Ye Youran was startled.

The golden emperor just met and said "fate makes people suffer, beware of the God of fate".

In other words, the golden emperor already knows what fate pill is about ye Youran.

However, fate God Dan said that fate goddess is the God of the law of maintaining neutrality outside the sky.

Why should ye Youran be wary of the God of fate?

"The golden emperor, why should you be wary of the goddess of destiny? What's the secret in it, you say it clearly!"

Ye Youran couldn't help asking.

Every time he saw the golden emperor, he could make ye Youran very uncomfortable.

Because he always likes to say half and leave half.

It is also called for the good of Ye Youran.

Ye Youran sometimes prefers that he is not good for himself. If he is really good for himself, don't mention what he can't say at all.

At least in this way, ye Youran can not be so tangled, and there is no need to waste so many brain cells to guess.

"Oh! I'll say what I can say."

The golden emperor sighed and said:

"In fact, the world outside the sky is more complex. It's still an old saying. The more you know, the worse it is for you."

The golden emperor paused and looked at ye Youran's unwilling eyes. The golden emperor pondered and continued:

"Let me tell you so! Destiny Dan can still be trusted now. At least it won't harm you until the gods come to the fairy world."

"Because there is a seal in its body, it just doesn't know its mission."

"As for whether the gods are still credible after they come to the fairy world, I don't know."

"Because of many things, I'm just guessing. I guess the emergence of destiny Dan and its capture by you. It's not a coincidence. Maybe it's the arrangement of fate."

The golden emperor said ambiguously.

If what the golden emperor said is true, it's OK.

Because ye Youran has said his destiny and destiny God Dan.

If it is really malicious, ye Youran may expose himself in advance.

But now it's OK. Now it should not expose ye Youran's identity and mission to the strong outside the sky.

If you want to completely eliminate hidden dangers, the best way is to eat the God of destiny before the gods come.

However, if ye Youran wants to eat it, he needs to reach the realm of gods at least.

After all, the law of fate is a powerful law.

Before reaching the realm of gods, ye Youran is really in danger of exploding and dying.

"In fact, you don't have to worry now. It's unknown whether the God of destiny is good or bad, enemy or friend. Let's wait for time to prove it!"

The golden emperor looked at ye Youran's meditation and thought ye Youran was worried!

"The second thing is the inheritance you like."

The golden emperor continued:

"The strong from heaven and beyond will come to the fairyland, because the strong from the fairyland can't bear the power of the strong from the realm of gods, so the strength of the early gods will be limited to a certain extent. I now pass you a total array, and you have to cultivate your own power as soon as possible. As long as five strong people at the level of super Immortal Emperor set up this array, there should be no way to deal with ordinary gods The problem is. This is the five elephant strike array. You can understand it carefully. "

The golden emperor said, a huge message poured into Ye leisurely's mind.

This time ye leisurely did not lose his attitude.

Because his spiritual power is strong enough, after all, he is already a strong man at the Immortal Emperor level.

It is not difficult for the five elephants to attack the array together. It is based on the five behaviors of yin and Yang. On this basis, it evolves, gathers the power of the five people, and can communicate the power of heaven to enhance. The strength of the five people's joint array is absolutely comparable to that of the strong in the realm of gods.

If ten people set up two five elephant joint attack arrays, I'm afraid they have the strength to kill the gods.

Because the more the five elephant attack array is superimposed, the more terrible the power is, and it can even achieve ten times the enhancement effect.

If you don't have this array, let alone ten super immortal emperors.

Even a hundred super Immortal Emperor level strong men may not be an opponent of ordinary gods.

Because the gods have transcended life, they are gods.

How can human power compete with divine power?

"Although this array is powerful, where can I find so many super immortal emperors!"

Ye Youran soon integrated the five elephant strike array.

But there are not many super immortal emperors in the fairy world.

Although hundreds of thousands of strong immortal emperors came to Tianting site this time.

But most of them are the strong ones in the middle and late period of Xiandi.

Super Immortal Emperor, I'm afraid there are only tens of thousands.

Although tens of thousands of super immortal emperors seem to be many.

However, this exploration of Tianting site should also fall a lot of super immortal emperors.

Unless ye Youran can assemble the super Immortal Emperor of the whole fairy world.

But so many super immortal emperors, are they really willing to obey ye Youran's orders?

Moreover, I don't know how many gods are coming from outside.

If more than ten thousand gods come and break them one by one, ye Youran still has no confidence.

Moreover, the five elephant joint attack array still needs a lot of time to run in.

How many super immortal emperors are willing to join hands with each other and are willing to practice together?

"Don't worry! There shouldn't be many gods coming in the early stage. Moreover, there are many strong people at the super Immortal Emperor level in the fairy world. Don't underestimate the fairy world!"

The golden emperor explained.

According to the explanation of the golden emperor, ye Youran understood.

The outer sky will come to the fairyland once in a while.

Every time it comes, it is a disaster in the fairy world.

Therefore, many strong people at the Immortal Emperor level in the fairy world have long learned essence.

After reaching the level of Immortal Emperor, many people began to hide from the world. They hid in the fairy world and practiced somewhere.

The purpose is to avoid disaster and preserve strength.

Even the golden emperor guessed that there were many strong sub gods in the fairy world.

After all, the fairy world has been inherited for many years, and the population base is extremely large.

No matter how hard the road of cultivation is, there will still be a lot of strong people over the years.

But the disaster hasn't come yet. Everyone is working hard and hasn't appeared yet.

Hearing what the golden emperor said, ye Youran was relieved.

"In fact, the most suitable use of the five elephant attack array is my separate use, because they have the same mind and spirit. If they set up the array together, they should be able to give full play to the attack power of the five elephant attack array. But the time is too tight, and the speed of my separate training is too slow."

Ye Youran said with some regret.

Ye Youran's words immediately made the golden emperor hesitate:

"Separation? Have you practiced separation? What kind of separation is it? Show me!"

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