Lord Eisen knew he was powerless to return to heaven.

Ye Youran, they are too strong and there are too many people.

They either die here or give up the divine body and run away together. There is still a glimmer of life.

Although they were asked to give up the divine body, it was a fatal blow.

They carry a lot of treasures with them, and the divine body they have worked hard for so long has given up.

The body of people in the fairyland is not strong enough to carry their spirits.

In other words, without the divine body, only the divine soul is left. They can't even take it away.

And without the divine body, their strength will be greatly reduced.

But compared with death, nothing is important.

As long as they can escape from heaven and wait for the second wave of gods to come to the fairyland, they are still likely to reshape their bodies and return to heaven.

With the thirteen spirits out of the body at the same time, ye Youran also shot for the first time.


Ye Youran threw out a whip.

Beating the divine whip is a six grade artifact. Unfortunately, without the spirit, it can only be reduced to five grades or even lower.

However, there is a characteristic of beating the divine whip, that is, the damage to the divine soul is doubled.

Ye Youran threw the whip out for the first time, and immediately blasted the soul of a God.

Then ye Youran flew out of Haotian sword, and Haotian sword also caught up with the spirit of a God, which was directly pierced.

All the power of the divine soul was absorbed by Haotian sword.

Ye Youran played a hand formula. Hao Tianjian turned around and caught up with the spirit of a God again.

At this moment, ye Youran killed three gods.

"Time tripod."

Ye Youran was not idle.

Twenty times the speed makes Ye leisurely disappear in the air.

When he reappeared, ye leisurely beat the whip and entangled a God again, and received the spirits of the gods in the golden body hall.

This is the second time ye Youran has used the time divine tripod.

There is only the last part of his merit.

The other immortal emperors are not idle.

The prison master bears the brunt. He also has an artifact in his hand, and his level is no worse than ye Youran's Haotian sword.

It's also a seven grade artifact, and it also has a spirit.

It was a folding fan. The folding fan came out like a rotating saw disk.

Directly cut a divine soul.

Emperor Zhan had an umbrella in his hand. It was a soul collecting umbrella. It was a five grade artifact. There was no spirit.

But the soul collecting fan can also suppress the spirit.

His soul fan directly received the soul of a God and suppressed it.

Although Lord Zeng is not a sub God, as the Lord of Baibao Pavilion, he naturally has a lot of good things in his hands.

He had a gentleman's sword and seven artifact in his hand, and he also had a spirit sleeping.

He also killed a God.

Six gods died at once.

"Real dragon claw, burst."

Then came the spirit of the seventh gods, which was directly caught and exploded by the real dragon master with the magic power of the fifth claw of the five clawed Golden Dragon.

The real dragon master is also a sub God level, although he has no artifact.

But his fifth claw is like an artifact.

Even in the face of an artifact, his fifth claw can block the next blow.

This is the horror of the five clawed golden dragon, especially the five clawed golden dragon that inherits the blood inheritance.

"Xiaobai, kill the pony."

Ye Youran continued to launch the time God tripod and threw out the fire eyed golden eye beast and unicorn while chasing down the gods.

The fire eyed golden eye beast has also opened the blood inheritance. Although it is not a sub God level, it is not much different from the sub God level.

The unicorn's blood has been completely purified, and the unicorn on its head is pure white.

Now it is slightly inferior to the golden eyed beast, but it is not much different.

And when it comes to speed, the golden eye is no match for unicorns.

And the fire eyed golden eye beast actually gave ye Youran a big surprise.

Because the original magic power of the fire eyed golden eyed beast is the eye of heaven.

The third eye in the center of its eyebrows burst out a beam of blood light, which directly blasted the spirit of a God who had fled far away.

No wonder at the beginning, in the golden body hall, after the fire eyed beast understood the magic power of blood inheritance, he was eager to fight with ye Youran again.

If ye Youran is surprised by his heavenly eye, I'm afraid it won't feel good.

However, it is obvious that the fire eyed golden eye beast can only be used once.

Speed is not the strength of the golden eye beast, but there are still unicorns.

After the supernatural power of Tongtian eye killed a divine soul, the fire eyed golden eye jumped on the unicorn's horse and caught up with another divine soul.

The fire eyed golden eye beast has a six item artifact - Tiangang flame stick given to it by Ye Youran.

With a stick, the fire eyed golden eyed beast scattered the spirits of the gods.

This is the eighth spirit.

Ye Youran's time divine tripod gave full play to the speed, caught up with the two gods again, wounded the two gods and threw them into the golden body hall.

But by this time, the time limit for the third use of the time divine tripod is over.

There are still three spirits left, and ye Youran is unable to catch up.

Among them is Lord Eisen, whom ye Youran doesn't want to let go.

"Let me come! Inject the power of the law of fire into me."

Just when ye Youran thought the remaining three gods were destined to escape.

An old voice sounded in Ye leisurely's mind.

Ye Youran looked at Hao Tianjian in surprise.

Has the spirit of Haotian sword awakened?

"What are you doing? It's too late."

The old voice sounded again with a trace of dignity.

Ye Youran didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly injected the power of law Fire pill into Haotian sword.

Haotian sword suddenly turned into a fire sword. He ignored space and didn't need ye Youran's control.

In an instant, he caught up with a divine soul. After killing, he turned around and killed another divine soul.

"Lord Essen, avenge us!"

However, it was the one who was about to be killed by Haotian sword.

The spirit burst and roared. Before Haotian sword arrived, he chose to explode himself.

The power gained by the self explosion of the spirits of the gods and the destruction of the spirits is quite large.

Even Hao Tianjian was shaken away.

With this hindrance, Lord Essen's spirit has run away.

Finally, Hao Tianjian lost his head and returned directly to ye Youran's hand.

The spirit of Haotian sword, the old voice came again helplessly:

"His strength hasn't fully recovered yet. He escaped. Alas! He capsized in the gutter and finally recovered some. It seems that he will sleep again."

Hao Tianjian's weapon Spirit said, and immediately fell into a deep sleep again.

It seems that the self explosion of the divine soul does great harm to it.

Ye Youran thanked and called a few times, but the spirit of Haotian sword didn't respond again.

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