The breath of Jiupin Lord God exploded from Quinn.

At this time, Quinn was like an angry lion, and his thunderous voice exploded at the scene:

"A group of old people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, shut up."

At the moment, Quinn naturally has the dignity of a superior.

Even in the face of the elders of Tianji gate, he dared to speak unkindly.

Because he's had enough.

Many elders at the scene did not expect that they had never dared to disobey them, and even Quinn, who had watched them grow up, would scold them so mercilessly.

So that for a moment they were stunned and speechless.

Of course, another important reason is that Quinn's cultivation is so terrible.

Not seen for many years, the cultivation of little Quinn has surpassed most of the old people on the scene.

Many of them feel the strong smell of bloodthirsty Quinn.

Some smart people had already found that the old sect leader was sitting upright and looking at his nose, nose and heart. He didn't seem to hear the great treachery of grandson kui'an at all.

"It's us who risked our lives to fight for Tianji gate. Have you shed a drop of blood for Tianji gate?"

Quinn stood up coldly and scolded every word:

"Whenever you are faced with the important decision of Tianji gate, you are compromising. Have you ever been a little bloody? How many good men of Tianji gate have bled and sacrificed for the development of Tianji gate, but you just want to calm down. Cold heart!"

"In those days, our ancestors even dared to disobey the way of heaven, although they later set an ancient motto to let us have a rest and not interfere in the gratitude and resentment of the world."

"But this time and that time, the times have long changed. If you continue to compromise and cold the heart of my good son Lang of Tianji gate, who will work for Tianji gate?"

"Without our bloodshed and sacrifice for Tianji gate, where would you have your comfortable life today?"

"You see, over the past tens of millions of years, I haven't even had a fixed place. It's like a rootless duckweed. Now we finally have this residence. Don't you want it?"

"If you are really so lofty, why do you flock like flies smelling excrement when you know that we have established a secret residence in the noble spirit pulse?"

"Now you're ready to retreat in the face of the Supreme Master's invasion. I tell you, I can't do it. If you want to go, I'll stay and fight with them. What bullshit old adage, the candidate for a new sect leader, such a Tianji gate, don't forget it! I'm a big deal for Quinn to quit Tianji gate."

Although Quinn spoke impolitely, many people at the scene felt it.

Especially the younger generation.

Many of them broke their families and died for the secret door.

But in the end, let alone revenge. If they mention revenge, they will be punished by Tianji gate.

The reason is that there can be no resentment.

They are all descendants of ancient gods. They are willing to sacrifice their ego and inherit the secret of heaven.

But who can be ruthless? Which one has no complaints in his heart?

Therefore, although Quinn's words are against the law, they are popular and resonate with many people.

And Quinn's resentment has been squeezed for many years, just breaking out at this critical point.

Because this is the inevitable resentment between generals and scholars.

For example, the Tianji gate is like a secular court.

On the court hall, a group of literary ministers, while enjoying a comfortable life, moved their mouths to control the bloody generals on the battlefield wantonly and foolishly.

This contradiction cannot be resolved.

"The little sect leader is right. I've had enough of this Tianji gate. I'll go wherever the little sect leader goes!"

"I am willing to follow the little sect leader. The little sect leader can block the sword for me, but Tianji sect has never cared about my life or death."

"The old adage of our ancestors is that we can't interfere in the gratitude and resentment of the world, but it doesn't say that we can let others shit on our heads."

"Yes! We don't make trouble, but if something comes to annoy us, why should we give in?"

"Tianji gate is not the former Tianji gate for a long time. The little sect leader is right. Don't forget such a Tianji gate!"

Quinn's words stirred thousands of waves with one stone.

The mysterious and powerful secret door in the eyes of outsiders has long been full of contradictions and polarization.

The younger generation, led by Quinn, fought.

The older generation, however, is headed by an old man who is old and old and wants to retire.

"Old sect leader, you... Look what your grandson said here? Aren't we all for the development of Tianji gate?"

The old man was speechless for a moment. He had to ask the old sect leader for help.

Because he was a little flustered, too.

His original intention is for the good of Tianji gate. His loyalty to Tianji gate can be seen by the sun and the moon.

But things have gone beyond his expectations.

If Quinn really leads the strong young generation of tianjimen to leave, the tianjimen will fall sharply that day.

And this is not the result he wants and wants to see.

"Alas! Although Quinn was a little excited, he was right! I called you today to make you talk."

The old sect leader finally stood up with a serious face:

"The internal contradictions of Tianji gate have long been revealed. If there are contradictions, we are not afraid of them, but the contradictions need to be resolved, not suppressed. Suppressing the contradictions will only make the contradictions break out more in the near future!"

The old sect leader paused, then looked at the old man and said:

"Lao Xing, I have to say that we are really old. I have abdicated for many years, but my son died in the war and I have to come back. But now it is the world of young people, and we should actually hand over our power to young people."

The old sect leader's words showed the sadness of the ending of the hero.

This also made many old people at the scene bow their heads and remain silent.

"Let me tell you! The leader of the Huaxia sect is ye Youran. He is a man of destiny. He is less than 300 years old. He has grown from a mortal to a point where he can compete with the supreme Pope."

"Our Tianji gate has been handed down for tens of millions of years. Our life expectancy has already exceeded 100000 years, but we still dare not look directly at the Supreme Master. Do you think we are old?"

"In fact, you know the truth, but it's too conservative. So no matter what you think today, I decided to pass on the position of Tianji sect's sect leader to my grandson kui'an. In the future, he will be the new sect leader, and even I will abide by his decision. As for you, whether you support the new sect leader or set up another sect, if you decide by yourself, I won't participate."

The words behind the old sect leader stunned everyone at the scene again.

Whether it is the old man called Lao Xing or Quinn.

What Lao Xing didn't expect was that the old sect leader chose to abdicate when he made an important choice.

What Quinn didn't expect was that Grandpa turned against his previous conservatism, which was supporting his previous proposal in a disguised form!


Quinn was a little excited.

But the old sect leader had already stood up, stepped down from his throne and said to Quinn:

"Welcome the new sect leader. In the face of the supreme sect's invasion, please show it to the new sect leader."

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