The strength has reached a certain level, and everything can be simplified.

No naive respect is a simple punch, but it contains supreme fortune.

Under one punch, even the way of heaven should make way for it.

It seems that there is only one punch left in the world.

But in the face of this fist without naive respect, ye Youran still carries his hands behind him.

As if he hadn't seen his punch at all.

In other words, ye Youran seems to be scared silly at the moment.

No evasion, no counterattack.

"Get away!"

"No, save the little Lord."


Many people are shocked, and some are ready to move.

Unfortunately, the speed of no naive respect is too fast.

Let alone people like kouyun and Xueer.

Even Tianxing had no time to stop.

The strong of fortune is so powerless.


The next moment Wunai Zun finally came to ye Youran.

His heavy fist is less than ten centimeters away from ye Youran.

There was a bloodthirsty sneer on Wu naizun's face.

Because he can foresee that ye Youran will be in a different place in the next second.

His fist is aimed at ye Youran's head, enough to make still's head explode like a watermelon.

"Not necessarily!"

Finally, ye Youran spoke.

However, at this time, the sound from ye Youran's mouth is not like ye Youran's.

It was a voice of vicissitudes, indifference and disdain.

Then, a more primitive and vicissitudes burst out from ye Youran, but he looked down at the world like the return of the king.

That breath is stronger and more terrible than the breath on Wunai Zun. It has a bloodthirsty edge and is like a mountain in the back.

There was a trace of fear and panic in Wu Nai Zun's eyes.

Because in the face of Ye Youran's breath, Wu naive Zun actually has an impulse to worship.

This is a breath that can make everything in the world surrender.


No matter what Wunai Zun feels at the moment, ye Youran takes action.

Ye Youran simply waved his hand.

It's like flapping a fly.

But ye Youran's waving hand came from behind and patted on the innocent fist gently and accurately.

Wu Nai Zun was immediately hit hard.

His arm was directly patted into a blood mist.

You know, Wunai Zun is a strong God of the creator.

How strong his body is.

Don't say ordinary people are barehanded.

There is no naive respect standing still.

Let the strong man of the LORD God level chop with the nine grade artifact, it may not cause much damage to him.

This is the terrible of the strong of fortune.

The body of the strong man of the level of creation has been tempered by the power of creation for thousands of times.

But ye leisurely waved his hand gently, but blew the whole arm of wunaizun into a blood mist.

What a powerful force it takes to do this?

This makes everyone look at it.

Because ye leisurely at this moment is like an invincible peerless God.

Powerful and sacred, inviolable, unshakable and invincible.


Then, a scream came from Wu naizun's mouth, and his body flew out.

Just like before, kui'an, Xing Lao and others. And it seems even more miserable and embarrassed.

But no one expected that this earthly newspaper should come so quickly.

Of course, although all this happened suddenly, many people couldn't react for a moment.

But this still makes many people happy.

It's too soothing.

The previous naivety really made them desperate.

Many people are even ready to die.

As everyone knows, the twists and turns, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright!

"You... Your body..."

At this time, Wu naizun lost an arm.

He got up from the pit in confusion.

He looked at ye Youran in fear and wanted to say something more.

But before he finished his words, he turned and ran away.

At this moment, Wu Nai Zun was really frightened.

He has no courage to stay here.

He has no hope of revenge.

There is no idea of committing crimes and meritorious service.

He just wants to escape, as far as he can.

"Young Lord, you can't let him escape."

Seeing Wu naizun running for his life without master's demeanor.

Master ghost shadow and master Yan shouted very reluctantly.

Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

It's not easy to hurt Wunai Zun. We must not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Besides, it's a strong man at the level of creation, hundreds of millions of times more than the tiger.

But the next moment came a "poof".

Ye Youran spewed out a mouthful of blood for no reason.

The body knelt down, and the consciousness began to fall into darkness gradually.

Before ye Youran was completely unconscious, ye Youran vaguely heard many people's cries of concern, and the voice of warrior God disdain sounded in his mind:

"Your body is too weak to bear even one percent of my strength."

At the moment, ye Youran is very angry.

He wanted to reply: Lao Tzu is just the God of law. It's great to bear 1% of the power of the ancient god and die without exploding. Good cutting?

Of course, this idea is doomed to be impossible.

Because he couldn't speak any more, he finally blacked out and completely fainted.

Yes, ye Youran was like this before, Meng Yong.

It is precisely because he lent his body to the warrior God for the time being.

It was by borrowing the power of the warrior God Zun, an ancient god, that ye Youran was able to lift weights and create an innocent Zun.

Because no matter how powerful the creator God is, he is definitely not as powerful as the ancient god.

Even the warrior God, the ancient god, has fallen for many years, and all that remains is his spirit.

But that is not unmatched by naive respect.

Unfortunately, ye Youran's body is still too weak for the warrior God.

Weak to leaf leisurely, only one second.

If the warrior God takes ye Youran's body a little longer, he can definitely kill Wu Nai Zun in one fell swoop.

But there is no if.

Because the price of "if" is that the warrior God Zun killed wunaive Zun, but ye Youran also wants to explode and die.

This is not acceptable to ye Youran, nor is it what the warrior God wants to see.

It is precisely because of the card of warrior God.

Ye Youran dared to swear to Zhu bier and others that Wu Nai Zun would be handed over to him.

As for why ye Youran didn't use the card of warrior God before kui'an and Xing Lao were injured.

That's also because ye Youran wants to keep this card until the end.

If Wu zhenzun consumes a lot, or is injured, ye Youran may be enough to kill Wu zhenzun in a second.

Unfortunately, Quinn and others can't make no naive respect really consume a lot.

Ye Youran can only rely on the warrior God's respect to inflict heavy losses on Wu Nai Zun, but he can't really leave his life.

Even if he had not been frightened before, even if he had lost an arm, he would have killed ye Youran.

It's a pity that he ran away first. It can't be said that ye Youran should not die.

Although the warrior God recognized the Lord Ye Youran, the heroic spirit of the warrior God did not have the consciousness of focusing on ye Youran at all.

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