"Xie Yifei is worthy of being the personal disciple of the supreme patriarch. I didn't expect to summon nearly ten times the strong so soon."

In the square in front of the Chinese palace, ye Youran and others are still drinking tea.

But nun funerary sighed heartily.

Supreme Pope is, after all, one of the nine super first-class forces.

Xie Yifei is one of the most popular disciples of the supreme sect among its many disciples.

Besides him, there is a little younger martial sister, and the voice is not low.

However, the younger martial sister seems not enthusiastic about running for the acting patriarch.

So although the younger martial sister has good talent, her cultivation is even stronger.

But not many people take refuge. After all, real people who have a heart want people to go high.

For those who are angry, they will not be taken refuge by ambitious people.

Last time, Xie Yifei led millions of strong men up the mountain.

This time, tens of millions of people came.

Among them, the three first-class forces such as Wen Jianmen contributed nearly one million.

After all, the young masters of these three first-class forces have been withheld by the Huaxia gang.

Naturally, they poured out in order to solve Yifei and expand their prestige, and also rescue their own Shaozhu and others.

So that the patrons of their three families, the strong ones of the LORD God level, all went out.

But what they didn't know was that their little Lord had already become the spiritual slave of the noble spirit pulse.

"What are you afraid of? We'll kill as many as we come."

Master Yan said, rubbing his hands.

He didn't have fun last time!

He must have a good time this time.

"Don't be careless. If we lose a lot here, we will be passive later."

Father Tianxing said with some worry.

After all, tens of millions of strong people came this time.

It is said that there are more than a dozen strong people at the LORD God level.

Besides the ghost elder and other three people, there is only the God level strong father Tianxing.

In the face of more than a dozen strong people at the main god level, the Huaxia gang has no advantage at all.

The only thing that can make them feel a little at ease is that the Huaxia gang has a strong mountain protection array.

This should consume a lot of their effective strength.

"Report back to the Lord, they have reached the sky of our Huaxia Gang, and they have directly flown up."

Snow lotus haunted behind ye Youran.

She is the queen of darkness. She can monitor everything in the dense forest of the mountain.

Xie Yifei was crowded this time. Instead of walking up the mountain, they flew up directly.

"Well done."

Ye Youran smiled faintly. Ye Youran just didn't open the mountain protection array, just wanted them to enter the mountain.

As long as they enter the peak, they are turtles in a jar.

Soon ye Youran calculated the time, when Xie Yifei and they flew over the tongue pulling peak.

Ye Youran immediately opened the three main arrays.

They are Zhoutian array, Tianyan array and tianluodiwang array.

With the support of Zun level spirit pulse, even if the three main arrays run continuously for several days, it is not a problem.

At this time, at the top of tongue pulling peak, Xie Yifei and others just flew up.

When the sky changed color, the sky immediately became dark and couldn't see five fingers.

This is the magic of Tianyan array, which can evolve day and night.

From a distance, a black ball is formed at the top of the mountain of tongue pulling peak.

In that sphere, the world is still bright.

Inside the ball, it was like ink entering the pond, all dark as ink.

"What's going on? What array is this?"

"What a wonderful array. The mountain protection array of Huaxia Gang is not simple!"

"Don't panic. It's just a magic array. It's just a function of confusion. It's not lethal."

"Ah! Who attacked me?"

"Oh, my hand!"

"Grandma, don't get close to me. If you get close to me, there's no amnesty... Ah!"

There was someone who wanted to stabilize people's hearts, but the man's voice didn't fall.

Screams come and go.

Because someone was attacking them, some people were killed directly.

And some people were broken.

This time is the beginning of panic.

They can't distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. Some people even suspect that someone around them is taking advantage of the chaos to kill.

So they immediately began to attack madly.

Anyone close to them will be attacked indiscriminately by them.

Because if you don't attack others, you may be attacked by others.

In order to protect themselves, many people raise their artifacts and kill their comrades in arms.

But what they didn't know was that it was not others who attacked them, but the indiscriminate shooting from the Zhou Tian array.

A large number of attacks can break out in the Sunday array.

The power is no stronger than that of an ordinary clerical God.

At this moment, more than tens of thousands of people were shot and killed by the Zhou Tian array.

Hundreds of thousands of people killed each other or lost their combat effectiveness.

"Stop it all."

Xie Yifei shouted angrily. He was also a little flustered, but he had a lot of cards in his hand.

He offered a treasure, the sun god stone.

The sun god stone has a hot fire light and can burst out a strong light.

In this dark place, but it can illuminate a lot of space.

With the appearance of the sun god stone, many people stopped their attack.

But looking at hundreds of thousands of bodies lying on the ground, some people who are not dead are crying.

Many of the people still standing were stained with blood.

I don't know whether it's my own blood or someone else's.

At this moment, they were shocked and uncertain.

Especially Xie Yifei, his face is extremely ugly, because it hasn't started yet! They've had so many internal friction.

"Damn Huaxia Gang, today I want you to pay with blood."

Xie Yifei roared, and other people were also heavy.

You didn't succeed in your graduation!

"Come on, let's kill the main peak."

Xie Yifei waved his big hand and controlled the sun god stone above his head, so he was ready to continue flying up the mountain.

Unfortunately, they had just flown up, and immediately there were countless attacks.

Or the attack from the array.

Because the mountain protection array of Huaxia gang has the setting of prohibiting flight.

When the mountain protection array opens, let alone people, even an ordinary bird will be shot down.

However, the attack of the array is not very strong. It can only threaten the strong below the God of the four level clergy.

The God of the fourth grade clergy is the God of the intermediate clergy.

The strong above the God of intermediate clergy can almost easily avoid the attack of the array, or bear the attack of the array with little threat.

However, there are a few strong people above the God of the four rank clergy, and more are the strong people of the God of law.

So at this moment, hundreds of people were killed on the spot, which scared many people to land and dare not fly again.

"Shit, the strong people below the clerical God walked up the mountain, burned, killed and robbed me all the way, leaving no survivors. Others went up the mountain at my speed."

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