This is the second time ye Youran has been to leihuomen.

But this time to the thunder fire gate, ye Youran saw many familiar and strange people.

The reason why we are familiar with them is that ye Youran knows them, and ye Youran has fought side by side with them.

Those are the super first-class forces in Blackwater city.

When ye Youran was attacked by the animal tide on the first day when he arrived at Blackwater City, ye Youran met them at the gate of the city.

The reason why they are strangers is that they are only one-sided and have not even spoken to each other.

Ye Youran doesn't even know their names.

But what makes ye Youran feel a little relieved is that ye Youran saw the emperor without trace and, of course, vice Lord Xue.

"Brother ye, you can pass the pass. If you don't pass the pass again, I can't help but find you out."

Seeing ye Youran, the emperor without trace was also very excited.

He came up and joked with ye Youran very familiar.

"Haven't seen you for a long time. Are you the only two on this trip to Tianting site?"

Ye Youran looked at the emperor without trace and the expressionless deputy leader Xue.

Ye Youran and vice Lord Xue are still unhappy.

So when deputy leader Xue saw ye Youran, his face remembered what had happened in the hall of Taixu sect. Naturally, his face was not very good.

But ye Youran ignored him. He didn't provoke ye Youran, and ye Youran naturally wouldn't pay attention to him.

If he wants to trouble ye Youran, even if ye Youran doesn't kill him in the face of the emperor without trace, he won't give him face.

"I can't pull out the bottom of my taixuzong's house. If I fold it inside, my taixuzong will be over."

Without trace emperor Zun is not taboo at all, half jokingly said.

Moreover, Emperor Wuji quietly told ye Youran that it was not just Taixu sect.

The same is true of most other forces.

After all, the death rate of the exploration of the Tianting site is too high. No one dares to say that 100% of them can come out alive.

The temptation of Tianting site is too great, so those who participate in the exploration are the patriarchs or sect leaders of major forces, and only take one or two people at most.

Even the patriarchs or sect leaders of major forces have explained their future affairs before they go.

The reason is very simple. I'm afraid I can't leave the Tianting site alive.

As for why the patriarchs or sect leaders of major forces participate in person, the reason is very simple and realistic.

If the person sent to explore gets the treasure, he may not turn it over to the Pope.

If the people sent to explore get a major opportunity to break through, they may not be controlled by their sect leaders or sect leaders after they come back.

Even in history, some people sent back from exploration will usurp the throne.

Because ambition will increase with the increase of strength.

The best way to get the treasure in Tianting ruins is to participate in it in person.

"How many forces or strong players are there in Blackwater city?"

Ye Youran lowered his voice and asked the emperor without trace.

"There are not many forces. There are only five of the nine super first-class forces. There are also several famous scattered cultivation in Blackwater City, which are also the level of super Immortal Emperor. This time, the number of people I went to explore the Tianting site in Blackwater city is no more than 25."

Said the traceless emperor.

Ye Youran was a little surprised, but she was also relieved.

Some forces or strong people have been at ease for too long and may not have the courage to participate in such dangerous exploration activities.

There are nine super first-class forces in Blackwater city. It's good to have more than half of them participate.

For those forces that did not participate, they are very satisfied with the current living situation, and it is understandable that they do not want to participate.

None of the 25 people who participated in the Tianting site exploration was weak.

In addition to ye Youran, the lowest accomplishments are those of the late Immortal Emperor such as deputy patriarch Xue.

Of course, this is just a group led by super first-class forces such as Lei huomen.

There are still many people in Blackwater.

But most of those people are scattered practitioners or elders of other forces.

Just because their strength is too low, they can't enter the eye of thunder fire gate, a super first-class force, and can't join this group.

They should form a team by themselves. Only God knows how many of these people can get adventure and how many people can come out of the Tianting site alive.

"Everyone, everyone is here. We will start to go to the bottom of the Heishui River tomorrow. I wish all of us a full load before we leave."

Lei Tian, the leader of Leihuo sect, is the initiator, so he is the leader of this team of more than 20 people.

Of course, there is no lack of status in this team, and the strength and ability are no worse than those of Lei Tianzhi.

So Lei Tian didn't dare to speak. He said in a deliberative tone:

"However, before we set out, we still need to set some rules, such as selecting a decision-maker, so as to avoid us from falling apart in case of some dangers. We also need to set up some benefit distribution systems and some coping methods in case of emergencies. This is conducive to the unity and cohesion of our team. Finally, we need to give our team some help A name. "

With Lei Tian throwing out the topic, many people began to put forward suggestions and speak freely. The scene was still relatively harmonious.

Of course, no one knows how long this harmony can last.

In fact, many people have thought about the formulation of many rules for a long time. We just put them out and emphasize them again.

For example, in the distribution of interests, individual income belongs to the individual and collective income belongs to the collective.

And when in danger, we must not abandon our teammates.

Of course, if there is no doubt that his teammates will die and are unable to return to the sky.

In order to ensure the survival rate of the team, from a realistic point of view, it is natural to sacrifice the ego to complete the big ego.

We have no objection to this.

For example, if you encounter fierce animals or enemies, and some of your teammates are unable to return to the sky, there is naturally no need to save your teammates, because that may cause more serious casualties to the team.

In fact, ye Youran just listened to this rule and didn't take it seriously, because the so-called inability to return to heaven is a very broad standard.

It can only be said that it is a specific analysis of the specific situation.

Finally, the election of decision-makers is also a controversial topic.

Because those who join this team do not lack some top leaders of the door.

For example, Lei Tian, Wu Jidi Zun and others.

Used to giving orders, they find it difficult to adapt to being given orders.

So finally, Lei Tian stood up and offered himself to be the leader.

However, in order to convince the public, Lei Tian also said a rule that his title as leader is only temporary.

Everyone in the team has the right to vote and can vote for a new leader at any time.

In other words, as long as Lei Tian's command in the Tianting site is unfavorable and cannot convince the public, he can vote to impeach him.

Because Lei Tian was the initiator, everyone finally agreed to let him be the leader for the time being.

The final team name, after fierce discussion, was finally determined as: Blackwater team.

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