"Do you know this artifact fragment?"

Ye Youran asked eagerly.

Yes, ye Youran remembered that the fate God Dan had just appeared.

It said that it was not ye Youran who had a bad life, but ye Youran who was stupid.

This should be that it knows the origin of the artifact fragment, so it says ye Youran is stupid.

Ye Youran can guess that the artifact fragment is not simple.

A refining that can stop Taijun's Dan stove can't even shake the nine sky XuanHuo, and there is a powerful prohibition on a small piece of debris.

That prohibition is definitely not something that can be arranged by a strong man at the level of Immortal Emperor.

It's probably the gods. They can arrange forbidden things. When you think about ye Youran, you start to get excited.

"Tell me first and I'll tell you later."

However, the fate God Dan insisted.

It's a little like a child getting angry. It seems that it is extremely dissatisfied with ye Youran's refusal to tell it why ye Youran has the power of two laws.

"No, you are a divine pill. I can't help you. You must say it first."

Ye Youran said solemnly.

But in fact, ye Youran secretly smiles in her heart.

Although this divine pill has opened the mind, its mind is not very high, just like a child of seven or eight years old.

A child wants to play with ye Youran? Hum

"No, although I'm a divine pill, I'm not strong. I... ER! Can't say, can't say."

The young voice said and hurried to shut up. It was like a child saying something he shouldn't say. Ye Youran could even feel that it was starting to get nervous.

"Oh! So your noumenon is not strong! Does that mean I can crush you easily?"

Ye Youran's eyes lit up.

This thing comes and goes freely in ye Youran's golden body hall. Ye Youran was a little worried before, but he couldn't help it!

It turns out that its noumenon is not strong, that is, ye Youran can hold it at will.

"Woo woo! You can't crush me. Do you know that even if the gods meet me, he will give me, because I can help them understand the power of law, and I'm still the law of fate. This is the most difficult law to understand and one of the most powerful laws!"

The fate God Dan immediately panicked. He kept emphasizing that he was very important.

As if ye Youran would really crush it.

"OK! I don't want to crush you. Answer my two questions. Why can you come and go freely in my golden body hall, but I can't find you. Second, tell me what this artifact fragment is."

This time it's ye Youran's turn to be proud.

If someone sees ye Youran's expression at this time, they will be surprised.

Because at this time, ye Youran is also like a child bickering.

Adults can see at a glance that ye Youran is scaring the fate pill, and the means are extremely clumsy.

But there is no way to talk to a child equivalent to seven or eight years old. Only in this way can ye Youran threaten it.

The fate pill may not be able to understand the deeper conspiracy!

"OK, I'll tell you."

Destiny Dan said timidly:

"I am the Dan of fate. I can cover up my destiny and breath. No one can calculate me or sense me. Only eyes can see me."

"The second problem is that the fragment is a law artifact. As for which law God's artifact it is, I don't know. The smell of the law on the fragment has been banned, but I need to break the ban before I can know."

Ye Youran heard it again.

It's easy to understand that fate pill can come and go freely in the golden body hall.

But what law artifact, the God of law, these leaves leisurely can't understand.

But ye Youran can't understand it, but ye Youran can ask!

In the explanation of fate God Dan, ye Youran understood it.

Being a law artifact is an artifact containing the power of law.

No matter how powerful an ordinary artifact is, it is far less powerful than a law artifact.

The artifact is divided into nine grades, and above the nine grades is the law artifact.

Law artifact can only be used by the God of law.

In fact, the God of law is also the strong one of the realm of gods, so it is also called the realm of law.

Above the super Immortal Emperor is the realm of the gods. The gods are also divided into nine grades. Above the nine grades of the gods is the realm of law.

The gods can not fully grasp the power of the real law, and the general gods can only grasp the power of one law.

Only when the power of law reaches a very high level and can be integrated with law can it be called the God of law.

Law artifact, as the name suggests, is an artifact that can be refined by the God of law.

Only the true God of law can give full play to the power of law artifact.

Fate pill is no exception. Fate pill is refined by the goddess of destiny.

The goddess of destiny is a God who has completely mastered the law of destiny.

As for ye Youran, it is impossible to refine the artifact fragment now.

Not to mention Jiutian XuanHuo, it is impossible to melt the law artifact.

As far as the prohibition on the law artifact is concerned, ye Youran can't break it.

"Grandma, I'm happy. Although this thing is great, it's actually chicken ribs."

After listening to the explanation of fate God Dan, ye Youran was completely speechless.

Although ye Youran is eager to refine the artifact fragments, it may even be stronger than ye Youran's Thor hammer and Thor chisel combined.

But ye Youran can't use it now.

When ye Youran can break the prohibition and refine it, maybe ye Youran has reached the point of the God of law.

At that time, is a fragment still useful to ye Youran?

Ye Youran almost wanted to throw away the artifact fragments.

"In fact, it's not difficult for you to break the ban on the artifact fragments. As long as you promise not to crush me, I'll tell you."

However, when ye Youran was almost desperate.

Destiny Dan suddenly said.

"OK, I promise you, tell me quickly."

Ye Youran said in surprise.

It's just another village!

Although the mind of this destiny divine pill is not mature, it is a divine pill after all. Its insight is certainly not comparable to that of Ye Youran.

"You have the power of the law of merit. The law of merit is neither the most overbearing nor the strongest law, but it is the softest law. As long as you insist on using the power of the law of merit to melt the prohibition on the fragment, it should be broken within three or five months."

Destiny Dan said, and then it said helplessly:

"However, although you can break the ban on the fragment, you can't master the fire of the law. Without the fire of the law, you can't melt the artifact of the law!"

Ye leisurely was speechless for a while.

What's the difference between saying it and not saying it?

It can break the ban on the fragment, but it can't be refined. It's not good to be a decoration. What's the use of keeping Ye leisurely?

"What is the fire of law?"

Ye Youran was disappointed, but he habitually asked, because he heard another image term.

"It's the law of fire! You can't feel the existence of the law of fire now, unless you go to some specific places, where the law of fire is particularly strong. And I don't know where it is."

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