Black and white double evils give people the impression of both good and evil, which has been happening for thousands of years.

Of course, it was also because they gave people the impression of both good and evil that they began to become famous in the fairy world.

Before that, they were also normal people, with normal people's aesthetic standards and standards for judging good and evil.

But since their children were killed and became living dead.

The character of the couple began to change.

And it's scary.

The sequelae of mental injury, coupled with the particularity of their cultivation methods, made their husband and wife give people the illusion of evil.

As a result, their words and deeds began to become different from ordinary people.

I'm tired of being together every day and say some disgusting and strange words.

In fact, this is also a manifestation of their extreme insecurity.

But since they saw the life tree here, and the life tree had borne fruit, their almost dead heart began to revive.

Life fruit has always been a legendary plant, although life fruit can awaken their children.

But they never dared to hope.

Because it takes 3000 years for the tree of life to germinate from its seeds.

It will take another three thousand years from germination to growth.

It will take another 3000 years from sapling to flowering.

From flowering to fruiting, this process also takes 3000 years.

Then from fruit to maturity, it is three thousand years.

It takes 15000 years to grow a fruit of life.

In general, the fruit of life has an extremely terrible beast protection treasure.

But here is the mysterious bottom of the lake. There is no life and no life here.

That's why there's no treasure protecting beast.

Thus, we can see the fruit of life here. How excited and happy the black and white double evils are.

Who knows, the fruit of life has not arrived yet, but it was rushed by the three super Immortal Emperor level strong men in the ghost King cave.

This is the life fruit that black and white double evil spirits dream of. For this life fruit, their husband and wife can even pay the price of their lives.

Even if they die, they will never let the three super immortal emperors in the ghost King cave take away the fruit of life.

Unfortunately, their strength is limited, and they simply can't snatch the life fruit from the three super Immortal Emperor level strongmen.

In desperation, they began to turn to ye Youran for help.

Even for this reason, the couple did not hesitate to serve ye Youran as a cow and a horse, a slave and a Baldwin.

What they didn't expect was that ye Youran really helped.

And knowing that the fruit of life is so rare and precious.

Ye Youran still gave the fruit of life to the couple.

This kindness is no smaller than my biological parents.

At the moment, the black-and-white double evils are really grateful to ye Youran. They wish they could die for ye Youran.

"You don't need to be so excited. In fact, although the fruit of life is rare, it doesn't play a big role for us. I can exchange it for your loyalty. In fact, I can't lose it."

Looking at the black and white double evils' gratitude to themselves, they even kowtow and kneel.

Ye Youran deliberately avoided the important and said lightly.

In fact, life fruit can not only increase the life span of super Immortal Emperor by one or two thousand years, but also have the magical effect of instant recovery and awakening dry vitality.

No matter how serious the injury is or how much the consumption is, as long as you eat the fruit of life, you can come back to life, and you can instantly restore yourself to the peak state.

Because the fruit of life can awaken and stimulate all the vitality of the human body.

On this basis, even if the fruit of life can not be used to refine Changsheng pill, its own value is immeasurable.

Of course, ye Youran has the power of merit, and the healing effect of the power of merit is not small.

This also reduces the attraction of life fruit to ye Youran.

"By the way, ye Youran, what rest soil did you want before?"

Mengdie fairy said curiously again.

In fact, after listening to the experience of black and white double evils, Mengdie fairy and others have no heart to touch the fruit of life.

But Mengdie fairy was very curious about what the rest soil ye Youran said was.

"Soil is actually a special kind of soil. It is a kind of soil used by Emperor Tai Lao to cultivate elixir. You can understand that the essence of the soil is only the soil that makes the tree of life grow, and the ordinary is suddenly a tree that does not live."

Ye leisurely said lightly.

But in fact, ye Youran's heart is so excited at the moment.

In fact, ye Youran is not false. Xitu is also called Xitu.

It is said that it is indeed a kind of soil used by the supreme old gentleman to plant miraculous medicine.

Because the rest soil can live forever and has extremely fertile energy, even the life tree cannot absorb the energy in the rest soil.

Even if it's just a palm sized piece of soil, it can breed countless natural materials and earth treasures.

Because the rest earth can continuously absorb energy from heaven and earth and convert it into the energy required by all miraculous drugs.

With rest soil, you can plant anything easily.

Even the life tree, a plant with extremely harsh living conditions, can grow well in the resting soil without any care and cultivation.

Moreover, the miraculous medicine cultivated in the rest soil will grow faster and have a good effect.

Of course, these are just the most basic effects of resting soil.

There is another feature that resting soil can make ye leisurely and excited.

That is swelling in the presence of water.

It is said that Dayu used soil to control the flood.

There is a clear record in the folk treasure record of Huainanzi luoxingxun: Yu was famous for filling the flood with soil.

In other words, if you block and control the flood with rest soil, you can form a mountain under the immersion of the flood.

With the characteristic that the soil can increase its volume infinitely when it meets water, it is a treasure in battle.

Just imagine, during the battle, ye Youran threw out the rest soil, and then formed a huge mountain in mid air.

Even the super Immortal Emperor will be killed!

The reason why the rest soil does not continue to expand at the bottom of the lake is because of the tree of life.

The growth of the life tree requires almost huge energy all the time, especially after the life tree blooms and bears fruit.

This is anything that cannot be provided suddenly.

Therefore, the rest soil is inert under the energy absorbed by the tree of life.

In addition, using rest soil to refine utensils is comparable to divine utensils.

It is said that Sun Wukong's Ruyi golden cudgel was refined with some rest soil.

Although ordinary artifact can be large or small, its volume is limited after all.

Only the wishful golden cudgel, an artifact refined with earth, can be so big that it can pierce the sky and suppress the sea.

Ye Youran wants to rest the earth, not because it can hit people, nor because it can be used to refine utensils.

But ye Youran is ready to give the rest earth to the goblin beast

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