After hearing that Hong Meng said it was ye Youran's advice, Hong Meng came to the rescue of Laifu.

Lai Fu's look at Ye leisurely eased a lot.

But he just looked at ye Youran with his eyes.

It's hard to say how grateful Laifu is to ye Youran.

Because Laifu didn't have much gratitude on his face, and he didn't kneel down to Ye leisurely.

He just returned to the question before ye Youran with a tender voice and said:

"Thank you, Grandpa. I don't know how old I am. I just vaguely remember that I seem to have died many times."

Laifu's words are strange.

But the seriousness on his face doesn't seem to be lying.

But ye Youran and baizifan looked at each other and were really interested in Laifu.

Because ye Youran and they all have a hunch that the child's story may be very popular.

It turned out that the child didn't know where he came from or what his name was.

There are many intermittent fragments in his mind.

He vaguely remembered from his memory that he seemed to have been killed by many people.

But I don't know why he survived in the end.

And every time he dies, he will return to the state of a baby.

Then he grew up slowly. As he grew older, the memories in his mind began to emerge gradually and become clearer and clearer.

Also, Laifu was reborn in Heishui River after his last death.

He became a baby and was rescued by a woman in Heishui city in Heishui river.

The woman is from the rouge shop in Heishui city.

To put it bluntly, it's a dust woman.

In the fairyland, there are still many dusty women.

In order to obtain more cultivation resources, or to please some great figures of great power, some female nuns without money and power incarnate into dust women.

Rouge workshop is such a place.

The woman rescued Laifu and gave him a popular name.

Laifu has lived in Rouge workshop for 18 years.

Silent, he respected the woman who saved him.

Laifu is a man who knows his kindness and plans to repay it.

Although the woman is a dust woman, Laifu regards her as his mother.

It was only last night that the Immortal Emperor was having fun in the rouge workshop.

Then he killed Laifu's mother.

It's playing dead.

Those who can be reduced to dust women are poor and powerless people.

In places like Rouge shop, the mortality rate of dusty women is very high, because such women die.

No one can do with the strong man of the Immortal Emperor.

So Laifu met the Immortal Emperor strong man in the street today. He knew he was not the opponent of the Immortal Emperor strong man.

But he still made a bold move.

Unfortunately, Laifu is only an 18-year-old child, although he has the cultivation of golden fairyland.

But he can't play the strength of golden Wonderland at all.

Because all the immortal elements in his body are rigid in his body, he can't work at all.

Therefore, Laifu has the realm of golden fairyland, but it is only the skill of ordinary people in the fairyland.

What's more, it's a strong man and an Immortal Emperor. Even if Laifu can really give full play to the strength of golden fairyland, what can he do?

If it hadn't been for Hong Meng, he would have died in the street today.

But Laifu never worried about his life and death.

Facing life and death, only he can be really indifferent.

Because I know I can't die. It's a big deal to start all over again and change back to a baby state.

Anyway, in his memory, he didn't know how many times he had died.

"There is such a thing in the world."

Ye Youran and baizifan were shocked.

This is an immortal body!

"Come here and I'll check your body."

Ye Youran always waved to Fu.

Because ye Youran has two ideas at the moment.

One is Laifu's insanity. The memories of the dead and the resurrected in his mind should be false.

In other words, those memories may be his own fantasy, in fact, he can't really come back from the dead.

Another possibility is that this blessing may be the reincarnation of ancient power.

Only the real ancient power can do this!

But the details can only be known after ye Youran has checked it.

"You come here, I mean you no harm."

Ye Youran hesitated obviously when he saw Laifu.

Even Laifu looked at Hong Meng and seemed to be waiting for Hong Meng to help him decide.

It can be seen that Laifu is dependent on Hong Meng's reborn parents.

Even if ye leisurely urges, Laifu still hesitates.

"Go, what are you doing? You're lucky to be liked by my boss."

Hong gave Lai Fu a white look.

Only Hong Meng knows how rebellious ye Youran is.

To gain ye Youran's friendship or trust is definitely a pie in the sky.

Hong Meng and others have such feelings.

When they and ye Youran joined the war god academy, they were just the cultivation in the real fairyland.

Now they are in the late stage of heaven.

Although this is closely related to their own efforts, it is also related to ye Youran to a large extent.

If it weren't for ye Youran, they wouldn't be admitted to the war Theological Seminary, and they wouldn't have a series of adventures and opportunities.

After Hong Meng's approval, Laifu went to Ye leisurely.

Ye Youran tries to put his hand on Laifu's forehead.

Ye leisurely's soul power slowly entered Laifu's mind.

Ye Youran wants to check whether Fu's memory has been modified or confused for some reason.

Such access is not a browsing, and will not cause any harm to Laifu.


However, ye leisurely's soul power has just entered Laifu's mind.

Although ye Youran has been very careful.

But an extremely terrible soul force immediately attacked ye Youran.

Caught off guard, ye Youran was forced back three steps.

The chair in which he sat suddenly fell apart.

The noisy hall was quiet.

Many people look at ye Youran.

However, they did not see ye Youran's action to check Laifu's soul.

They thought ye Youran was competing with Hong Meng!

Many practitioners have been closed for decades.

It is also common to exchange views with your best friends after leaving the customs.

So the hall soon recovered.

But the hearts of Ye Youran and others can't be calm for a long time.

Bai Zifan, Hong Meng and little monk Liujing looked at ye Youran and Laifu with alarm.

When ye Youran could be forced into this field, they suddenly felt a little afraid of Laifu in front of them.

Laifu himself seemed as if nothing had happened. He just looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

He didn't know what had happened to ye Youran and why he suddenly smashed his chair.

While ye Youran tried to calm himself down under the expectant eyes of Bai Zifan, and then said:

"It's a seal. Such a powerful seal can't be set by the super Immortal Emperor."

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