"Why are you here?"

Walking into his mansion, ye Youran asked in a daze.

Ye Youran really didn't expect that his youngest son, who hadn't seen for several years, would appear in Heishui city.

Blackwater city is a very dangerous place. Many people in the fairy world are as scared as tigers when they hear the name.

The youngest is the leader of Baibao Pavilion. Baibao Pavilion is a powerful force with incomparable wealth. As the only successor of Baibao Pavilion, it's not too much to describe it with golden branches and jade leaves.

How could Baibao Pavilion be willing to let Zeng Fei come to a place like Blackwater city?

"Hee hee, boss, it's not easy for you to get rid of me."

Zeng Fei said to Ye leisurely with a smile.

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. I was kicked out of the war god Academy. I'm in a hurry. Didn't I have time to inform you?"

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

In fact, it's not that ye Youran doesn't want to take Zeng Fei, but Zeng Fei has returned to Baibao Pavilion at that time.

Zeng Fei has never returned to the war god academy since the Fifth Academy met Wu.

Even the fifth Luo Yufeng went out to experience and never came back.

"Hum! Don't think I don't know. You're acting together with the war god Academy. You can deceive people all over the world, but you can't deceive me."

Zeng Fei said with some dissatisfaction.

At that time, Zeng Fei worried for a long time after he first heard that ye Youran and others killed the vice president of the war god college and defected from the war god college.

However, the situation was not clear at that time. It can be said that the whole southern region was in chaos.

Her father and many elders of Baibao Pavilion did not give her to leave Baibao pavilion to find ye Youran.

But Zeng Fei believes in ye Youran. She is worried that the whole fairy world will not accommodate ye Youran.

To this end, he did not hesitate to sell false information to the leader of Taixu sect, Wuji emperor.

Zeng Fei's father punished Zeng Fei for this.

Because the intelligence system of Baibao Pavilion is notoriously rigorous, it is absolutely impossible to sell false information.

Zeng Fei's move is easy to destroy the ten thousand year tradition of Baibao Pavilion.

Baibao Pavilion is a special business force. If you trust people privately, Baibao Pavilion will cause countless right and wrong, and even cause the rebound and suppression of the whole fairyland.

Fortunately, Zeng Fei bet on ye Youran's behavior. Now Zeng Fei has found out that ye Youran was indeed wronged.

It's just ye Youran's injustice, but ye Youran knows it on purpose.

"We are brothers who worship the son. You deceive my feelings like this. Hum! I haven't settled with you yet."

Zeng Fei was dissatisfied.

"The situation forced me to do it as a last resort. I hope you understand."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile, and then changed the topic:

"You haven't said why you're here?"

Although Zeng Fei is the young master of Baibao Pavilion, she is a girl after all. Ye Youran is most afraid of her.

"There is a branch of my Baibao Pavilion in heishuishen. Why can't I show up here?"

Zeng Fei said childishly.

Just then, Hong Meng, baizifan, little monk Liujing and others all came back.

They were very dusty. They came in and saw Ye leisurely.

"Shit, boss, you are finally willing to come back. You boy will leave us to explore the Tianting ruins. It's too much."

Hong Meng was the first to react. He stepped forward and hit ye Youran on the chest with a heavy fist.

Ye Youran went to Tianting site to explore, but he didn't tell Hong Meng and others, and left without saying goodbye.

Although Ye Rouran left a letter and a separate body to protect them, they jumped with anger when they knew the news.

Hong Meng is a wild God. His heavy fist is not light.

Beating ye Youran was crying, but ye Youran stood where she was, and the grain silk did not move.

"Your accomplishments are limited. You can enter the Tianting site only if you are an immortal above the Immortal Emperor level. What's the use of telling you? You can't enter at all."

After a fight, ye leisurely said helplessly.

"Then why can you go in?"

Bai Zifan also asked.

"Because I accidentally broke through to the early days of Xiandi, and now I have reached the realm of super Xiandi."

Ye Youran said without surprise.

In fact, ye ran was just the peak of Tianzun before entering Tianting site.

However, if ye Youran tells the truth, they must be reluctant.

So ye Youran simply lied that he was in the early days of the Immortal Emperor before going in.

"Shit, shit, shit. Your boy is so outrageous! No wonder my previous punch can't shake you."

All the surprised teeth of Hong Meng and others are about to fall out.

They also gained a lot this time. They thought they could catch up with Ye leisurely. Unexpectedly, they were left thousands of miles away.

"Lucky, just lucky. I'll die in Tianting ruins!"

Ye Youran said, changing the subject again:

"You're not bad, too. You're the peak of heaven's realm. It seems that you haven't been slack in this year."

"Alas! We are far from you."

Said little monk Liujing.

Not seen in a year, little monk Liujing has long hair.

It looks really elegant.

"In fact, the reason why we have made such great progress this year is also due to our youngest son."

Bai Zifan explained.

It turned out that they all left the customs in the third month after ye Youran left.

At that time, Zeng Fei came. Zeng Fei was the young master of Baibao Pavilion.

He brought a lot of treasures to Hong Meng and baizifan himself. Under the background of countless treasures, they closed again and hit the peak of heaven's respect.

In fact, Hong Meng and they all understand that the reason why ye Youran doesn't take them is because their cultivation level is too low.

So they worked hard, didn't refuse Zeng Fei's kindness, and frantically promoted themselves.

In those years when Zeng Fei returned to Baibao Pavilion, she also practiced desperately, although Zeng Fei's talent was not as talented as Hong Meng and Bai Zifan.

However, she can enjoy more resources of Baibao Pavilion, and even some treasures that can improve her talent. Baibao pavilion has many.

The rich and powerful Baibao Pavilion also made Zeng Feida reach the peak of heaven.

"OK, very good. You have all reached the peak of the heaven realm. I happen to have a treasure that can break through the Immortal Emperor. Let's let you feel the strength of the Immortal Emperor."

Ye Youran said, telling them not to resist.

When I read it, I received them in the golden body hall.

The Black Dragon King has been dismembered. They can't see the horror of the Black Dragon King.

But when they saw ye zhuoran take out black dragon blood and black dragon saliva, they were all shocked and speechless.

Even with the wealth of Baibao Pavilion, it is impossible to take out such treasures.

With these things, it is not very difficult to improve their blood and physique and impact the Immortal Emperor.

"Just shut up here. The disaster is not far away. Quickly improve your cultivation. You are all the people I trust most. Don't be polite to me. We have to fight side by side!"

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