Shan Yuanfang attracted Xie Zehua's attention.

Ye Youran seems to have been forgotten by him.

I didn't even look at Ye leisurely.

But Xie Zehua doesn't care about the disdainful eyes of the people around him.

He sat directly beside Shan Yuanfang.

Pretending to discuss medical knowledge.

Ye Youran didn't bother to pay attention to Xie Zehua.

Instead, he looked at another dark man who didn't wear a school uniform at the scene.

The man looks young. He should be about twenty-five.

But now he closed his eyes and looked calm.

Soon, more and more people were on the scene.

The site, which can accommodate two or three thousand people, is almost full.

At this point, the big man finally began to enter.

The first appearance was Guan Shien, President of the Medical University.

Guan Shien helped the trembling old man Wang to the front.

Followed by a bald little old man.

The old man's only sparse hair has turned gray.

It can be seen that he is not young.

But the little old man gives people a feeling of spirit.

It's just his two mousy moustaches.

It always feels awkward.

Then came a fat grandmother with gray hair and presbyopia glasses.

The fat grandmother looked a bit like a fairy, and the expression on her face was amiable.

Then there are two middle-aged men in suits.

It goes without saying that ye Youran knows who the two men in suits are.

They are the alternative leaders of the second echelon from Beijing.

They can often be seen in the TV news.

(the names of these leaders will not be mentioned. We have to avoid suspicion!)

Then there is a middle-aged man in military uniform.

Holding an old man on crutches.

Ye Youran doesn't know who the man in military uniform is.

But ye Youran, the old man on crutches, knows him.

He is the old chief saved by Ye Youran in the dean's room of the affiliated hospital.

But what ye Youran didn't expect was that he would attend.

His life is not long. He still has the energy to run out and join in such a lively life.

And it's someone who can sit on the podium.

At this time, the old chief was being held forward by the middle-aged man in military uniform.

As for the grandson of the old chief, Zhijun, a young soldier who promised ye Youran a wild Chinese herbal medicine with a history of more than 30 years, did not see anyone.

Can't you be ashamed to see yourself because you can't take out traditional Chinese medicine?

Ye Youran thought unconsciously in his heart.

And with this group of people.

Thunderous applause broke out immediately.

No matter those with names on the scene or those without names in front of tables and chairs, all stood up.

In the applause, the group began to sit slowly on the rostrum.

At this time, ye Youran knew.

That little old man with eight character Hu is actually the master of the arrogant big white goose Xie Zehua - Master Bao Wenjie.

The fat grandmother with presbyopia glasses is Shan Yuanfang's grandmother.

Ma Xuelian, the founder of Ma Xuelian clinic, is a master of national medicine in Northwest China.

At the same time, ye Youran knew it for the first time.

The old chief who was saved by Ye Youran was actually surnamed Chu.

His name is Chu Qiangmin.

The name sounds very old-fashioned.

Wait until Mr. Wang and others are all seated.

Principal Guan Shien trotted aside and took over the microphone as the host.

Although Guan Shien is also a master of traditional Chinese medicine, he is also the head of a school.

But compared with Mr. Wang and Mr. Bao Wenjie at the scene.

Being a host doesn't hurt him.

"Distinguished guests and distinguished leaders, first of all, thank you for coming. I'm Guan Shien, President of Qingyuan Medical University. It's an honor for Qingyuan Medical University to invite you to the first TCM debate meeting."

After Guan Shien made an official opening speech, he continued:

"First of all, let me give a brief introduction to the process of this conference. This conference is mainly divided into two parts: the medical seminar in the morning and the rookie competition in the afternoon."

"The so-called medical research is that you medical professors and national medical masters can take out research according to some special or difficult cases they have come into contact with. Everyone enthusiastically spoke about whether such cases can have a better diagnosis and treatment plan."

"Medical research can promote the development of medicine and the progress of society. Therefore, I hope you can boldly express your views and speak enthusiastically at that time. Don't have the traditional concept of taking care of yourself."

Guan sengton continued:

"The rookie competition in the afternoon is mainly conducted by students of major medical schools or apprentices of national medical masters."

"At that time, there will be patients recommended by major hospitals or national medical experts for medical students to diagnose and treat."

"The identity information of those patients and the patient's case data are top secret. Even I don't know what kind of cases will appear at that time, which can play an absolute fairness and justice."

"Then the master of traditional Chinese medicine and the master of national medicine on the spot will comment on the diagnosis and treatment plan made by the medical students. After several rounds, the one with the highest score will win."

After Guan Shien introduced the competition process.

He immediately went on to say:

"Now, the first TCM syndrome debate meeting of Qingyuan Medical University has officially begun."

Thunderous applause continued for a long time in the ladder classroom again.

Wait until the applause falls.

Guan Shien then continued:

"Now, what special cases of difficult and complicated diseases are there in the hands of all medical professors and national medical masters present here for us to discuss and learn?"

Guan Shien said, looking forward to someone raising his hand.

But now the atmosphere is still a little cold.

No one raised their hands for a moment.

Guan Shien was a little embarrassed on the stage.

Ye Youran vaguely found that there was no succession.

Guan Shien suddenly made a very vague look at a certain direction under the stage.

At Dayton time, a very familiar voice of Ye Youran rang through the whole venue.

"Since everyone has the same learning attitude as me and wants to listen to other people's cases first, let me start with a brick to attract jade!"

At this time, the speaker was the president of the Affiliated Hospital and ye Youran's junior brother Chen Zheng.

Don't think ye Youran knows.

Guan Shien and Chen Zheng are martial brothers. They're afraid that they'll get through with each other in advance.

If there are no speakers.

Chen Zheng has to come out and support.

Chen Zheng belongs to the ranks of masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

So there was not only a card with his name on the seat in front of him.

And there's a microphone in front of him.

Chen Zheng said into the microphone:

"Before talking about the case, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Chen Zheng, President of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingyuan Medical University. I met such a special case in my hospital not long ago. I hope I can speak out and discuss and study with you."

Chen Zheng paused and continued:

"This case is an extremely special rheumatic patient."

"The patient's legs and knees are swollen like balls and have been paralyzed in bed for three years."

"And it is an extremely rare rheumatic disease complicated by five evils. The five evils are cold evil, dampness evil, wind evil, dryness evil and heat evil."

"If you encounter this special disease, how should you make the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment?"

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