Zhan Kuang xianzun and others have long had plans in mind, but they still quite support ye Youran's decision.

Because ye Youran is a man of destiny, he has the atmosphere to carry him. Every choice of Ye Youran may have the help of God.

Therefore, Meiniang xianzun and others did not agree with ye Youran's decision to let her 500 separate bodies guard the southeast direction with more than 60 strong sub gods such as Zhan Kuang xianzun.

After all, they are all sub gods, and ye Youran's separation is all sub gods.

This is the most powerful elite in the League of heroes.

With so many elites guarding the southeast, the strong of the heroic alliance led by Ye Youran can only guard the northwest.

If the gods in the northwest are stronger.

The safety of Ye Youran may not be guaranteed.

They were so far away that they could hardly look at each other.

But at the thought that ye Youran is a person with atmosphere, maybe ye Youran's choice is the most appropriate.

Therefore, Zhan Kuang xianzun and others did not raise objections in the end.

In this tense and quiet atmosphere, three days have passed.

Three days later, ye Youran could feel the law smell getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly accompanied by two loud noises.

A huge black hole appears in the southeast and northwest directions referred to by Ye Youran.

The two black holes are more than tens of thousands of miles apart.

The spiritual level of the gods outside the sky also exceeded ye Youran's expectation.

At this time, in Blackwater City, nearly a million immortal emperors were all ready to go.

After this year's running in, all of them have been familiar with the total method of five elephant combo.

They can really go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

They all looked at ye Youran bravely.

Ye Youran is like a general in front of thousands of troops.

This time, ye Youran has no redundant nonsense.

Just summoned Haotian sword, pointed to the sky and shouted:

"Let's go!"

When the two words fell, ye Youran took the lead, leading more than 800000 immortal emperors such as Hong Meng, the Lord of huangquan prison, the emperor of war and the master of Zhenlong to the northwest.

Ye Youran's five hundred separate bodies also led Zhan Kuang xianzun and others to the southeast.

Because of Ye Youran's separation, ye Youran can intuitively "see" the situation on both sides.

The situation on both sides is almost the same, which is not optimistic.

In the northwest of Ye Youran, there are more than 1000 gods.

And ye Youran also sensed the breath of a six grade gods.

There are thirteen gods of the five grades.

The rest are almost all three gods.

Tianwaitian seems to be serious this time.

In the southwest where the man of zhankuang xianzun is located, there is also one of the six gods.

However, relatively speaking, there are fewer five gods, only seven.

But the rest are all four gods.

And the number is also more than 1000.

Relatively speaking, ye Youran encountered more in the number of five gods.

But Zhan Kuang xianzun's side is full of intermediate gods.

Four to six are intermediate gods, so on the whole, the gods in the place where Zhan Kuang xianzun and others are located are stronger.

But ye Youran never thought that the number of gods sent by Tianwaitian this time was more than 20 times that of the second wave, but the quality was more than a thousand times.

There were only fifteen gods for the first time.

And they are all low-level gods, and the strongest is only the third grade.

A hundred gods came in the second wave.

However, there is only one middle-level gods, and the others are low-level gods of second and third grade.

This time, the gods came to an amazing more than 2000 people.

The lower gods are also the worst of the three grade gods.

The intermediate gods have reached more than 1000 people.

This immediately made ye Youran feel not optimistic.

Ye Youran has only 500 parts, plus more than 60 strong sub gods of Zhan Kuang immortal.

The number is also less than 600.

Six hundred strong sub gods have to face more than 1000 intermediate gods.

From the very beginning, the battle was very different.

Ye Youran should not be underestimated.

Although most of them are three gods.

But leveling the winner and the thirteen five level gods is enough for the strong of the League of heroes to drink a pot.

Even if the strong of the hero League use the five elephant combo, they can only compete with the low-level gods.

Only the strong ones of the secondary God level can compete with the intermediate gods by using the five elephant combo.

However, fortunately, there are enough immortal emperors on the side of the hero alliance.

The five elephant combo can be superimposed on each other.

Five five elephant combo can be superimposed into an intermediate five elephant combo.

In other words, the 25 strong immortal emperors form the superposition of five five elephant combats, which can still compete with the intermediate gods.

It is only the superposition of the five elephant combined attack, which requires a higher tacit understanding between the great immortal emperors.

Therefore, if they combine with each other, they may not be able to play the real future of intermediate five elephant combo.

But anyway, it's on the line now.


Time is pressing. Ye Youran has no time to write with these gods.

Ye Youran was the first to bear the brunt. Holding Haotian sword, he killed among the gods.

The spirit of Haotian sword has awakened.

In addition, ye Youran has mastered the power of space law, so ye Youran can play the extremely powerful power of Haotian sword.

Ye Youran is fierce. When he sees the competition of Ye Youran's Haotian sword, the general three-level gods can only avoid the edge for a while.

Some of the three level gods who escaped slowly were directly killed.

The five gods have to join hands to resist the Haotian sword in ye Youran's hand.

This immediately frightened many gods to look at ye Youran in fear.

But these gods are not built.

The six gods roared angrily:

"All the five gods will kill this son with me."

The six gods did not dare to compete with ye Youran alone.

Because ye Youran is obviously not easy to provoke.

At the same time, he was also frightened. What was the origin of this sub God level little guy? Why is it so powerful?

He is a six grade God, and even some of them are unmatched.

If there were no other five gods working together, he would not even have the courage to face ye Youran alone.

No wonder the gods who came before were killed so quickly.

For a time, a six level gods and thirteen five level gods surrounded Ye leisurely and tangled together.

As for the other three gods, they also fought with Hong Meng.

When ye Youran started the scuffle, the chaos in the southeast also began.

Ye Youran's twenty-five incarnations formed an intermediate five elephant combo, which directly surrounded the six gods.

Because ye Youran knows very well that if you can kill the six gods, the pressure on the southeast side will be relieved a lot.

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