Ye Youran didn't know where the bell would guide them this time.

What kind of treasure or danger will they encounter this time.

But ye Youran went there without hesitation.

Soon, ye Youran and others came to a mountain forest.

There are jagged rocks and steep cliffs, but it is also lush.

The mountain scenery here is quite good.

Except for the lack of water, the air here is fragrant, which is no worse than the landscape of Guilin in Ye leisurely's mind.

Walking in it can really make people relax.

However, ye Youran also knows that these are just appearances.

In this calm and beautiful scenery, I don't know how many crises and fierce beasts are hidden.

On this land, I don't know how many human or animal bodies are buried.

"Be careful, everyone. It's weird here."

Walking, ye leisurely frowned.

Because ye Youran sent a large number of Pangu ants to explore the way, but ye Youran found that a large number of Pangu ants lost contact one after another.

Yes, Pangu ants lost contact, and it was the kind of loss without symptoms.

Pangu ants have not evolved yet, but they are still very powerful.

At least the body is very hard and has strong vitality.

And as long as one Pangu ant dies, the power of the dead Pangu ant will be spread to all Pangu ants.

This is the reason why Pangu ants can use death to evolve themselves.

But now the leaf leisurely Pangu ant did not die, because other Pangu ants did not become strong.

But a large number of Pangu ants lost contact inexplicably.

This is something ye Youran has never encountered.

This is also the first time ye Youran found that Pangu ant is not omnipotent.

"What's the matter?"

Emperor Wuji and others began to wonder.

As long as ye Youran says it's weird here, it's definitely not simple here.

Of course, I don't know why, as long as ye Youran is in the team of Blackwater team.

Everyone has a backbone.

Therefore, although the people of the emperor without trace were confused, they were not too worried.

"My Pangu ant has lost contact."

Ye Youran didn't hide them.

Because they already knew that ye Youran had a large army of Pangu ants.

Others don't worry much about ye Youran, but ye Youran is very worried.

Pangu ants lost contact inexplicably. It's terrible!

"Did you fall into some natural arrays?"

The crazy individual thought of this first.

Crazy casual people are casual practitioners, but they still know some about arrays.

Some arrays can cover people's breath, and even the soul breath can be isolated.

The fairyland is so big, especially in some deep mountains and forests, there are often some strange arrays.

Some of them are psychedelic arrays. If you enter them by mistake, you may never get out of them for a lifetime.

"No, there can't be so many natural arrays. Moreover, my Pangu ants are not lost in one place. In the whole mountain forest ahead, the lost Pangu ants are scattered."

Ye Youran denied.

The reason why natural array is called natural array is that there is no artificial intervention. It is the uncanny workmanship of nature and can be born under a large number of coincidences.

It's not surprising that one or two of these natural arrays appear.

But if there are hundreds, even thousands, it is absolutely impossible.

Because coincidence can't happen one after another.

But there seems to be no other explanation except the natural array.

Because ye Youran is sure that those Pangu ants will not be killed.

Otherwise, no matter what form those Pangea ants die, other Pangea ants will become more powerful.

"Could it be the drunken wasp?"

The blade is broken. Suddenly, don't be sure.

Drunken wasp? Ye Youran was stunned. Ye Youran heard the name for the first time.

Others also looked at the blade blankly.

But this time, the Youming landlord, who never liked to talk, took the initiative to say:

"I once entered the dead man's Valley in the fairy world to pursue and kill a target. In the dead man's Valley, I saw the drunken wasp with my own eyes."

"Drunken wasp is a fierce beast with strong toxicity, but it does not die."

"Drunken wasps don't kill people, but they can suck the soul and vitality of creatures. They won't make people die, but let people walk away like corpses, just like drunken people. This is also the origin of the name of drunken wasps."

Although the Youming landlord spoke actively and said a lot, he didn't make any conclusion.

It seems that he just wants to popularize the knowledge of drunken wasps.

The blade nodded and concluded:

"The drunken bee sucks the soul and vitality to make spiritual honey. Many people and even fierce animals are salivating for the spiritual honey of the drunken bee."

"In order to protect their nests from being discovered, drunken wasps usually smear spiritual honey on their opponents before attacking them, which can isolate all senses and even block soul communication."

"In order not to expose the location of their nest, but also to prevent their opponents from attracting more enemies."

The blade said:

"Drunken wasps are very spiritual. They won't suck up the opponent's soul or vitality at once."

"Instead, they let their opponents close to death, and then stumble away from their nest before they die."

"If I guess right, your Pangu ant should be dead soon."

Ye Youran once again deeply realized that there are no wonders in the world.

However, even Pangu ants can continue to strengthen themselves through death to ensure ethnic inheritance.

The existence of drunken wasps is not so difficult to understand.

And the blade is broken. I guess I'm right.

About half an hour later.

Ye Youran's sense of those lost Pangu ants appeared again.

And the place where they appear is far from where they lost contact.

And Pangu ants who got in touch again soon died.

"It seems that there is no doubt about the drunken wasp."

Ye Youran smiled bitterly and had to call all Pangu ants back.

Because in this short time, ye Youran has lost tens of thousands of Pangu ants.

And the number of losses is increasing.

If this goes on, all his Pangu ants will not be spared.

"Wait here for a moment. I already know the nest of the drunken wasp. Kill my Pangu ant and see if I won't bring its nest."

Ye Youran said fiercely.

The mountain forest is very big and the leaves are leisurely. They can't bypass it.

Because the guiding bell doesn't know how long it will ring, ye Youran needs to reach the treasure hunting site before the guiding bell stops.

With the emperor without trace, they have too big a goal, which is easy to disturb those drunken wasps.

So ye Youran is ready to walk alone.

The Moon Fairy goes forward:

"I'll go with you! At least I'm also a poison master. Maybe I can help."

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