"Your boy is really the same as the legend. He has courage, courage and strength."

The old man was silent for a long time before he said:

"I don't care whether you are bluffing or really sure, you have convinced me. You are indeed a genius with great potential. There are too many uncertain factors. Even I don't want to be against you."

The old man paused and then said:

"Originally, I have no grievances with you. I just think that the five million high-level immortal stones might as well be pocket money for my master Zhenlong as they are cheaper than others. But now it seems that the five million high-level immortal stones can't be cheaper than others."

The old man then turned into a golden light and disappeared like a golden dragon.

But his voice still echoes in the ears of Ye Youran and others:

"Little guy, live well! Maybe you can break the shackles of the fairyland. I'm looking forward to that day."

The old man really left.

At this time, ye Youran was relieved and almost didn't spread it on the ground.

Before, ye Youran was just holding on.

He forced himself to stand up straight without shaking or sweating.

But ye Youran's back has been completely wet with cold sweat.

The super Immortal Emperor level strong man is really not built.

There is a gap between the high Immortal Emperor and the super Immortal Emperor, but there is more than a gap.

After a dozen breaths.

Ye Youran calmed down completely.

Ye leisurely turned back slowly, but he saw Hong Meng stunned and stunned.

"You... What's the matter?"

Ye Youran was surprised.

Did the old man secretly attack Hong Meng before?

However, ye Youran's concern is obviously superfluous.

Hong Meng spat hard sputum, which only make complaints about the way:

"His grandmother's is actually a real dragon master. It's spicy next door. I'm scared to death."

Hong Meng took a few greedy deep breaths.

Because he forgot to breathe before, and now he makes it up.

The situation of Bai Zifan and little monk Liujing is not much better.

Although not as exaggerated as Hong Meng.

But sweat still appeared on their foreheads.

"Who is the real dragon? Is it awesome?"

Ye Youran looked at them puzzled.

"It's not a cow, it's quite a cow."

Bai Zifan is always elegant, but he still burst out a rude remark.

Then he looked at ye Youran strangely and said:

"You're an animal controller. Haven't you heard of the real dragon master?"

"I'm an animal controller. What does it have to do with hearing about the real dragon master?"

Ye Youran asked.

In fact, although ye Youran's hypocrisy has risen all the way, now he is a good strong man.

Also know a lot of things he didn't know before.

However, ye Youran is still quite lack of understanding of the strong.

"Master Zhenlong and Water Ghost Luther, vice president of the animal Theological Seminary, are called the two monsters in the animal control world."

Little monk Liujing took over the topic and said.

"The real dragon is the super Immortal Emperor, and the water ghost Luther is just the peak of heaven. Can they be famous side by side?"

Ye leisurely asked curiously.

Water Ghost Luther Ye leisurely still knows.

At the beginning of the martial arts meeting in the Fifth Academy, Luther was the leading vice president of the animal Theological Seminary, known as the water ghost.

Water Ghost Luther is also the first genius of the animal Theological Seminary and the personal teacher of Suo Yutong.

But one is the super Immortal Emperor and the other is the peak of heaven's realm. These two people can't beat each other. Can they be famous side by side?

"They are famous not because of their accomplishments, but because of the crazy things they do."

Bai Zifan said:

"Water Ghost Luther's Guardian beast is a mermaid, which is the third kind of beast, but water ghost Luther fell in love with his guardian beast, and he once held a wedding for himself. In the animal control world, it is unique that the animal controller falls in love with his guardian beast."

Lying in a trough... Ye Youran has seen a lot.

I didn't expect the mermaid to be a real species.

What ye Youran didn't expect was that someone would fall in love with his guardian beast and hold a wedding.

This is indeed a unique thing.

"What about the real dragon? What did he do?"

Ye Youran became more and more curious.

It's wonderful enough that water ghost Luther fell in love with his guardian beast.

Master Zhenlong can be as famous as water ghost Luther. Ye Youran is really curious about what shocking things he has done.

"What the real dragon master did was unprecedented in the fairy world. That is, he integrated with his guardian beast."

Said little monk Liujing.

It turns out that the real dragon master has this name because his guardian beast is a golden dragon.

Although the golden dragon is not the third kind of beast, it can be as famous as the white tiger beast of little monk Liujing.

It's just that the white tiger beast of little monk Liujing hasn't grown up yet.

The real dragon master himself has no special physique and general talent.

But he suddenly had a whim and took action.

That is to integrate with their own golden dragon gods and beasts.

After two in one, the real dragon master obtained the special constitution of the golden dragon body.

They blend with each other and become twins. They can't be separated.

However, although the process of integration is extremely dangerous, it is often life-threatening.

But the Dragon Master succeeded, and thus improved his talent and potential.

Then the cultivation went up all the way. It took only more than 1000 years to become the super Immortal Emperor from the cultivation of heaven.

Since then, it has the name of master Zhenlong.

It is also because he and Water Ghost Luther are called the two monsters, or two wonderful flowers, in the animal control world.

"Er! There is such an operation."

Ye leisurely opened his eyes and said:

"But it's a shortcut! Maybe you can try it."

Ye leisurely said sincerely.

In addition to talent, potential and source of blessing, many factors are needed to rise in the fairy world.

Even if it is a real genius, no one dares to say that he will become a peerless strong man.

Because genius has its time.

If you combine with your guardian beast, you will become a peerless strong man.

You can really try.

"Don't think so."

Baizi Fanton said nervously:

"In fact, some people did this before the real dragon ascended, but without exception, they all died."

"After the true dragon master, there are countless geniuses who follow the trend and do not hesitate to take risks, but they are all without exception. The grave grass is already very high."

"Because the human body and the divine animal body are different in structure and gene."

"Cross species integration and exclusion are quite strong. The success of the real dragon man can only be said to be caused by countless coincidences and special factors that he can't understand. He has been the only one to succeed for hundreds of millions of years."

"If you don't want to die, you'd better not try."

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