No matter the appearance of kouyun is accidental, or she or someone else does it deliberately.

Ye Youran has no choice for the time being. She needs to stay with her.

As for the future, there will always be a day when the truth will come out, so ye Youran is too lazy to think about it.

Simply Ye leisurely went to the first floor of the inn, found a corner, ordered a cup of spirit tea and tasted it quietly.

Tianwaitian's spirit tea is quite good.

Quietly tasting, ye leisurely can even feel the growth of his spiritual strength.

Although ye Youran has two leopard tailed insects, they can constantly increase ye Youran's mental strength.

However, when ye Youran reached his present state, the two leopard tailed insects also seemed to be weak.

The growth of their spiritual power to ye Youran can't catch up with the breakthrough speed of Ye Youran's cultivation.

Ye leisurely points to the common spirit tea. Ye leisurely can obviously feel the growth of spiritual power.

The price of this divine stone is not unjustly spent.

But ye Youran didn't come for tea.

There are many people in and out of the inn.

For those who practice, it seems too boring to spend all their long life on practice.

Therefore, many practitioners will occasionally ask three or five friends to a teahouse to talk about ancient and modern times.

On the surface, ye Youran is tasting tea. In fact, he has pricked up his refining ears. All the talk around can't escape ye Youran's ears.

Some intelligence information useful to ye Youran will be kept in mind by Ye Youran, and useless gossip will be automatically filtered out by Ye Youran.

However, dengtian city is really a remote and backward city.

Here, ye Youran can obviously feel the quality of the strong.

In general, only three to five gods come in and out here.

There are even a lot of first and second grade.

As for the gods above five grades, ye Youran sees only one.

That is a man who looks like a sloppy beggar. He is actually the cultivation of the nine grade gods.

But the beggar man was not drinking tea, but begging.

He would walk one by one from the surrounding teahouses and pray for the guests to enjoy food and God's stone.

The old man hid his accomplishments, but ye Youran could clearly feel the fluctuation of the law breath on him.

As long as there is a fluctuation of law breath, almost all of them have cultivation accomplishments of more than nine grades.

But the old man's breath is well hidden. If ye Youran doesn't feel it carefully, and ye Youran has mastered the power of space law, he can hardly be found.

But ye Youran dared not despise the old man.

Because many antiques like this, including many such people in the fairy world.

Obviously, cultivation is strong, but you have to pretend to be weak and clown.

It is called experiencing life and experiencing the world of mortals.

However, the old man was ridiculed and driven away by many people.

Ye Youran secretly paid attention to it, but did not say anything to stop it.

Continue to listen to the talk of the people around you.

After listening for a long time, there is not much information really useful to ye Youran.

Many people are talking about their new experiences or experiences.

I don't know how many of these talks are true and how many are pure boasting.

"Have you heard that supreme Pope recently released a high reward!"

"Supreme religion? Supreme religion again. Why is this supreme religion always brushing the sense of existence? There are news about it everywhere recently."

"There's no way. It's no secret that the supreme Pope is targeting a place called the fairyland. Hasn't it reached the period of 50000 years recently?"

"But how did the fairyland offend the Supreme Master?"

"Who knows! Anyway, it's too long ago. Many people don't know the specific situation. It's said that this time a super genius was born in the place called fairyland, and that genius has reached our outer heaven."

"Oh! Is there such a thing? It's so blocked by the supreme Pope that there are still people who can fly to heaven? Tell me."

"I don't know exactly what the situation is, but supreme Pope recently released a reward of 100 million divine stones to catch the immortal mortal called Ye Youran."

"I've also heard that it's not just supreme Pope. This reward is released by supreme Pope in conjunction with super forces such as Li nationality and cheqian nationality. Therefore, the authenticity of this reward is still worthy of affirmation."

"A reward of 100 million divine stones! Where is the little guy named ye Youran? I'll catch him now."

"Hehe, it's not just you. Now countless strong people in the whole sky want to catch him, but no one knows where he is."

"Also, if you can catch it so easily, one clan and two major clans will not be willing to release a reward of 100 million divine stones."


More and more people are joining in the discussion.

Many people say it, and even ask "are you ye Youran" when they catch people.

After all, the reward of 100 million God stones is too envious.

At this time, ye Youran's face, sitting in the corner, is quite ugly.

He didn't expect that he was worth so much money.

At the same time, ye Youran also deeply remembered the three forces of supreme patriarch, Li nationality and blood clan.

Needless to say, the supreme Pope has completely pointed out his hatred with the fairy world.

Every massacre against the fairyland was led by supreme Pope.

As for Li and cheqian, according to the people around them, they are two family forces.

There are super strong men in both clans.

The power was even above the supreme patriarch before.

At the same time, these two clans are also one of the nine super forces in Tianwaitian.

However, these two clans will not personally deal with the fairyland under normal circumstances.

On the surface, the Supreme Lord is fighting with the immortal world.

Under the blockade of supreme God, ye Youran can enter Tianwaitian, which is absolutely a great humiliation to Tianwaitian.

So now the supreme Pope and other forces have begun to concentrate their firepower and begin to search for ye Youran's trace in the sky.

This is actually expected by Ye Youran.

It is also the result ye Youran hopes to see.

It's just that ye Youran wants to know what's going on in the fairyland.

I don't know whether the fairyland can resist the arrival of the fourth wave of gods.

But the people around didn't talk about it.

This makes ye Youran a little regretful.

However, just as ye Youran was concentrating on thinking about how he should deal with the supreme Pope's pursuit and reward.

The untidy old man didn't know when he had arrived in front of Ye Youran.

He looked at ye Youran pitifully, raised his hand and said to ye Youran:

"My Lord, give me some sacred stones! I haven't eaten for years."

The appearance of the old man startled ye Youran.

He is really careless. This beggar like old man is not a mortal!

If he recognizes himself, it's no joke.

But fortunately, out of caution, ye Youran has changed his face and breath as early as when he soared to the sky.

"Old man, sit down, waiter. Give me the best food here."

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