Although the smell of the black dragon is getting stronger and stronger.

No strangers are allowed to enter within a kilometer radius.

The lake also began to surge, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura and space began to be chaotic.

But ye leisurely is in it, but he doesn't move.

The clothes flutter, the green silk swings, and ye leisurely watches the awakening of the Black Dragon King.

At the bottom of the lake, the Black Dragon King did not know how many years he had slept.

But because of the suppression of the law of fire, it was silent and even fell into dormancy.

Because it is not a real beast, the Black Dragon King family is a cursed dragon family.

The rage has dissipated its reason.

Without high IQ, you can't understand the real power of law at all.

If you can't understand the law, the secondary God level is already its sign, and it is impossible to break through the realm of gods in the real sense.

Also because it can't understand the law, it can't move at the bottom of the lake.

But now the fire pill is collected by Ye Youran. There is no suppression of the law of fire at the bottom of the lake. It is finally going to wake up.

When it woke up, the cruel gas filled its whole body, making its eyes red.

"What on earth does ye Youran want? Does he want to wait for the Black Dragon King to wake up completely and have a fair war?"

"Stupidity is death. The improvement of strength has made this son crazy."

"Yes! We are not his opponents, which may give him the illusion of invincibility."

"Hum! I thought he was too many. It turned out that he was just a reckless man. He couldn't understand the truth of becoming a king and defeating an enemy. It seems that a generation of genius is about to fall."

"Who says no! Talk to a fierce beast while he is ill? When the Black Dragon King wakes up completely, he will know the horror of the Black Dragon King."

Originally, many super immortal emperors who were ready to escape also stopped to watch from a distance.

These contemptuous immortal emperors seem to have forgotten that not long ago, they complimented ye Youran and said that ye Youran was a genius.

But it's not their fault. How can a frog at the bottom of a well know the ambition of a swan?

Ye Youran doesn't want to talk about morality with the Black Dragon King. Ye Youran just regards the Black Dragon King as his touchstone.

Soon, the Black Dragon King woke up completely.

It woke up completely and lifted its head proudly.

That arrogant, that arrogant momentum swept the world.

Its red eyes locked ye Youran for the first time.

As soon as the black dragon comes out, thousands of miles will be killed. This is the most clear definition of the Black Dragon King by many people.

Because the black dragon king likes to kill, as long as it can see the creature with its eyes, it will regard it as an enemy and never die.

Also, the Black Dragon King is no longer a real beast.

Even if it has extremely high divine animal blood, it is also the body of divine animals, but without IQ, it will naturally have a strong sense of territory.

As long as it is where it is, it is its territory. It will never allow a second life to exist.

This is the unique pride and domineering of the Black Dragon King family.


The black dragon king raised his head and made a terrible dragon chant to ye Youran.

The terrible sound wave, like a shock wave, blasted hard at ye Youran.

If you don't agree with me, you will never have the slightest delay and carry. This is the Black Dragon King.

The hearts of the people of the black water team thousands of meters away were also firmly tied together at this moment.

Because they know that the battle is about to begin.

They all unconsciously pinch a cold sweat for ye Youran.

Even if ye Youran has let them worship blindly, they still can't stop their fear of the Black Dragon King.

"Hehe, I'll warm up with you."

However, the first to bear the brunt is still unafraid.

This wave of attack is not even a warm-up.

At ye Youran's level, such an attack may threaten the general super Immortal Emperor, but ye Youran hasn't seen it yet.


Ye Youran gathered strength and blew a punch.

This fist leaf leisurely did not use the power of heaven in his body.

This is the strength given by the ancient demon body to ye Youran's body.

This pure force bombarded the body, forming a huge fist shadow, which blasted hard in the middle of the circle of sound waves.


The lake burst, and there were already huge waves on the lake.

The sound wave attack of the Black Dragon King was broken in an instant.

However, it can be seen that ye Youran's use of the village's physical power is obviously inferior.

Although the sound wave attack was broken by Ye Youran.

However, the strong anti shock force still made Ye leisurely step back for several steps before stabilizing his body.

There is also the sound wave attack of the Black Dragon King. The sound is too loud. Ye Youran can't help shaking. He is deaf and in a trance.

"Be careful!"

The dream butterfly fairy, thousands of meters away, shouted in horror.

Because at the moment when ye Youran was in a trance, the Black Dragon King came again.

The Black Dragon King's body is extremely huge. Its body diameter is more than ten meters, and its body length is more than ten thousand meters.

This is the real big Mac.

In front of it, the leaves are as small as dust.

At this time, the black dragon surged in. It opened its terrible big mouth, and its tusks were more than five meters long.

Want to swallow the leaf leisurely.

"Black dragon teeth are no worse than ordinary artifact!"

When the Black Dragon King was less than three meters away from ye Youran.

Ye Youran finally recovered.

Looking at the tusks of the Black Dragon King, ye Youran couldn't help being greedy.

At the next moment, ye Youran had a sword in his hand.

Haotian sword is a seven grade artifact, and it is also a seven grade artifact with spirit.

"Dang ~"

At the next moment, ye leisurely waved his sword and chopped on the tusks of the Black Dragon King.

The crisp impact sound sounded, and the terrible energy suddenly leaked out in the connection between ye Youran's Haotian sword and the tusk of the Black Dragon King.

The lake surged again, swinging away like ripples.

Not surprisingly, the Black Dragon King was unharmed, and his tusks could not still be cut off.

Unless it is a strong sub God at the same level, holding Haotian sword can give full play to the power of some Haotian sword and cut off the tusks of the Black Dragon King.

And ye Youran is a little miserable.

With such a terrible impact, ye Youran almost couldn't catch the Haotian sword in his hand.

The whole arm was numb and the tiger's mouth broke.

Ye Youran himself also flew backwards at the speed of a shell.

Ye Youran flew backward, and all the immortal emperors fled like ghosts.

Because they are really afraid that if the Black Dragon King cleans up ye Youran, they will come to their trouble.

They don't have the courage and strength of Ye Youran. They may be killed by the Black Dragon King face to face.

"It's a little interesting at last."

Ye Youran at least flew backwards for thousands of meters before stopping.

Ye Youran waved his stiff arm. Although his face was flushed, the sense of war in ye Youran's eyes was higher and higher.

At this time, the Black Dragon King was completely angry. He felt that his dragon power had been provoked unprecedentedly.


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