"Then why have you been avoiding me all this time?"

Wang Yan asked angrily.

If ye Youran is not angry, what does it mean to hide from her all the time?

During this time, Wang Yan always felt that ye Youran was indifferent to her.

Even in her class, ye Youran is always absent-minded.

After class, ye Youran disappeared.

Sometimes call ye Youran, and ye Youran just hangs up in a few words.

Several times, Wang Yan wanted to ask ye Youran out for a drink, just hoping that everyone could talk about it.

But ye Youran always prevaricates that she is not free.

Seems very busy.

But Wang Yan knows that ye Youran, a student, has nothing to be busy with.

So Wang Yan always thought that ye Youran was angry with her for that thing!

"Sister Wang, how can I hide from you? I'm really busy these days. I opened a shop. The shop is still in the decoration stage, so I'm really busy."

Ye leisurely said half truely.

It is true that ye Youran opened a shop.

But most of the decoration is in the charge of nurse Xiaoling.

Ye Youran seldom or even hardly went to the store.

What really makes Ye leisurely busy is rehearsal.

Ye Youran has vaguely known Wang Yan's mind and knows that Wang Yan doesn't want ye Youran to get too close to Annie.

At the same time, ye Youran can feel it.

Annie doesn't seem to want ye Youran to get too close to Wang Yan.

Every time Wang Yan calls, Annie is always angry while listening.

The attitude towards Ye leisurely will become not very good.

But ye Youran has promised Annie to participate in the school celebration performance.

So this rehearsal is inevitable.

During the rehearsal, Wang Yan called.

Ye Youran naturally justifies himself.

If you can't say you're rehearsing, you can only say you're out of school and busy.

But ye Youran can never tell Wang Yanming about this kind of thing.

As for Wang Yan's class, ye Youran was absent-minded.

That's because ye Youran has already taught himself the whole junior course.

Now ye Youran is reviewing the previous freshman and sophomore courses.

Not just in Wang Yan's class.

Even in other teachers' classes, ye Youran seldom really listens carefully.


Wang Yan doesn't believe it yet.

Asked confirmatively.

"Of course it's true. Can I lie to you?"

Ye Youran said with a guilty conscience.

"By the way, I didn't know when you opened a store before, but I heard from Lu Xuan today that you cooperated with Dongfang Group to open a drugstore in QY city. Is this true?"

Wang Yan suddenly remembered something and asked suspiciously.

Wang Yan never thought that ye Youran would open a shop in QY city.

Although it is not uncommon to start a business before graduation.

There will always be one or two such students in major advanced universities.

Start a business while learning.

And can not only become a learning bully in learning.

He can also achieve great success in his career.

But for poor students like ye Youran.

The possibility of this kind of thing happening to ye Youran is not high.

Many so-called business genius is not how strong his business ability is.

But he has a strong backing.

To put it bluntly, I have a good father.

Can lay out a hard business network for them.

As long as they are not too stupid, they can use this network to achieve great success in the eyes of ordinary people.

But obviously, ye Youran does not have such a prerequisite.

If it hadn't been for Lu Xuan's talk today.

Wang Yan never dreamed that ye Youran would open a drugstore in QY city.

"Yes! I'm afraid ye Youran is poor. This may be my only chance to fight. I cherish it very much."

Ye Youran said with some emotion.

Wang Yan once said to ye Youran.

Men need ambition.

Ye Youran's ambition is to make money and make a lot of money.

Some people may think ye Youran is open to money.

However, this is not to blame ye Youran. It's just human nature.

A rich man worth tens of billions gave his son five hundred million to start a business.

Whether they succeed or fail, they can accept all the results calmly.

But a hungry beggar suddenly picked up a bowl of white rice.

Who dares to rob him, he absolutely dares to work hard.

Ye Youran is like this.

Now he can't stand failure, and he will never allow failure.

If anyone dares to let him fail, he dares to fight with anyone.

Brother wolf and Huang Jing want to design and frame ye Youran.

So ye Youran beat brother Lang and them to a crippling fracture.

"What was the matter with you before? Why did you go out in such a hurry?"

When the mustard was untied, Wang Yan naturally wanted to ask clearly.

Before, ye Youran rushed out of the campus with murderous eyes, but Wang Yan was worried.

Up to now, Wang Yan doesn't know what ye Youran is doing in such a hurry to rush out of the campus.

"It's all right. It's a piece of cake. It's solved."

Ye Youran took the corridor with a word.

See what else Wang Yan wants to ask.

Ye Youran quickly changed the subject and said:

"Sister Wang, do you want to go to dinner? I'm hungry."

Many things ye Youran doesn't want to explain.

Because there is no need to explain, let alone let Wang Yan worry.

However, just when Wang Yan still didn't give up and wanted to continue questioning.

Wang Yan's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Yan'er, it's me, Uncle Chen."

Wang Yancai answered the phone.

I heard an anxious voice from the other end of the phone.

Ye Youran didn't mean to inquire about Wang Yan's privacy.

But ye Youran's ear power is here.

Although the sound of the receiver is very small.

But ye Youran can still hear clearly.

If ye Youran is right, the owner of this call is Chen Zheng, President of the affiliated hospital.

Ye Youran still remembers his voice.

"Uncle Chen, Hello, what can I do for you?"

Wang Yan asked politely.

"Do you know where my younger martial brother ye Youran is? I can't get through to him."

Chen Zheng asked anxiously.

Ye Youran's cell phone is broken.

Although Chen Shuxian gave ye Youran a mobile phone.

But ye Youran hasn't loaded the card yet!

"He's with me! What's the matter?"

Wang Yan looked at Ye leisurely in doubt and said truthfully.

"Thank God, that's good. Yan'er, you quickly come to the hospital with ye Youran. It's in my office. Come on, that's it."

Chen Zheng hung up when he finished.

Wang Yan held the phone blankly.

Then he smiled bitterly and said to Ye leisurely:

"It seems that we can't eat. President Chen wants us to go at once. It seems that we are in a hurry."

In Wang Yan's impression.

In his fifties, President Chen Zheng was still very magnanimous.

After all, he has been in officialdom for many years.

Ordinary things certainly won't make him so anxious.

But now he's like burning the roof.

Not even one more explanation.

"Then go and have a look!"

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