Limitless tracking powder, ye Youran, of course, has been heard of.

Because ye Youran is at least a pharmacist.

Poison master and pharmacist are actually just a thin line apart, or more accurately, there is no difference at all.

The only difference is that poison masters specialize in killing drugs, while pharmacists specialize in saving people.

Limitless tracking powder is a legendary drug that can track thousands of miles.

This drug is colorless and tasteless and completely harmless to people.

But if it is to cooperate with the secret method of infinite heaven and earth and tracking thousands of miles.

You can pursue the murderer thousands of miles, which is also the origin of the name of limitless tracking powder.

Ye Youran didn't expect that nun poisonous face was competing for this pill in the mountainside before.

She has applied limitless tracking powder to this pill.

No wonder she can trace it here.

It's just a legend that the refined pill of limitless tracking powder has been lost, and the secret method of limitless tracking in heaven and earth has also been lost.

Why did the poisonous face nun inherit.

"Well, little fellow, give me the pill! I just want the pill and don't want to kill you. Although you have a lot of separation, I'm sure I'll kill one if you release one separation. You can't take this pill away."

It's rare for you to talk so well.

In the past, she never needed a reason to kill, and she never had so much nonsense.

But she thought that ye Youran might have something to do with the old guy in Wanyao valley.

So she just wants pills, not murder.

"Let's make a deal!"

Ye Youran collected the pill.

Because it's too unsafe to hold it in your hand.

Besides, this poisonous faced nun is a super Immortal Emperor. She can kill people invisibly.

Ye Youran consumes a lot now. In case nun poison face suddenly kills, ye Youran is afraid that she doesn't even have time to react. This pill is still likely to change her master.

"You deserve to make a deal with me? I'll tell you for the last time..."

Seeing ye Youran put the pill away, the poisonous face master stood up, even if his eyes were full of killing opportunities.

Although she was afraid of the old guy, she didn't reach the point of fear.

Anyway, she is already dying. What else do you care?

"Look at this. Does it match?"

However, nun poison face hasn't finished her words yet.

Ye Youran took out the token of the honorary elder of Wanyao valley.

When this thing appeared, the poisonous face master turned white.

Because she obviously felt that the token in ye Youran's hand had aroused the resonance of the token in her body.

She even felt that her life was in ye Youran's hands.

As long as ye Youran has an idea, she can die.

"You... Are that..."

Nun poison face looked at ye Youran strangely.

Subconsciously, she always thought that the honorary elder of ten thousand demon valley was an old man!

This is also the result of the deliberate guidance of the fifth around her.

But she never thought that the old guy was ye Youran, a yellow mouthed child.

"Yes, I helped Hu Chuang beat back Hu Lang and regain control of Wanyao Valley, so Hu Chuang gave me this token."

Ye Youran briefly explained.

Speaking of Hu Lang, ye Youran is still worried.

Because Hu Lang is the messenger of hell, and he hates Ye you to the bone.

But now the Hu Lang has disappeared.

Ye Youran doesn't know where he is.

The more so, the more uneasy ye Youran felt.

And the Nanli Immortal Emperor.

With these two super Immortal Emperor's enemies in the dark, ye Youran really can't be at ease.

At this time, abbess poison face looked at the token in ye Youran's hand, and her face was uncertain.

This thing is in ye Youran's hand. She may be killed by Ye Youran at any time.

But she had the power to get the pill, and nun poison face was running rapidly in her mind, thinking about countermeasures.

"Don't think about it. It's easy for me to kill you, but I'm not an indiscriminate murderer."

Ye Youran seemed to be able to see through the mind of Nun poison face.

Ye Youran said humbly:

"In fact, you can see the pill. It's plain. It doesn't look like a divine pill that can make people break through the realm of the gods."

Ye Youran paused and continued:

"In fact, you and I are all understanding people. We are all pharmacists. We should not believe that a pill can make people break through the realm of the gods!"

"Although in ancient times, there were still many strong people in the realm of gods in the fairy world, the number was far less than what the world guessed."

"If a pill could make people become gods, the gods in ancient times would have been flooded."

Ye Youran said, and nun poison face sighed:

"In fact, everyone knows that the pill is only an aid. The real gods need to understand and gain the recognition of heaven and earth to condense their divine personality. I don't believe that a pill can make me break through, but no one wants to break this illusion."

Nun poison face is not a good talker.

But when ye Youran has the cards to control her life and death, she becomes easy to talk.

And she's telling the truth.

In fact, this truth is not only understood by her, but also understood by many immortal emperors.

But no one wants to break this fantasy, because it's always good to have fantasy.

Because fantasy can bring hope, better than dying in despair.

"So that's why I want to talk to you about a deal."

Ye Youran looked at nun poison face and said:

"As far as I know, your longevity is still a lot. If I guess correctly, you should be less than 5000."

Ye Youran's guess is not groundless, because nun poison face's reputation has only been famous in the fairy world in recent hundreds of years.

Moreover, she practices poison pills and takes shortcuts, so she has to cultivate Adobe much faster than the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

"This year is 3800 years old."

There was a dim look in the eyes of Nun poison face.

The original intention of the cultivator was to obtain a longer life, so he tried his best to practice.

In order to gain strength, she lost Shouyuan in the end.

The poison pill in her body has begun to get out of control. Once it breaks out, she will die with poison hair.

And now her life is worse than death, her beauty is gone, and she lives in pain all the time.

"At the age of 3800, I have the cultivation of super Immortal Emperor. This is the best time of life. I can understand the suffering of Nun poison face."

Ye Youran said without surprise:

"If nun poison face can give up competing for this pill and is willing to stay with me and protect me for ten years, I can help nun poison face repair the pill and return to normal."

"What... What?"

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