youran.

But it's more than enough to deal with the demon boy.


The demon boy was shocked.

Because this is a real space jump, the magic boy has no mental power at this time.

Even with mental strength, he can't find the trace of No. 1.

Only the super Immortal Emperor can achieve this ghostly speed.

The magic boy was really frightened by the speed of number one.

So that his body stagnated slightly.

At this moment of stagnation, the figures of magic children all over the sky were instantly integrated.

"Zhenmo Sutra, seal."

At the moment of seeing the Devil boy.

No. 1 threw a punch without hesitation.

The fist of No. 1 blew out, and a strange Rune was suddenly blown to the magic child by No. 1.

The Rune of Zhenmo Sutra has been fully integrated into ye Youran's body.

All four limbs and bones, and even every grain cell, are fused with the Runes of Zhenmo Sutra.

Therefore, every outer incarnation of Ye Youran can use the Runes of Zhenmo classic.

This is also the first time ye Youran used the seal Rune of Zhenmo Sutra.

Because the Rune of the demon calming Sutra is the bane of the demon cultivator.

If you are a monk, the Rune of Zhenmo Sutra has little restraint effect on him.

But for practitioners, that's different.

Once the Rune of Zhenmo Sutra is put into the body, it will seal the cultivation of the demon child.

His magic yuan could no longer run, and it became fish on the chopping board.

But number one underestimated the demon boy.

Although the Devil boy is petite, his speed and reaction are worthy of being immortal emperor.

Even in the early days of the Immortal Emperor, he easily avoided the past.

"The magic sound is like waves."

A harmonica like thing suddenly appeared in the Devil boy's hand.

He played on the harmonica.

A circle of terrible sound waves immediately attacked and killed number one.

Boom, No. 1 was blown. This is right there.

His chest sank.

And the terrible sound blew number one away.

At this time, the magic sound was very terrible and rippled out in circles.

Number one covered his head and rolled on the ground.

Even the devil is no exception.

Although the devil has been lifted by the Devil boy and flew out of the battlefield.

But even he could not escape the terrible sound wave.

Originally, he should be able to resist his early cultivation of Immortal Emperor.

But poisoned by Pangu ant, he was at his weakest moment.

Therefore, it can not resist the erosion of the magic sound.

"Another ancient treasure."

Number one is terrible.

The magic sound seemed to strike his soul directly.

At this time, the No. 1 soul was turbulent and rolled painfully on the ground.

"Pangu ant, give it to me."

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