"If you don't want to break another hand or leg, you'd better close your mouth."

I heard people screaming around.

Ye Youran said coldly.

Ye Youran's words are more effective than any analgesic needle in the world.

Everyone keeps their mouth shut!

I dare not make a sound again.

Even the decoration workers who were at a loss in the corner of more than a dozen expensive houses quietly forced their mouths.

They're scared too!

They have never seen such a scene.

Before they were afraid of taking down local ruffians and hooligans, now they are even more afraid of Ye Youran.

"Well, now you can call."

When everyone is quiet.

Ye Youran then went to the strong man whose mouth was full of blood and whose ears and wrists were still racing blood.

At the same time, ye Youran picked up the stool that tripped the strong man before.

He swaggered in front of the strong man.

At this time, the strong man looked at ye Youran as if he saw a devil.

If time could come again, he vowed that he must be a good man and never join any black organization.

"I... I'm pregnant on the phone."

The strong man cried with wind in his mouth.

His cell phone has been thinly broken by Ye Youran.

He can't call if he wants to.

"Oh! I forgot. I'm sorry. I'm pregnant with my phone."

Ye Youran seemed to remember, then looked around at the local ruffians and said:

"Which of you has a phone? Take it out quickly, but don't let me search!"

After a bad breath.

Ye Youran is much calmer now.

Therefore, speaking is much calmer than before.

However, the calm tone of voice made those supporters more frightened and scared.

"I have, I have!"

The ruffian closest to ye Youran endured severe pain.

Quickly take out the mobile phone in your pocket and push it in front of the strong man.

"Ye Youran, is it too much, or let them go to the hospital!"

Nurse Xiaoling has calmed down now.

It was because she calmed down that she became more afraid.

All these people were really crippled by Ye Youran.

Don't kill people!

Sun Chao's story is fresh in my mind! Impulse is the devil.

"It's all right. I'm a doctor myself. I can't die."

Ye Youran is not in a hurry.

In fact, ye Youran used the medicinal gas when she shot before.

Those with broken hands and legs are in great pain.

But there was not much blood flowing out of their wounds.

All the blood vessels were sealed by drug gas.

It's just a little blood on the surface of the skin.

"Call whoever instructs you, and ask him to send money or collect your bodies."

After appeasing nurse Xiaoling.

Ye Youran said to the strong man who was lying on the ground and didn't dare to get up.

"Brother... Oh, no! Sir, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong..."

"Shall I say it again?"

Ye Youran looked into the eyes of the strong man.

The strong Hamilton had the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Trembling with fear, he quickly made a call.

"Lao Huang, you fucking hurt me. Come quickly and bring 4 million cash to your store. You'll arrive in half an hour. If you don't arrive, my shark gang will kill your family."

The strong man cursed fiercely on the phone.

The strong man really regretted working with manager Huang.

Although the previous two cooperation made them a lot of money.

But this time I kicked the iron plate.

"Shark Gang? Hehe, it's really a narrow road!"

After listening to the strong man's words, ye Youran suddenly sneered.

Sharks again.

No wonder they dare to set themselves up so blatantly.

It turned out that there were sharks behind it!

The shark Gang is one of the three gangs in QY city.

This is exactly the territory of the sharks.

Most people are scared to their knees when they hear the name shark gang.

Those rich big bosses are even more afraid.

Because sharks kill people without blinking an eye!

The law can punish them, but the sharks can also punish their families with violence.

So the more rich people are, the more afraid they are to provoke the shark gang.

If anyone encounters such a thing, he should admit it obediently, and then pack up and leave.

Unfortunately, ye Youran is not an ordinary person.

This plant, the leaf leisurely does not recognize.

"Ye... Do you know the shark Gang? We are all shark gang. There must be some misunderstanding between us..."

The strong man saw ye Youran and heard the name of the shark gang.

His mind suddenly settled down a lot.

It's easy to know the sharks.

He is also afraid that ye Youran is a lengtouqing and doesn't know the shark Gang!

The shark Gang always protects the weak. As long as ye Youran has heard of the shark Gang, he should give in.

"There is no misunderstanding. There is no misunderstanding between you and me."

However, what makes the strong man desperate is.

Ye Youran firmly promised:

"There is no misunderstanding between me and your shark Gang except contradiction and even hatred. By the way, I want to ask you about someone."

Ye Youran asked:

"Do you know brother bald? He seems to belong to your shark gang."

"Yes, we had a drink together some time ago... Er... Not very familiar."

The strong man thought ye Youran knew brother bald.

A little kindness can make ye Youran let him go.

Think of Ye Youran's words "only contradiction and hatred".

He quickly changed his words.

In fact, the strong man and the bald brother really know each other, and their friendship is not shallow.

After all, he is the leader of the shark gang.

Unfortunately, some time ago, bald brother didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly ran away.

Why run? The strong man hasn't figured it out yet!

Maybe the top management of the shark Gang knows why, but he doesn't dare to ask.

"Where is he now? I heard he ran away. I was looking for him!"

Ye Youran asked with a sneer.

Since the last time ye Youran entered the police station because of brother bald.

The director of the police station and the old patrolman were sacked.

The special police brigade is also investigating the whereabouts of brother bald.

But Wang Dapeng called Ye Youran and said.

The bald man ran away.

I can't find anyone for the time being. Let him think about safety at ordinary times.

As for the shark Gang, now the special police brigade is staring at them!

But the sharks are smart and cunning.

There is still little evidence of their crime.

As long as it is confirmed that the shark Gang is black, the special police brigade can catch the shark gang at any time.

"I don't know, I don't know. That bastard is very immoral. He must have offended someone. He deserves to die!"

The strong man shook his head like a rattle.

And put yourself out of touch with brother bald.

In the Q & A between ye Youran and the strong man.

Soon half an hour passed.

Just when ye Youran was going to lose patience.

A fat, sweaty man opened the door with his own key and came in.

After he came in, he was stunned and frightened.

Because the situation at the scene is simply ugly and shocking!

And this person is no one else, it is manager Huang.

Looking at the empty handed manager Huang, the strong man immediately vented all his anger and fear:

"Lao Huang, come here with your fucking empty hands? Shit, believe it or not, I'll kill your family tomorrow."

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