Ye Youran has never stayed in a hotel in his life.

For poor people like ye Youran.

It's too luxurious to stay in a hotel.

However, ye Youran consumes too much medicinal gas today.

Also really tired.

And with so many things in his hand.

It's not appropriate to go to the Qingguang mountains.

So ye Youran can only endure heartache and go to the hotel to open a room.

Ye Youran has more than 100 cash on her.

After paying the fare.

Ye Youran can only swipe her card to stay in the hotel.

Walk into a tidy room of your own.

Ye Youran sighed that a rich life is comfortable.

On the other hand, I couldn't help cursing in my heart. It took 188 to stay one night.

Another black heart merchant.

What makes Ye leisurely dissatisfied most is.

Ye Youran just habitually counteroffered, but she was looked at by the little sister at the front desk with disdain.

Put down things, ye Youran immediately went to take a comfortable hot bath.

I've spent all my money. I'm sorry if I don't take a good bath.

Ye Youran, who came out wrapped in a bath towel, just wanted to study what kind of traditional Chinese medicine that root is.

But I saw a small card on the crack of the door.

Ye Youran remembers that when he entered the door, there was no small card on the ground.

Ye Youran walked over with doubts and picked up the small card.

However, looking at the picture on the small card, ye Youran suddenly blushed.

Because there is a very pure student sister on that card.

I don't know whether it's because the clothes are too expensive or the student sister is too poor.

It was naked, white like jade thighs and a huge murder weapon that almost broke the cover.

Let Ye leisurely hardly open his eyes.

In addition to the photos of the student sister, there are several charming words "emotional escort" on the card.

And a cell phone number.

"Cough... I'm a pure young master. How can I leave my first time here?"

Ye Youran looked at the little card hard.

Then I put it in the trash can.

Ye Youran encountered such a problem for the first time.

But I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I seen a pig run?

I'm afraid every man wants this kind of thing.

But ye Youran can't.

Because... It is said that... It has been severely cracked down recently, so it is very expensive.

To divert attention.

Ye Youran tried not to think about the card in the trash can.

Instead, he began to tidy up the things in the room.

Ye Youran picked out a red * * that Wang Yan personally chose for him today and put it on.

At the thought that this * * was touched by Wang Yan, ye Youran's heart surged.

But ye Youran hurriedly pressed down the evil idea in his heart.

That's my own teacher. It's so immoral.

"Eh? This is the mobile phone that sister Chen gave me today?"

While sorting things, ye Youran suddenly saw a golden mobile phone.

Ye Youran didn't pay much attention during the day.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shuxian gave him an Apple phone that ye Youran despised and despised all the time.

And it seems to be the latest iPhone X.

The minimum configuration of this mobile phone is nearly 10000 yuan!

Ye Youran quickly took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

At the moment when the mobile phone is turned on.

Ye Youran was amazed.

What a big screen, almost full screen.

"It's too expensive, too expensive. It seems that unscrupulous businessmen are not only China's specialties, but also rich in unscrupulous businessmen in America!"

Ye Youran was having fun while condemning in morality.

Constantly explore its many interesting and fresh functions.

With ye Youran's current learning ability.

Not long ago, I found out many functions.

Then I shut down and put my mobile phone card into my mobile phone.

"Didi didi..."

After installing the mobile phone card.

Ye Youran's mobile phone shows more than a dozen caller ID messages when he is in Leighton.

Most of them were played by Anne.

Needless to say, ye Youran knows.

She asked ye Youran to rehearse.

Ye Youran ignored Annie's call.

Just make an excuse later and apologize.

And Lu Xuan's.

Dongfang Waner didn't call ye Youran.

Instead, he sent two wechat voice messages asking and caring about what happened to ye Youran in class today, so he rushed out.

Ye Youran wants to send a message back to Dongfang Wan'er.

But it's too late to see it.

It's more than one in the morning.

Ye Youran gave up.

And there's a strange phone number.

Ye Youran doesn't know whose number this is.

But it shows that this number called Ye Youran three times this afternoon.

But I don't know. Ye Youran doesn't care.

However, ye Youran is ready to put down his mobile phone.

When I started studying that root.

Ding Dong.

The voice of SMS came from the mobile phone.

Ye Youran almost instinctively texted.

There was a long paragraph in the text message.

But there was a heartbreaking smell inside and outside.

"Little brother, sister Chen, thank you very much for saving me today, but I called you three times. You were turned off. My sister looks so ugly. As for you giving me a fake number? In fact, my sister recalls today's scene. How I wish you didn't save me at that time. Maybe it's a good choice to let me die."

Looking at this message, ye Youran knew.

The three strange calls were actually made by Chen Shuxian, the young woman shopkeeper in the mall today.

Ye Youran gave her the mobile phone in her hand now!

Just let ye Youran have some bad feelings.

There seems to be something wrong with Chen Shuxian's current state!

Ye Youran thought about it and edited a message back:

"Sister Chen, in fact, you look very beautiful. My brother didn't report a fake number. I'm just a little busy today, so I didn't use the mobile phone you sent me today. My brother thinks that even if life is rough, there will always be beauty. Look forward. Finally, thank you for sending me my mobile phone."

Ye Youran checked that there was no typo and sent it out.

However, the message was sent out in less than a few seconds.

Ye Youran's cell phone rings.

It's Chen Shuxian's number.


Ye Youran hesitated and pressed the answer button.

"Hehe, I thought you gave me a fake number!"

A lazy voice with drunkenness came from the other end of the phone.

In fact, Chen Shuxian seems very strong, but her heart is very fragile.

She just thought ye Youran's number was false.

That's why she dared to give ye Youran's number to edit the information that revealed her heart.

I didn't expect the number to be true.

"Sister Chen, have you been drinking?"

Ye Youran asked with a frown.

In the middle of the night, a woman got drunk.

Don't even think about it.

This is a woman with a story.

"Yes! How about drinking? Are you interested in coming to have a drink with your sister?"

Chen Shuxian said lazily with a faint cry.

"This... Is not very good?"

It's more than one in the morning.

A woman of sister Chen's age should have a husband.

It's not good if you get misunderstood.

"There's nothing good or bad. I just want to find someone to drink. You add my authority. I'll send you a positioning. Come here by myself. I didn't lock the door and wait for you."

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