"What's wrong with the ice and snow law?"

Seeing that the golden emperor was so serious, ye Youran didn't answer how he got the law of ice and snow.

Instead, he asked.

Now ye leisurely is like a frightened bird.

He is very sensitive to everything.

It's no wonder ye Youran is like this. If someone else is in ye Youran's situation.

I'm afraid it's already collapsed.

It's impossible to be cautious if you are against heaven!

"The law of ice and snow belongs to the law of variation, and even does not belong to the orthodoxy of heaven, that is, there is no law of ice and snow in heaven."

The golden emperor patiently explained:

"In the three thousand Avenue, the law of ice and snow is a very special existence. Even at some times, even the way of heaven may not command this law."

With the golden emperor's eloquence, ye Youran understood.

Simultaneous interpreting the laws of ice and snow is like the legendary Erlang God.

Erlang's divine skill is involved in nature. He guards at the guanjiangkou. He can not even listen to the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor, because he only listens to the tune and does not listen to the announcement.

What do you mean by listening to the tune and not listening to the propaganda? The Jade Emperor can ask him to do something.

But if the Jade Emperor orders him to do things, he can completely ignore it.

Because Erlang God has such strength and is independent of heaven.

So is the law of ice and snow.

Although it exists under the way of heaven, it is independent of the road.

Therefore, the law of ice and snow is a very special existence.

It's no wonder the golden emperor paid special attention to it.

"It's also luck. Once there was a sect called Tianji palace in Tianwaitian..."

Ye Youran did not hide the golden emperor.

The golden emperor has told ye Youran so many secrets.

It's not too much for ye Youran to tell him about Xueer.

Moreover, ye Youran is still waiting for the golden emperor to give him directions!

"I see. I heard about the Jiji palace that day. It was only an ordinary small sect. But after the decline of Confucianism, I didn't expect the Jiji palace to rise that day. But it's a pity that the Tianji palace has declined again."

The golden emperor couldn't help sighing.

Even ye Youran couldn't help sobbing.

Time is the most terrible thing. There has never been anything eternal in the world.

The Tianji palace survived among the major forces.

However, because of the war between Confucianism and heaven, the world collapsed, and many great forces began to decline.

On the contrary, Tianji palace, a second and third rate sect, is not affected, or it is affected very little.

When the big sects are down, the small sects naturally rise.

The change of dynasties has been the law since ancient times.

Along with Tianji palace, there are forces such as supreme Pope.

However, the supreme Pope and other forces are in line with orthodoxy.

They support the way of heaven and rise under the guidance of the way of heaven.

The Tianji palace practices the law of ice and snow.

This is a law that runs counter to the way of heaven.

Tiandao will not deal with Tianji palace in particular, but it will not make Tianji palace lucky for a long time.

Finally, with the joint efforts of the supreme patriarch and other forces, Tianji palace fell again like a flash in the pan.

"This is also a good thing. The law of ice and snow is independent of the way of heaven. Even if they are loyal to the way of heaven, they will not be tolerated by the way of heaven. They can well water without violating the river, but they will never become friends. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, but you can win over the snow family for your own use. At least you don't have to worry that they betray you and please the way of heaven, and they won't be affected by the way of heaven, which will be detrimental to you."

The golden emperor said with certainty.

Ye Youran was relieved.

Although fighting against such a behemoth as Tiandao, the snow clan will not help tuanye leisurely very much.

But now ye Youran needs help. This snow family should be a good choice.

"In fact, there are still many mutated rules similar to the ice and snow rule in heaven and earth. They will form families or sects. They are generally hidden from the world and live a life free from strife. They are not known. If you can meet them in the future, you can use them for yourself."

The golden emperor told me.

Ye Youran nodded, and then ye Youran found that the body of the golden emperor began to weaken a lot.

The golden emperor was just an illusory body condensed from residual thoughts.

As long as he comes out, it will naturally begin to dissipate over time.

"Are you leaving again?"

Ye Youran asked the golden emperor with some reluctance.

Ye Youran has a special feeling for the golden emperor.

He taught Ye leisurely and solved his doubts. He was also a teacher and a friend.

In particular, ye Youran is now in a state where people and gods abandon each other and are destined to be enemies all over the world. Ye Youran is more and more dependent on the golden emperor.

At least he can have a friend who talks about everything.

"There is no banquet that never ends. When you break through the God of law and open another stone gate, we will see you again."

Said the golden emperor.

"So, you still have something to tell me? Why don't you just say it all at once?"

Ye leisurely said nothing.

This time the golden emperor is relatively satisfied with ye Youran.

At least he stopped hiding a lot of things.

But ye Youran knows that there must be many secrets he didn't say.

"You will understand in the future."

The golden emperor smiled and said.

And his body became virtual faster.

"Well... Then you don't have anything to give me? I'm surrounded by enemies everywhere. It's good to give me some self-protection treasures!"

Ye Youran doesn't know what to say.

In fact, his heart is more eager to stay with the golden emperor for a while.

Even if you don't say anything.

"The long light behind me is a law artifact, and the three animals and four fruits are also treasures. I'll leave them to you!"

The golden emperor smiled quietly, and his voice fell. He finally dissipated completely.

Ye Youran chased up and shouted several times, but there was no response.

Ye Youran stood quietly in his place, with mixed tastes in his heart.

Anyway, he seems to have a lot to say, but he doesn't know where to start.

It's just a mess.

However, ye Youran has experienced countless pains and opened the glazed gold body to the eighth person.

So he soon converged.

Now he has a heavy task and a long way to go. He should not have such a negative mood of loss and mixed feelings.

So ye Youran quickly abandoned his thoughts and cleaned up his emotions.

He looked at the seven long lights on the altar and the three animals and four fruits.

These are offerings that the golden emperor used to prolong his life.

However, how does the golden emperor exist? Can the things he uses to continue his life be mortals?

"Oh, my God! These... The three animals are all ancient monsters, and the four fruits are all legendary spiritual fruits that have been extinct for many years. They are all unique treasures that can greatly enhance Qi and blood."

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