Of course, ye Youran doesn't have a soul protecting stone. The soul protecting stone in his hand is the heritage of the golden emperor.

And ye Youran got it when he first opened the first stone gate in the golden body hall.

At that time, ye Youran just broke through the cultivation of heaven.

The soul protecting stone is the relic of the golden emperor.

That's the spirit that the golden emperor used to protect himself, in order to wait for ye leisurely's arrival.

Because the road of cultivation is a difficult road.

Some people may be trapped in a certain realm all their life and can't make progress. It may take a long time to break through. This is all possible.

The golden emperor was worried about such a situation.

He didn't know how long it would take ye Youran to meet at the stone gate.

That's why he used the precious soul stone to protect his soul.

The purpose is to give ye Youran more practice time.

Later, the golden emperor used three animals, four fruits, seven star life extension lamp and other means to protect his divine soul, all for the same purpose.

But the soul protecting stone leaf has been leisurely for too long.

He threw the soul protecting stone into the golden body hall and almost forgot it.

If it were not for this situation today, ye Youran might not remember the soul protecting stone all his life.

Because although this soul protecting stone is precious, it has a single function.

It can even be said that it is a chicken rib.

For people who don't need it, this soul protecting stone is not even as good as an ordinary divine stone.

But for those waiting for help, it may be the last straw.

In theory, as long as the power of the soul has not completely dissipated, the soul protection stone can provide strong protection for the soul.

Even it has the effect of raising and nurturing the soul.

Just like Xuelian now.

Xuelian has just died. Although she destroys herself, her soul still travels between heaven and earth.

The soul protecting stone can absorb her soul power and raise her in the soul protecting stone.

With the soul protecting stone, snow lotus still has the hope of survival.

"Master, hurry to use the soul stone! I'm worried that the longer it takes, the harder it will be."

Although ye Youran didn't expect that the soul protecting stone would make Tianxing's ancestors and ghost elders so excited.

At that time, ye Youran knew the function of the soul protecting stone.

Now it has taken a lot of time. If it is used when Xuelian destroys her spirit at the beginning, she has a greater hope of survival.

"Yes, look, we are so excited that we almost forget."

Father Tianxing woke up from a dream.

Xuelian is the genius of his snow family. The height of her talent lies only under Xueer, the saint of the snow family.

Father Tianxing regretted the loss of Xuelian.

He hurried to summon the divine power and activated the soul protecting stone.

"Cher, give me a drop of blood."

Father Tianxing shouted solemnly.

Although Xueer was confused, she didn't hesitate at all.

Soon, with Xueer's drop of blood, it fell on the soul protecting stone.

The soul protecting stone immediately emitted a refreshing light.

In the light of that light, everyone can clearly see that there are green lights scattered between heaven and earth.

These are the power of snow lotus's divine soul wandering between heaven and earth.

With the passage of time, the power of these spirits will dissipate completely.

"Take it!"

With Tianxing's master playing a formula, a large number of bits and pieces of light were absorbed by the soul protecting stone.

"Husband, this is..."

Xueer still can't understand.

But out of her blind trust in ye Youran, she instinctively asked ye Youran.

"Those are the power of the spirit of Xuelian, but it has dissipated a lot. Now there is limited absorption. I hope she... Alas! It depends on her own creation."

Ye leisurely explained helplessly.

Ye Youran knows how to use the soul stone.

Xuelian is Xueer's sister. They are connected by blood.

The purpose of using Xueer's blood essence as an introduction is to make the soul protection stone only absorb the power of Xuelian's divine soul.

The power of other people's spirits will not be absorbed.

But with too much power of the divine soul, the power of the divine soul in this state can't revive Xuelian.

Even if she is resurrected, she may spread the memory of her previous life and become a new life.

In this way, they created a new life instead of saving Xuelian.

So for a long time to come, the spirit power of snow lotus needs to be nurtured on the soul protection stone.

Only when the time is ripe and the power of Xuelian's spirit is restored, can we find a way to revive Xuelian.

Resurrection is actually very simple. It's not difficult to reshape the golden body by means of Ye Youran and others.

Even more simply, it can directly make Xuelian reborn.

Therefore, the difficulty lies in repairing the spirit of snow lotus, not rebirth.

"Alas! If only there were more soul stones."

Wait until all the bits and pieces of spiritual power are absorbed.

Father Tianxing collected the soul stone and handed it to ye Youran.

"Yes! If there are more soul protection stones, it can make Xuelian's divine power recover faster, and even enhance her divine power. When she resurrects in the future, her strength may be blessed by misfortune and go to a higher level!"

Ghost elder also said.

Ye Youran certainly understands this truth, but the soul protecting stone is not a roadside cabbage.

Not everywhere.

Only in the tombs or treasures of the strong in ancient times can there be one and a half pieces.

It is extremely rare and valuable for the golden emperor to have a soul protecting stone.

More soul protecting stones, ye Youran didn't dare to think about them.

"Elder, you'd better take this thing with you. She can't be disturbed now. It's better for you to take it with you."

Ye Youran thought for a while and didn't take the soul protecting stone.

Now ye Youran is under siege. Once his identity is exposed, ye Youran will become the target of public criticism.

Ye Youran doesn't want to hurt Xuelian.

"No! As long as the Lord doesn't leave the Huaxia palace, the Lord is safe. Moreover, the Lord has destiny. The Lord's luck will be better. Taking her may also bring her a trace of good luck."

Father Tianxing said:

"What's more, the Lord has the law of fate and the law of merit. Only the Lord can often use the law of fate and the law of merit to warm up her spirit, which is more beneficial to her."

Father Tianxing has said this for his own sake. What else can ye Youran say?

Ye Youran nodded and carefully put away the soul stone.

But what ye Youran and others didn't notice is that the ancestor of Tianxing unknowingly called Ye Youran the Lord.

This means that the ancestor of Tianxing has completely recognized ye Youran's identity and status.

He recognized ye Youran from the bottom of his heart.

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