Originally, they called Ye Youran ye taishizu symmetrically, but there was still some resistance in their hearts.

One of the reasons is, how did ye Youran know their ancestor warrior God, and was accepted as a closed door disciple by their ancestor?

But after they knew that ye Youran actually hit and bumped by mistake, stimulated the warrior God with the power of merit and morality, and activated the spirit of the warrior God.

They immediately became more grateful and respectful to ye Youran.

Because this is equivalent, ye Youran saved their ancestors in disguise!

The ancestors have been sleeping for so many years. If there is no external stimulation, they may sleep forever.

In addition, the warrior god respect has been passed on to the old sect leader's generation, and has indeed fallen down a lot.

And they also know that it is difficult to make their vein great again only with the strength of their generation.

Even the ancestors were disappointed in them.

After the ancestors woke up, they didn't come to them immediately. It can be seen that the ancestors were quite dissatisfied with them.

Now the ancestors have a life to ask them to focus on ye Youran, and they dare to violate it.

Moreover, Tianji gate, as a descendant of ancient gods, has always followed the ancient precepts.

They are willing to abide by the words handed down by their ancestors for so many years.

Now that the ancestors are alive, they personally want them to serve ye Youran. How dare they disobey?

So the old sect leader and they are all willing to kneel down to ye Youran.

"What are you doing? Please get up."

Ye Youran didn't expect that the old sect leader would come out suddenly.

Ye Youran quickly picked them up.

This yard is one yard. The old sect leader is an elder at least. They don't want to break their leaves and live a leisurely life!

"Great master Zu has a life. Naturally, we don't dare not obey."

The old sect leader took the lead, and kui'an and Xing Lao also got up.

But when the old sect leader got up, he couldn't help saying to Quinn:

"Kui'an, I intended to pass on the position of the master of Tianji gate to you, but now it seems that Tianji gate is no longer necessary. I want to dissolve Tianji gate and join Huaxia sect. Are you willing?"

Ye Youran was surprised.

Tianji gate has been handed down for countless years, which is more powerful than the ancient forces such as cheqian and Li.

That means dissolution? And the dissolution of Tianji gate is to join the Huaxia Gang?

"Why not? I didn't want to be the leader of Tianji gate."

Quinn smiled and said:

"And I know my ability very well. It's good that I can maintain the status quo of Tianji gate when I'm the door master. If I want to make Tianji gate great again, I know I'm not that material."

"Moreover, my lifelong pursuit is to make Tianji gate great again. Since the old ancestor is on taishizu ye, the old ancestor will always look at us. I believe that the old ancestor's vision will be more long-term than us. The old ancestor wants us to thank taishizu Ye very much. It must be because taishizu Ye has the ability to make Tianji gate great."

"As long as I can make Tianji gate great again, what does it matter if I'm not the head of the gate? I'll go back and call the dissolution meeting and tell the world."

The more Quinn said, the more excited he was.

In fact, kui'an and ye Youran's sworn brother Hong Meng are somewhat similar.

They are not stupid. They just don't want to use their brains, but are more interested in doing things.

As for Quinn, he has to accept the position of the master of Tianji gate.

It's just the tallest of the dwarfs.

Quinn doesn't want to be the leader of the sect, but no one can be the leader except him.

That's why he's duty bound.

Although Tianji gate has been disbanded now, in fact, after it was incorporated into the Huaxia sect, it was just to change the name of Tianji gate and its owner.

Quinn wants someone to be the leader of this sect!

"That's not good! You agreed, but you Tianji gate is so old, they..."

Ye Youran hesitated.

From a humanitarian point of view, Tianji gate was dissolved and incorporated into the Huaxia Gang, which is equivalent to breaking the inheritance of Tianji gate.

Breaking people's inheritance is better than killing parents.

But from a personal point of view, ye Youran really wants something.

There is no doubt that Tianji gate is powerful.

Tianji gate was incorporated into the Huaxia sect, and the later Huaxia sect has definitely become a super first-class force, and among the many super first-class forces, its strength is absolutely top-notch.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be done well, which will cause great contradictions within Tianji gate and may tear Tianji gate apart.

In the end, if the power of Tianji gate can't be twisted into one, the loss is still the Huaxia gang.

It's not as good as the Huaxia gang and tianjimen alliance. It's also a great deterrent to the outside world.

"I don't think who dares to object? The old ancestor is Lord Ye. In the future, the Tianji gate will be dominated by Lord Ye, which is equivalent to the old ancestor. Who dares to disagree, let the old ancestor go and talk to them."

Mr. Xing said aggressively once in a while.

In fact, although Tianji gate has many contradictions, it is divided into conservatives and radicals.

But no matter which faction, their purpose is the same. They all want tianjimen to be great again.

In other words, their ideas are different, but their ideals are the same.

Old Xing was really conservative.

But now it's different. The old ancestors are back.

Everything is based on our ancestors, so there is no difference between radical and conservative.

All ye Youran's instructions are like those of his ancestors. They just follow ye Youran's instructions.

Old Xing said so, and ye Youran could only smile bitterly.

The owner of Tianji gate really has a temper, that is, he has great respect for his ancestors.

This may be the reason why they all have the blood of warrior God.

With their respect to their ancestors, if the warrior God really shows up and tells them, I'm afraid it will scare them half to death.

That's the deal.

The old sect leader knelt down and saluted again before they went down.

After they go down, ye Youran doesn't have to worry about how to prepare for dissolution and integration and make it known to the world.

This matter is beneficial to ye Youran without harm.

Although on the surface, the effect of alliance and integration is not different.

But the actual deterrent is stronger.

Because the alliance may split in the face of irresistible enemies or huge losses.

The alliance may not be reliable. Maybe it will be in danger and each will fly.

However, integration is equivalent to a grasshopper on a rope, regardless of each other, and must share weal and woe.

This is a stronger deterrent to the major forces in outer space.

Soon, after the old sect leader and them went down, ye Youran continued to close the door and heal.

But the whole outer sky was stirred up again.

The reason is that Tianji gate announced its dissolution, and all Tianji gate people will be incorporated into Huaxia sect.

The Huaxia gang has become the most powerful super first-class force in the whole Tianwaitian.

Such strong news is enough to shake the world.

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