When Lei Nu said that he would unite the five forces and dismantle the Taixu sect.

There was a thunderous sound outside the door:

"Who dares to talk here?"

This voice has a trace of dignity. At this moment of tension, everyone knows that it is aimed at Thunder anger.

Did the Lord appear?

Everyone turned and looked out the door.

Ye leisurely approached the hall.

The scene of hundreds of immortal emperors was watched by so many powerful immortal emperors.

Most people absolutely want to release it, but ye Youran walks steadily and comes in with a 13-year-old boy.

At the moment of seeing ye leisurely, many people at the scene couldn't help but step back.

This is the notorious Mr. Ye!

All those who have seen ye Youran's power at the Tianting site dare not stand out at this moment.

In fact, they should have thought that perhaps only ye Youran could make Wuji emperor and others so convinced.

But Lei Nu doesn't know ye Youran.

Lei Nu is the old leader of Lei Huo sect. He has been practicing in isolation for nearly a thousand years.

Ye Youran is only a powerful demon genius in the last 20 or 30 years.

If Lei Tian hadn't been killed, the only deputy leader of Lei Huo sect would have invited him. He hasn't left the pass yet.

After leaving the pass, Lei Nu always inquired about Lei Tian's death.

Where else is leisure to pay attention to a newly rising tuanye leisurely?

In addition, ye leisurely converged his breath at this time, just like an ordinary person.

Of course, Lei Nu is an antique in the fairy world after all.

He knows that some super immortal emperors like to hide their accomplishments and disguise themselves as young people to dress up as pigs and eat tigers.

It is also called to experience life.

Therefore, although Lei Nu was scolded by Ye Youran, he didn't attack for the first time.

But let ye Youran come in with Laifu.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be the leader of the five poisons sect."

However, ye Youran seemed not to see Lei Nu at all.

He went straight to the trackless emperor and others and said to the moon Red Fairy.

Nun poison face has a great reputation in the fairy world, but no one knows that she is the leader of the five poisons sect, even ye Youran doesn't know.

In fact, it's not just ye Youran. The sect leader of the five poisons sect is the moon Red Fairy.

Who can think of that? Without trace emperor Zun and others couldn't help looking at the moon Red Fairy in surprise.

The moon Red Fairy, who accompanied them all the way at the Tianting site and experienced countless lives and deaths, is actually the leader of the five poisons sect who has been closely related to countless forces for a long time.

The true dragon master who has some friendship with the moon Red Fairy is also very surprised.

In fact, although the five poison sect was founded by the moon Red Fairy, she hardly cares about the five poison sect.

Miss zero will take care of everything in the five poisons sect.

She is only a symbolic name, only when there is a major crisis in the five poisons gate.

The moon Red Fairy will appear as nun poison face.

When nun poison face appeared, she must have killed the door.

Because the previous moon Red Fairy's mentality was seriously distorted.

Everyone who knows that she is the leader of the five poisons sect has almost no life.

In addition, the moon Red Fairy is no longer the old nun with a poisonous face.

Seeing her appearance, if Miss zero didn't worship the sect leader, no one would associate the moon Red Fairy with the sect leader of the five poisons sect.

"I didn't mean to hide it. You haven't asked!"

The moon red fairy said shyly.

The creation of the five poisons sect is actually just a whim of the moon Red Fairy.

The five poisons sect can develop into the first-class force in Blackwater City, which is not the credit of the moon Red Fairy.

This is the credit of zero girl.

The moon red fairy has always been walking in the fairy world as a sanxiu.

She never works under the name of the five poisons sect, nor does she take any cultivation resources of the five poisons sect.

In addition to being the sect leader of the five poisons sect, she only made a few moves to help the five poisons sect through the crisis.

"Five poisons sect leader? What do you mean? Is your agreement on the alliance between the five poisons sect and our four forces going to be invalidated? Are you kidding us?"

Thunder couldn't help his anger.

He didn't know who the suddenly appeared leaf Youran was.

However, it can be seen that ye Youran and Wuji emperor Zun are together.

Now the relationship between Yuehong fairy and ye Youran is also unusual.

It seems that the five poisons sect is going to work with the four major forces such as Taixu sect.

But this is too much. At night, the five poisons gate promised to unite with them, but now it has to go back on its word.

This simply doesn't pay attention to his thunder fire sect and other forces.

Even if Taixu Zong added a five poison gate, he was not afraid of thunder and anger.

After all, they still have four super first-class forces.

Although four against five, they can't eat well on this side.

But if you really put it together, forces such as Taixu sect and the five poisons sect will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Therefore, Lei Nu concluded that the Taixu sect and the five poisons sect would never dare to go to war.

"My sect leader is not fooling you. Before today, I didn't know my sect leader was here. I promised to unite with you, but everything is up to my sect leader. You can accuse me, but dare to accuse my sect leader again. The five poisons sect general will never die with thunder and fire sect."

Miss zero went to the moon Red Fairy, then looked at Lei Nu coldly and said.

Miss zero is a dignified Moon Fairy.

No matter what the moon Red Fairy decides to do, she and the whole five poison sect will firmly support it.

But seeing Lei Nu scolding the moon Red Fairy, Miss zero couldn't stand it.

Even if Lei Nu is an old super Immortal Emperor, and zero girl is just the later stage of the Immortal Emperor.

Although zero girl is just a girl, she naturally has a dignity.

At this time, she said something that would never die. Even Lei Nu dared not ignore it.

Because the five poisons sect is a group of madmen. Even if there is a war, don't expect the five poisons sect to fight openly.

The five poisons sect will do everything. This may be the best interpretation of the famous saying that only women and villains are difficult to raise in the world.

Miss zero calmed Lei's anger, which made ye Youran look at her with new eyes.

This little girl is very interesting and talented. Maybe she can be cultivated in the future.

Ye Youran thought, but it's not appropriate for a woman to come forward on such an occasion.

After all, the hero conference was held by Ye Youran.

Ye leisurely stepped forward, looked at Lei Nu faintly and asked:

"You are the old leader of the thunder fire sect! Did you just say you were going to tear down the Taixu sect?"

The thunder was too angry, and he jumped out to die.

It's no wonder ye Youran takes him as a model to set an example and establish his dignity.

"Yes, it's my rage."

Lei Nu knew that ye Youran came from a bad source. At this time, he couldn't admit it, and angrily said:

"It's not too much for me to ask for a statement that Taixu sect and Lingyin sect jointly killed my son. Who is your excellency? Do you want to deal with us and Taixu sect?"

"Not too much."

Ye Youran smiled and shook his head, then said:

"But you found the wrong person. I killed Lei Tian myself."

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