The arrival of the fourth gods frightened many people.

Without ye Youran, many people have no master, and even they can't decide whether to fight against the gods or run away.

This is a good thing, but it also has fatal disadvantages.

The advantage is that with ye Youran as the center, it can condense more powerful combat effectiveness and resistance.

Because ye Youran plays a good role as a spiritual leader. As long as ye Youran is there, he can boost morale without saying more than a thousand words.

The fatal disadvantage is that once leisurely is lost, the hero alliance is just a mob, which is difficult to form and condense effective combat effectiveness.

At this time, ye Youran hid in the dark and looked at the strong players of the hero League. He was somewhat disappointed.

At the same time, he felt more and more that his choice was right.

Perhaps his departure from the fairyland is not only good for him and the fairyland, but also good for the strong in the fairyland.

Ye Youran doesn't want them to be his puppets. Perhaps without ye Youran, they can learn to grow, learn to fight and learn to strengthen themselves.

"Fellow citizens, ye Mengzhu is not here. This is the time to test us and prove us."

Zhan Kuang xianzun, who knew everything, stood up and shouted:

"Lord Ye Meng has done too much for us. Now he is closing the door. We should not disturb him, but show our real strength to prove ourselves, and give Lord Ye Meng a satisfactory answer, so that the beasts of heaven can see the combat effectiveness of our fairyland."

Zhan Kuang xianzun can only use words to boost morale, because he doesn't have the courage and leadership of Ye Youran.

But he can't tell the truth, because if ye Youran goes to heaven at this time, it may really make the people of the hero League lose the idea of resistance.

Also, since ye Youran has gone to Tianwaitian, whether they succeed or not, they will lose this spiritual leader in the future.

In the days without ye Youran, Zhan Kuang xianzun hopes that they can prove their strength and build their confidence through this war.

Otherwise, once the war is lost, they will form a negative idea that they can't defeat the gods without ye Youran.

Once this idea is formed, it is a very dangerous thing.

In other words, in this war, only success is allowed, not failure.

"Zhan Kuang xianzun is right. We'll kill him all."

"What are the gods? Are there few gods who have died at our hands?"

"Yes, we should show our strength to Lord Ye Meng. We are all the strongest in the fairy world, not vases."

"Yes, we are proud of Lord Ye, and we should make Lord Ye proud of us."

With the help of Zhan Kuang Xian Zun, Mei Niang Xian Zun and others, and under the deliberate guidance.

The war spirit in many people's hearts was aroused.

In stark contrast to the previous panic.

Ye Youran is very pleased to see it in the dark. This crazy immortal statue is worthy of being an antique.

"A group of mole ants dare to compete with the sun and moon."

Many gods disdained the strong men of the hero league who rushed up.

Because almost all the gods this time are gods with more than four or five grades.

There are even eight or nine grades.

If Zhan Kuang xianzun had not effectively boosted the morale before, most people would lose the courage to fight when they saw these gods.

However, when the people were ready to fight, hundreds of strong people in the realm of gods emerged in the direction of Heishui river.

The emergence of these strong people immediately disrupted everyone's rhythm.

Because these gods are also the existence of four or five grades.

No one knows whether they are enemies or friends.

Although the number of these gods is small.

But if it also comes from Tianwaitian, it will undoubtedly make things worse for the strong on the side of the hero League.

For the gods outside the sky, if these strong people come to help the fairy world, it is likely to be a third-party force from outside the sky.

It's not good for the gods outside the sky to have a third party involved.

Because the supreme being is outside the sky, the sky can be said to exist like a big Mac.

They know that these gods represent the majesty of the Supreme God, and there are third-party forces who dare to intervene.

That means the other party's background is not small.

They seem to have a large number of gods, but the Supreme God in the outer heaven can only be regarded as an external existence.

If they really provoke some super forces no less than supreme Pope.

They are likely to be ruthlessly abandoned by the supreme father.

Because they all know that the supreme Pope will not offend some super forces that can compete with the supreme Pope for their sake.

"If you invade the fairyland, you will be punished even if it is far away."

When the hundreds of gods approached, a strong man headed by him shouted angrily and rushed to the gods who had come down before.

And these hundreds of gods actually know the five elephant strike.

The strong men in the League of heroes immediately understood.

They are all friends of the fairyland.

This immediately inspired many people in the hero League.

The chaos war was completely started at this moment.

This time, there are more than ten thousand gods, including one of the nine gods, two of the eight gods and more than a dozen of the seven gods.

The rest are some five or six gods.

Although in terms of quality and quantity, the gods coming this time are larger than before.

But all the gods above the seven grades were restrained by the hundreds of gods that suddenly appeared before.

They use the five elephant strike technique, and the cultivation of the four gods is enough to deal with the advanced gods.

The remaining five or six gods naturally have the strength of the heroic alliance to fight together.

If one five elephant combo doesn't work, then five five elephant combo will be superimposed.

The quality of the strong players in the hero League is not good, but the quantity is large enough.

Now there are more than thousands of sub gods in the hero League, and hundreds of thousands of super immortal emperors.

Other immortal emperors add up, the number of heroes in the league is very close to one million.

Millions of immortal emperors can fill up the more than 10000 gods by using the five elephant strike technique, even if they use their lives to fill in.

Seeing here, ye Youran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good bye, fairyland. I hope you can exist forever."

Ye Youran finally took a nostalgic look at the bloody Hong Meng and others.

Because he knows he should go.

The black holes in the sky have begun to close.

If you don't go, it's too late.

Now that everyone's attention is on the battle, it's a good time for ye Youran to leave the fairyland quietly.

Ye Youran's body turned into a residual shadow, which brought the law of space into full play. At the same time, it also opened the 20 times time acceleration of the time God tripod.

Ye Youran's speed has been comparable to that of the nine gods.

Even the eyes of the eight gods may not be able to keep up with this speed.

But ye Youran knew that no matter how fast he was, he could not hide from the nine gods.

Because at the moment when ye Youran started, ye Youran could obviously feel that a divine consciousness swept away from him.

But ye Youran doesn't care. He knows it's just right.

Ye Youran needs him to send the news back to Tianwaitian, just so that the supreme Pope's senior management can know that ye Youran has come.

The supreme Pope will naturally focus on chasing him.

Finally, ye leisurely's body turned into a residual shadow and disappeared into a black hole in the sky.

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