Wu Zhi directly jumped from the God of the eight grade law to the God of the nine grade law and entered the realm of the God of the clergy.

He is already condensing his divine personality. As long as he succeeds in condensing his divine personality, he will no longer be the God of law.

But a true clerical God, which is the real mainstay of heaven.

Above the God of the clergy are the gods.

Therefore, the strong in the divine realm of the clergy will be regarded as the guest of honor no matter where they go.

However, Wu Zhi's breakthrough is not simply the credit of Ye Youran.

Of course, ye Youran eliminated his anger and improved his talent with the power of merit and virtue.

Ye Youran instilled a lot of spiritual energy into him, expanded his physical meridians and strengthened his body.

But the more important reason is that he has accumulated a lot.

In fact, Wu Zhi's talent is quite good, not much worse than Wu Gang.

But he is a little greedy for work and makes bold progress in order to stand out from his peers.

He has been practicing very hard and absorbed the violent energy of Hunyuan sea area crazily.

Later, Wu Zhi also found that he had been affected by the violent energy in the Hunyuan sea area.

The most obvious manifestation is that he is easy to get angry.

And it's easy to go crazy after getting angry.

Therefore, although Wu Zhi has been practicing hard these years, in fact, he has been trying hard to suppress the realm.

He can't break through like this.

Unable to find a solution, the higher the level, the easier it is for him to get possessed.

Therefore, Wu Zhi has long had the ability to break through the nine principles of God, and even qualified to impact the realm of the God of the clergy.

It's just that he has been restraining himself.

Now he is blessed by misfortune, and his anger has been dissolved by Ye Youran.

Zun level spirit pulse washed his body and strengthened his body in all aspects.

Therefore, it is only natural that Wu Zhi can re connect from the God of the eight principles to the God of the clergy.

However, the cohesion of divine personality is not a thing overnight.

It won't be finished in a minute and a half.

So ye Youran tells Wu Gang to guard Wu Zhi here until he wakes up.

As for ye Youran, he also shut up nonstop.

Ye Youran closed this time entirely to suppress the realm.

He doesn't want to achieve the realm of the God of law at this time.

While ye Youran closed, ye Youran also let all his parts leave.

Ye Youran's separation has broken through the 100000 mark.

But little is known.

Ye leisurely scattered most of his parts around the sky.

A small number of Ye Youran played different roles and joined the Huaxia gang.

Now, in the Huaxia sect, ye Youran is separated from military masters like Ye Ming and ordinary gang members.

This is also to facilitate better management and development of Huaxia gang.

In this way, ye Youran can not only know the name of low-level guild members, but also determine who can be made and who may be the top of other gangs.

Only in this way can the future Huaxia Gang become ye Youran's real help, not resistance.

But the most valuable ones are those scattered all over the sky.

They entered the major sects in different identities and slowly penetrated.

Including the supreme patriarch, cheqian clan and Li clan, ye Youran has successfully sneaked in.

Ye Youran's separation is just the cultivation of the nine gods.

Although the undercover has gone in, they are only peripheral members. There is still a long way to go if they want to really contact the core of these three forces.

However, this is a grand plan for a hundred years. Ye Youran believes that one day, his separation can be of the greatest value.

It is worth saying that ye Youran's separation is also distributed among his own Huaxia gang.

Ye Youran really found that the Huaxia sect has a lot of materials to make.

There are many members of Huaxia Gang now, especially in the recent year.

The number of the external members of the Huaxia sect has reached more than 10 million.

However, there are relatively few members in the inner circle, only tens of thousands of people.

However, many of these tens of thousands of people were selected by Ye Youran.

Either a man of good talent or a man of good character.

At the same time, ye leisurely's separation also found many sharp and thin.

For example, the hundred handed holy gate and the tip of the six finger demon sect.

These two second rate forces are now quite afraid of the Huaxia gang.

Especially after the Huaxia Gang killed Qingshan.

While they are flattering the Huaxia Gang, they are also wary of the Huaxia gang.

So it's normal for them to let some elite into the Huaxia gang.

As long as those sharp and thin don't mess around, ye Youran doesn't bother to pay attention.

After all, they are just small mole ants.

Because now the real strength of the Huaxia sect can compete with the supreme Pope and other forces.

Because the snow clan and the strong of revenge island live in Tianming palace.

The strength of the snow clan is much weaker than that of revenge island.

But there are also one or two strong ones at the LORD God level.

There are also many strong priests such as the great elder.

Revenge island goes without saying.

There are more than a dozen strong gods in revenge Island, and thousands of strong priests.

There are also a large number of young geniuses of the God of law.

Even if the Supreme Master attacks on a large scale, the Huaxia gang can resist it.

Therefore, ye Youran can completely ignore the covetous eyes of forces such as the hundred handed holy gate and the six finger demon sect.

After more than ten days, ye Youran finally suppressed the state of being ready to move.

At the same time, ye Youran also consolidated the realm of the nine gods.

When ye leisurely walks out of his exclusive closed room.

But I happened to see Wu Zhi, Wu Gang and two other girls guarding outside his door.


Ye Youran looks at Wu Gang strangely.

But Wu Zhi stepped forward quickly:

"Thank you for your kindness of not killing and rebuilding."

Wu Zhi clasped his hands and knelt on one knee.

Wu Zhi has now stabilized the realm of the clerical God.

Although he is only a product of the gods, he has condensed his divine personality.

Although it was only a primary deity, it was a milestone.

Without ye Youran's help, he might not only fail to become a god of the clergy, but also become possessed and die!

In the past, Wu Zhi looked down on ye Youran and even wanted to put ye Youran under threat.

But after he woke up and listened to Wu Gang's words, he knew that ye Youran risked his life to save him.

So Wu Zhidi came to thank ye Youran sincerely and sincerely.

"Get up! We are all a family. Why?"

Ye Youran quickly picked up Wu Zhiran.

Genius is conceited. Wu Zhineng changes when he knows his mistakes and has the courage to admit it. This is more important than anything. Ye leisurely's efforts are not in vain.

"Wu Zhi will certainly follow the lead of the little Lord in the future. He will never talk twice when the wind and rain come and go."

Wu Zhi said gratefully.

"Well, Wu Zhi, take your temper and help the young Lord well. The young Lord won't care about it."

Wu Gang said with a smile.

Then he introduced the two women beside him to ye Youran:

"Young Lord, these two are also the geniuses of my revenge island. They are Bingqing and Yujie. They are the descendants of the golden father and the cultivation of the God of the nine laws."

Descendants of the golden emperor? Two sisters, Bingqing and Yujie, good names.

"Bingqing (Yujie) has seen the little Lord."

"There's no need to be polite. I'm really a descendant of the golden emperor. I'm a family. I don't need to be so polite in the future."

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