Whether ye Youran's plan can succeed depends on small space technology.

At least one thing ye Youran is sure, that is to ensure the safety of Hong Meng.

Ye Youran's Buddha can now jump 1200 meters in space.

Ye Youran chose to start planning when he was 800 meters away from Hong Meng. Whether it was rescue or encirclement, this distance was appropriate.

And with Ye leisurely's "start".

Hong Meng rushed decisively in the direction of Blackwater city.

Sure enough, at the moment when Hong Meng started, the neutrality of the sky even spread an angry crane.

Because this time, Hong Meng ran with all his strength and drove as fast as possible.

This greatly stimulated the footless bird, so that it no longer had breath and body shape, and rushed directly to Hong.

Like an eagle fighting a rabbit.

"Do it."

Ye Youran himself bears the brunt.

All ye Youran's external incarnations also went out.

As for little monk Liujing and baizifan, they can only watch helplessly.

Because they don't have small space, they can't even eat the ash of the footless bird in terms of speed.


Ye Youran's jumping distance is the farthest. He can directly appear between the footless bird and Hong Meng, blocking the footless bird's way.

And ye Youran offered a divine whip again and pulled it down hard.

The footless bird has suffered the loss of beating the whip once.

Where would it get another whip?

Therefore, when ye Youran appeared, the footless bird flew sideways almost conditionally, trying to bypass ye Youran.

However, when the footless bird changed its direction, a leaf leisurely appeared in front of it again.

The footless bird doesn't know that it is the embodiment of Ye Youran.

Although it is clever, it is far from being mature.

It will only regard ye Youran's outer incarnation as ye Youran's self.

Therefore, it is almost a conditional reflection that generally changes direction again.

But the footless bird was soon covered.

Because it doesn't know how to change its direction, it can always be stopped by Ye leisurely.

This time makes the footless bird fear and panic.

It can sense danger from ye Youran, especially after being hit by a divine whip, it really doesn't want to conflict with ye Youran again.

But the sky is full of Ye leisurely figure, it has nowhere to escape.

Like a trapped animal in a cage, the more it can't escape, the more it wants to escape.

And just as it whines and constantly changes direction, it wants to break through ye Youran's blockade.

Ye Youran's master saw the opportunity.


Ye Youran turned into a magic whip again and whipped a whip on the back of the footless bird.

The whip was so powerful that it reeled the footless bird directly.

And the back is also torn, scattered with feathers.

The footless bird's body is even shorter, but it moans when its body is about to land.

It flapped its wings wildly, and its body rose again.

"Whip and pester."

How can ye Youran miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Throw the whip out again.

Although there is no way to control it, it can still be waved like an arm.

Beating the whip is like having eyes, which is accurately wrapped around the neck of the footless bird.

"Come on."

Under Ye Youran's traction, the footless bird almost took ye Youran up into the air.

Although ye Youran's power is strong, the power of the footless bird is greater.

However, with ye Youran's toughness, the speed of the footless bird will certainly be limited.

At this moment, ye Youran's five external incarnations all use small space technique at the same time to jump at the footless bird.

Some of them held the wings of the footless bird, and some directly circled its neck. Anyway, they all hung on the footless bird.

The reason why the five outer incarnations jump on the footless bird is that ye Youran has only five outer incarnations with Pangu ants.

Pangea ant can fly by using the reaction force formed by the bite force of its teeth, but its speed is faster than that of a footless bird.

Moreover, when the footless bird stirs its wings madly, the wind pressure is stronger, which will further affect the flight ability of Pangu ant.

At the moment when ye Youran's five outer incarnations came into contact with the footless bird, nearly 2 billion Pangu ant soldiers surged from the animal nest of the five outer incarnations.

And crazily drill into the footless bird.

Pangu ant is the last killer of Ye Youran.

As long as they can get close, Pangu ants can instantly poison the footless birds and fall to the ground.



Under the bite of countless Pangu ants, the footless bird was in pain. It roared and rolled in the air.

Countless Pangu ants and all the incarnations of Ye Youran were thrown away.

However, a small number of Pangu ants are still on the footless birds.

Most importantly, ye leisurely's goal has been achieved.

In order to prevent the impending counterattack of the footless bird, ye Youran resolutely put away the whip.

Boom! Then the footless bird fell to the ground.

It's like a crashed plane. It flutters its wings to get up, but it makes the plain messy and pitted.

But in great pain, no matter how it tosses, it can't fly again.

"Finally succeeded."

Ye Youran put away all his incarnations.

And Hong Meng and baizifan retreated far away from them to guard against accidental injury.

At this moment, Hong Meng and baizifan admire Qiye leisurely.

Although ye Youran's plan is a little risky many times.

But never failed.

This time, if the footless bird is encountered by ordinary people, I'm afraid there's nothing to do.

But ye Youran let it fall to the ground.

However, this is also due to ye Youran's external incarnation.

They really don't know how ye Youran refined so many external incarnations. This magical power is invincible.

"It's on fire. It's on fire."

However, when they were relieved.

But suddenly I found a white fire on the body of the footless bird.

The fire appeared suddenly and powerful.

Many Pangu ants on the footless birds were instantly burned into fly ash.

The power of this white flame is really more terrible than the nine sky Xuan fire of Ye Youran.

"Back off."

Ye Youran immediately asked all Pangu ants to retreat. There was no need to make this white sacrifice.

"Is this... Nirvana?"

Bai Zifan suddenly whispered.

Ye Youran and others were also surprised.

Nirvana rebirth, isn't this the special magic power of the Phoenix beast?

Why can a bird without feet?

And the Phoenix Nirvana flame should not be white!

When ye Youran was wondering and guessing.

The white flame came fiercely and went quickly.

A huge footless bird soon left only a pile of ashes.

In the ashes, a small bird appeared, not yet fully feathered.

It is not so much a bird as a newly hatched chicken.

It chirped and ate the ashes left by the burning of the footless birds.

As it ate more, its feathers began to grow rapidly and its wings became richer.

Also, ye Youran and they all really saw that it really had no feet.

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