If ye Youran didn't say that he has the ability to dissolve the poison of red lotus fire.

Let ye Youran say anything, and let ye Youran have a big background.

Xuefeng's aunt will never allow Ye leisurely to live.

However, ye Youran can be regarded as stabbing the pain of the snow family.

But Xuefeng's aunt is not so easy to fool.

She didn't kill ye Youran, but her eyes didn't leave ye Youran.

As long as ye Youran has any changes, such as subpoena or everything, she thinks ye Youran may threaten the inheritance and behavior of the snow family.

She will kill ye Youran at the first time.

Ye Youran was also very uncomfortable to be stared at by her.

But this is her territory. Ye Youran really can't play any tricks.

And more words must be lost. Ye Youran can only say nothing now, and even doesn't dare to scratch when he is itchy.

In fact, in ye Youran's cultivation, the primitive thing of tickling won't appear.

And the efficiency of the snow family is really unspeakable.

Ye Youran did not see that Xuefeng had spoken to anyone.

How did they trace ye Youran's identity?

An old man suddenly appeared. Xian Xuefeng's aunt, the elder, said:

"Report back to the elder. There is indeed an emerging sect Huaxia sect in dengtian peak. Its leader is Ye Tian. That's right. But according to my investigation, he is not a Buddhist."

The old man said it objectively and retired.

The elder's face eased after listening to the first half.

But the words behind the old man made her face more and more gloomy.

The knife like eyes made ye Youran frightened.

I really don't know how many men abandoned the old witch.

I can develop this uncertain character.

"I told young master Xuefeng that I once practiced Buddhism, because my former teacher was a Buddhist, but I am not a Buddhist. I practice both Taoism and Buddhism."

Ye Youran quickly explained to herself.

In fact, ye Youran's words are not a lie.

He also got the relic inheritance of Zhu Gu living Buddha.

Ye Youran's heart has always regarded Zhu Gu living Buddha, the Taoist monk in the fairy world, as his teacher.

As for the double cultivation of Taoism and Buddhism, although that is not true, it is not a lie.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that ye Youran has the power of Buddhism.

"Auntie, brother Ye really told me that. People who practice Buddhism are always kind-hearted and should not be bad. I begged him for a long time before he agreed to join me. Moreover, the red lotus fruit is also brother Ye's righteous hand. We can get it. I hope Auntie can see it clearly."

It can be seen that Xuefeng is quite afraid of his aunt.

Although the time is short, they can't pick out all ye Youran's life experience.

But for now, ye Youran didn't lie.

"Ye Tian, right?"

After staring at ye Youran's eyes for a long time, the elder said:

"I will continue to track down your identity. If I find out anything, you know the consequences. Now go with me to see the patriarch, and everything is up to her."

The elder finally stopped fighting and killing.

This let ye Youran breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he was very angry in his heart.

The elder is obviously an old witch. I don't know how old it has been for many years.

Even let yourself look like a girl.

Ye Youran, however, has not experienced such things as being yelled around, bossed around, or even hit or kill if you want to.

But think about how she hurt uncle Shui and lost his ability to move with a wave of her hand.

Ye Youran still pressed down his mouth.

It's better not to provoke her. Endure the calm wind and waves for a while and take a step back.

Lest she really kill herself in a moment of anger, then ye Youran will lose a lot.

The elder took ye Youran, Xuefeng and the seriously injured uncle Shui to the largest tree house in the forest.

The tree house is huge and towering from the outside.

Ye Youran was even more surprised when she walked into it.

The magnificent and elegant here may be the best description here!

On the main hall, there was a curtain of crystal beads connected in series.

This curtain is by no means a mortal thing. It can isolate the view of spiritual power.

But his eyes could see through the curtain, and he could vaguely see an exquisite and graceful figure half lying on the throne behind the curtain.

"Is the head of the snow clan female?"

Ye Youran was stunned.

The elder said he would bring ye Youran to the patriarch.

Ye Youran thought he would be Xuefeng's father.

Is the shadow behind the curtain the mother of Xuefeng?

Of course, although she guessed in her heart, ye Youran was cautious and didn't ask.

"Patriarch, I have brought this man."

After the maiden elder saluted, he came forward and said something in the mysterious woman's ear.

Because of the curtain, ye Youran doesn't know what she said.

But ye Youran can guess that it should introduce ye Youran's identity and explain ye Youran's origin.

"I see. Give me a seat."

Although the woman behind the curtain can't see her face clearly.

But the voice is sweet.

And warm voice whispers, very gentle, also seems to be very approachable.

At least it's not as cold and repulsive as the elder.

Her voice Ye leisurely listened, and even her bones were crisp.

A person with such a nice voice should not look too bad!

Soon someone moved a chair.

Ye Youran hesitated and sat down.

This woman is like an ancient emperor on earth.

But ye Youran is not as humble as a mortal minister.

Since let me sit down, ye leisurely naturally can't stand.

"Since Mr. Ye has practiced Buddhism and guessed the condition of my body, I don't know when Mr. Ye can arrange treatment?"

The woman continued to ask in a warm voice.


Ye Youran didn't prevaricate. Of course, ye Youran didn't say too much, but said:

"However, I still don't know the specific situation of the patriarch. I can't guarantee whether I can dissolve the poison of the fire of the red lotus industry or how much."

Ye Youran is looking for a way out for herself.

Because the old elder's attitude made Tuan Ye leisurely very alert.

Even if ye Youran can be cured, he will never be cured at once.

Because ye Youran deeply understands that a person who has completely lost his use value is a person with a short name.

Ye Youran must hang the patriarch. The best thing is to make her half dead, so that ye Youran can live.

"In that case, you all step back! Mr. Ye can come near and treat me."

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