Bai Zifan's analysis is still in place.

Thinking of danger in times of peace should be a skill that people in Blackwater city should have learned long ago.

In the absence of animal tide attacks, they should still have a mechanism to deal with the crisis at any time.

So ye leisurely nodded and agreed with Bai Zifan.

At the same time, ye Youran also wants to see how Blackwater city can resolve this animal tide attack.

However, with the passage of time, the animal tide was getting closer and closer to Blackwater city. Ye Youran soon found something wrong.

Now the beast tide is less than a thousand miles away from Blackwater.

But people in Blackwater are still not nervous.

Also, there are people in and out of the city gate. You're so free.

There was no sign of rain at all.

"No! This time the animal tide attack is strange!"

Ye leisurely let the footless bird focus on observing the animal tide.

This time, the animal tide attack seemed to be under control.

There is indeed an early warning tower outside Blackwater.

There is an early warning tower every ten kilometers, and there is a person in each early warning tower.

But this time the animal tide was very strange. They would attack the people in the warning tower in advance.

They can kill people before the warning tower sends an alarm.

Ye Youran asked the footless bird to lower its height before he found out how the people in the warning tower died.

The beast that killed the warning tower was actually a group of small beasts like bees.

The fierce beasts the size of bees took the lead in this animal tide attack.

Because of their small size and fast speed, it is generally difficult for people in the early warning tower to find them in advance.

By the time it was discovered, it had been killed by them.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid all the warning towers in Blackwater city will lose their function.

Because the black fog of Heishui river is too thick, it provides a natural umbrella for those small fierce beasts.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid those fierce beasts will not be found until they reach the gate of the city!

"Go, get out."

Ye leisurely makes a quick decision.

The warning tower will not work. Even if the fierce beast is finally found in Blackwater City, I'm afraid it's too late to close the gate.

At that time, Blackwater city will suffer heavy losses.

Ye Youran came to Blackwater city for the purpose of unifying Blackwater city and making Blackwater City his backing.

Ye Youran naturally does not want heavy casualties in Blackwater city.

Otherwise, ye Youran will lose himself.

Seeing that the animal tide is coming, more than a dozen early warning towers have been destroyed.

It's too late without informing everyone.

Ye Youran returned to the city gate at a very fast speed.

At this time, the city gate is quite lively.

Because a huge team is leaving the city.

There are hundreds of guards, of which the lowest cultivation is in the early days of Tianzun territory.

There are two immortal emperors with the strongest strength.

These people were escorting a woman and a child out of the city.

The child was about five or six years old, and the woman was elegant.

You don't have to think about it. The identity of the child and the woman must be different.

"Don't go out of the city. There's a wave of animals coming."

Ye Youran stopped the team and shouted loudly.

It was also said that this voice immediately made many people around nervous.

The guards who especially guarded the child and the woman thought ye Youran was going to attack.

They nervously surrounded the leaves.

"I have no malice towards you. I just remind you not to go out of the city. There is a wave of animals outside the city."

Ye leisurely said loudly.

Then ye Youran didn't wait for the guards to ask.

That is, he shouted to the four strong men in the early days of Tianzun territory guarding the gate of the city:

"Pull the alarm quickly, let everyone outside the city return to the city and be ready to resist the animal tide."

The reason why ye Youran wants to return to the city gate is that ye Youran found that there was an alarm device at the city gate when he entered the city.

As long as the alarm is sounded, the whole city should be on alert.

"Bastard, what are you? There is no animal tide in Blackwater city. You don't need your early warning. We have a large number of early warning towers in Blackwater city. If there is an animal tide attack, we would have known it. I think you are here to make trouble!"

The crowd seemed to be in chaos, but with the scolding of a strong man who guarded the child and woman in the early days of the Immortal Emperor, everyone settled down.

Because this is true, Blackwater city has been very experienced in dealing with the attack of animal tide, and has a very perfect early warning system.

There is no alarm from the early warning tower. Who can be more informed than the early warning tower?

Before the commotion of the crowd, it was mainly because people in Blackwater city were attacked by animal tide all year round.

A conditioned reflex has been formed.

Now calm down. Many people look at ye Youran and others, shaking their heads and laughing. They don't think so. What should they do.

"You guys, step back quickly. Do you know who's on top? That's the childe and young lady of the leader of Taixu sect. I'm on duty today. Are you provoking Taixu sect and my thunder sect?"

The four Tianzun border guards guarding the city gate quickly came out and angrily scolded ye Youran and them.

Taixuzong and leihuomen are one of the nine super first-class forces in Heishui city.

The nine super first-class forces are on duty in turn. The four strong men in the heaven are the people who have collected ye Youran's 4000 high-level immortal stones for entering the city.

They represent the thunder fire gate to guard the gate of Blackwater City, and naturally bear the responsibility of maintaining the order at the gate.

Ye Youran stopped the young master and Lady of Taixu sect today.

They have to take care of this. Otherwise, if the anger of Taixu sect is vented, not only ye Youran will suffer, but even some of them will be detained for dereliction of duty.

"Hum! It's like a dog biting LV Dongbin. I don't know the good people. Boss, we don't care about them."

Hong Meng was very angry.

They are kind, but kindness is regarded as donkey liver and lung.

According to Hong Meng's character, where can I stand it?

This also confirms Bai Zifan's previous speculation.

They have no prestige in Blackwater now. No one will believe them when they come out to speak.

"Boy, keep your mouth clean. Don't think you can ignore the majesty of our thunder fire sect if your cultivation is higher than ours."

One of the guards shouted.

Although they all saw that Hong Meng's cultivation was the later stage of tianzunjing, which was much higher than them.

But what? They know ye Youran. It's their first time to Blackwater city.

The first time I came to Blackwater City, even the Immortal Emperor would bow and bow when he saw them.

Because behind them is the thunder fire gate, which is the super first-class force of Blackwater city.

"All right! Feel free to treat us as nonsense."

Ye leisurely is helpless.

What else can ye Youran do because they all talk about this?

Do your utmost!

Ye leisurely and they withdrew. The so-called young master of Taixu sect left the city with the support of countless people.

Looking at the little young master with red lips and white teeth, he was only five or six years old, but he was as lovely as a porcelain doll. Ye Youran shook his head with regret.

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