Just as many people were not optimistic about the confrontation between the Huaxia gang and the Xue family.

At this time, everyone was not optimistic about the confrontation between Huaxia gang and supreme Pope.

Because the more advanced the cultivation or the more powerful the power of religion, the more we know how terrible the inside information of supreme religion is.

As one of the super first-class forces, supreme Pope is not the strongest.

But the gap with the first is not very big.

Even the strongest sect of super first-class forces dare not fight with supreme sect easily.

This is the capital of being a super first-class force.

So no one will be optimistic about the Huaxia gang.

But what no one knows is that ye Youran is drinking tea and talking with the ghost elder in the big square in front of the Chinese palace.

In fact, Wu shangzong's response was entirely expected by Ye Youran.

Because this is what ye Youran planned.

He didn't take the initiative to provoke the supreme Pope, but he made the supreme Pope take the bait by killing the Xue family and Wu Zhiyang's words who dared to mention the three words of supreme Pope again.

The Supreme Master will certainly not pay attention to the current Huaxia gang.

Therefore, the first wave of supreme pope must be only a tentative attack.

When the Huaxia Gang slowly eroded some of the supreme clan's strength, it was an all-round attack.

"In fact, a supreme ancestor is not worried. Instead, I am more worried about the two super families of cheqian and Li."

A snow-white old man said.

This person is the only remaining elder of the snow family and the ancestor of Tianxing.

Father Tianxing was once the elder of Tianji palace. He was also the famous Tianji Palace at that time. Now he is the only one left.

The others are either dead or missing.

Father Tianxing once wandered in the sky to find the evil old man in Tianji palace.

Seeing nothing, he was completely disappointed before he returned to the snow family.

Even when he arrived at the destiny palace of the Huaxia sect, the ancestor of Tianxing just shut up and didn't ask about the world.

But this time, supreme Pope and Huaxia Gang have begun to make positive contact.

He naturally needs to leave the customs in case of a sneak attack.

Supreme Master is not a good man or woman. Sneak attack and assassination are also possible.

In the face of the supreme emperor, the Huaxia gang can no longer treat the Xue family in this way.

Huaxia Gang needs to concentrate and be foolproof.

So Tianxing can't be closed now.

"Yes, although the supreme sect is a sect with a large number of disciples and tens of billions of disciples all over the sky, cheqian and Li are the clans inherited from ancient times, and their history is even older than that of Confucianism."

Nun funerary also said anxiously.

Although when Confucianism was in power, cheqian and Li were only neutral families.

However, the details of these two families can not be underestimated.

They have been inherited for so long, and they are deeply favored by heaven. After the decline of Confucianism, these two families rise rapidly.

Although these two families and supreme Pope are both super first-class forces.

But it is obvious that the supreme Pope is still buttering up to the two families.

The Huaxia sect and the supreme Pope are in conflict. If the supreme Pope has the upper hand, it will not provoke these two families.

But once the Huaxia gang has the upper hand, they will not sit idly by because of the relationship between the supreme Pope and the two families.

"I'm afraid he's a bird. It's enough for us to hide these years. Once the two families intervene, the matter will be more sensational. Our identity will be exposed, and those predecessors of our Confucian school will return in large numbers. It's a big deal to fight with them."

Master Yan said carelessly.

Master Yan is belligerent, but he was stronger than others in the past, and he was injured at the beginning.

Now he has recovered from his injury.

He could not bear the war spirit in his heart for a long time, and wanted to have a war with those old enemies in those years.

"Old Yan! When can you change your character? Although our injuries have recovered, it depends on the merit and virtue law of the young Lord and the Zun level spirit pulse under the Tianming palace. Those old guys of Confucianism don't say how much they are still alive. Even if they are alive, can you guarantee that they still have the strength of those years?"

Master ghost said helplessly:

"So we'd better listen to the young Lord. Don't be hard on this matter. We have to be wise."

The ghost elder said the truth.

Although the comprehensive strength of revenge island is not poor.

The ghost elders of the older generation are already strong at the LORD God level.

In the second and third generations, people like Zhu bi'er also existed at the level of quasi Lord God.

Even if the snow clan is added, I'm afraid it won't take much advantage if it conflicts with wushangzong.

If supreme Pope discovers the strength of the Huaxia Gang too early, they will certainly join the cheqian clan and the Li clan to challenge the Huaxia gang.

Originally, ye Youran's age and qualifications were the lowest among them.

But ambition is not high.

From these recent events, ye Youran is mature and responsible enough.

Ye Youran even sees a lot of things better than these old guys.

Therefore, ghost shadow elders have formed a preliminary trust in ye Youran and never dare to ignore ye Youran's opinions.

"For the time being, we don't have any good way. We can only wait."

Ye Youran pondered for a moment and said.


The ancestors of Tianxing and ghost shadow looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

What does that mean?

"Think about it! Once they are successful, no matter the supreme patriarch, cheqian clan and Li clan, their rise will step on countless people or superior forces. That is to say, they will have a large number of enemies or hostile forces."

Ye Youran analyzed:

"Now the supreme patriarch and cheqian clan have already consolidated their position to the point that ordinary people can't shake. Naturally, their enemies can only dare to be angry and speechless."

"As long as we can fight the supreme Pope beautifully and show the strength of our Huaxia Gang, we don't worry that no one will take refuge or forces will come to our Huaxia Gang to seek alliance."

Ye Youran's words awakened the dreamer again.

Whether in the mortal world or in the celestial world, or in the outer heaven, the cultivation resources are always limited.

If some people or forces want to rise, they must plunder more resources.

Someone's enemy has a struggle. That's the truth.

Competition for resources will naturally lead to resentment.

Some grudges cannot be resolved. Even if time passes for a long time, they will be buried in the bottom of my heart.

When the supreme patriarch and other forces have unlimited scenery, naturally no one dares to calculate the autumn accounts.

But if the supreme Pope and other forces are broken, not to mention those new and old resentments, there must be many people or forces who fall into the well and rob the fire.

The Tao is the enemy, and the enemy is the friend.

The Huaxia gang can only wait now, waiting for their allies to come.

"Yes, this is a way once and for all."

Tianxing looked at ye Youran with appreciation.

He is not a fool, but he has been closed for too long and separated from the world of mortals for too long. His thoughts are inevitably stubborn or biased.

Ye Youran's words woke him up, and he suddenly thought of a lot.

"Worthy of being the little Lord, my subordinates really admire it."

Master Yan made no secret of his excitement.

He belongs to the kind of person who hits wherever he points. As long as ye Youran opens his mouth, he even dares to rush to the supreme Pope alone.

But it would be really difficult for him to give advice.

At this time, he saw that ye Youran was really pleased to meet the Ming Lord, so that he had really entered the role and claimed to be his subordinates.

"Therefore, the most important problem for us now is at hand. Tomorrow is the ultimatum to solve the flying ultimatum. We should make a good plan and how to give him and the supreme Pope a big gift."

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