"Hehe, I didn't expect you to know the ancient god. It seems that you have a lot of power to rely on outside the sky!"

When ye Youran said: you are the reincarnation of the ancient god.

Laifu also looked at ye Youran unexpectedly.

In the fairyland, many people don't even know the LORD God.

Even in the outer heaven, many people know that the strongest is the creator God.

For ancient gods, ordinary people don't mention them easily.

Because the name of the ancient god is a taboo.

Ye leisurely goes to Tianwaitian, which is only a ten-year view.

In these ten years, ye Youran can grow from a sub God to the God of the nine principles.

This has surprised Laifu.

Unexpectedly, ye Youran even knew the ancient god.

It seems that ye Youran is not small outside the sky, and his experience is also very wonderful!

But anyway, Laifu will not be afraid.

Because in the fairyland, he is invincible.

And he is determined to kill Ye leisurely.

"Ye Youran, anyway, you must die today, because you don't deserve to be called my master."

Laifu said that the speed soared again, ten times faster than that before ye Youran.

"The wings of heaven."

Ye Youran instinctively opened the wings of heaven.

The colorful wings of the heavenly way set off the leaves leisurely and sacred.

At this moment, ye leisurely's body disappeared in situ.

When he reappeared, ye Youran had come behind Laifu.

But when ye Youran was ready to attack Laifu.

Laifu seems to have predicted long ago.

His body disappeared again, this time faster.

When ye Youran finds Laifu disappearing in front of him.

Ye Youran suddenly felt a heavy punch on his cheek.

Ye Youran's body immediately hit the ground like Laifu before.

The whole earth seemed to shake at this moment.

"Grandma's is worthy of being an ancient god. Although he hasn't done his best, it's not something I can deal with."

Ye Youran is bitter and astringent in his heart, and mobilizes the power of merit to heal himself.

Ye Youran knows that a large part of Laifu's strength has been preserved.

Maybe he hasn't fully awakened the memory of the ancient god and can't use all his strength.

Or maybe he was afraid that the fairyland would be destroyed by his power and did not dare to use all his power.

But whatever the reason, one thing is clear, that is, ye Youran is not his opponent.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you a gesture. If he is really the reincarnation of an ancient god, he should know the gesture."

At the same time, ye Youran's mind flashed a virtual shadow of a gesture.

"At the beginning of the world, all the ancient gods wanted to become the Tao of heaven. Finally, only the empress of the Tao of heaven succeeded. But it was precisely because the empress of the Tao of heaven succeeded in preaching that many ancient gods were dissatisfied and formed an alliance against the Tao of heaven. Although they could not resist the Tao of heaven in the end, the ancient gods of the Tu Tao alliance unified a gesture to identify their identity. Most ancient gods would recognize that A gesture, as long as you know that gesture, it is a friend rather than an enemy. "

The warrior God explained.

There is a saying that heaven and earth are inhumane, and all things are ruminant dogs.

Even the ancient gods are not the most powerful.

Only the way of heaven is really powerful. Only by really preaching the way can we be immortal forever.

So how many ancient gods paid the price of their lives in order to prove the Tao first.

But when thousands of troops crossed the single wooden bridge, the only one who came out first was the empress Tiandao.

After the empress Tiandao succeeded in preaching, there began to be a massacre similar to that of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

In order to fight the way of heaven, ancient gods such as warrior God Zun had to unite and identify themselves with gestures.

Therefore, if the reincarnation of Laifu is an ancient god in that year, you should recognize the gesture.

As long as you know the gesture, ye Youran will be saved.

In this fairyland, the warrior God Zun can't help ye Youran with his strength.

Because the ancient god's power is too strong, in a popular word, it is a serious violation.

Although Laifu has violated the rules, he has reservations and has not reached a serious level.

But once the warrior God occupies ye Youran's body, his strength can no longer be restrained.

So now the warrior God can only help ye Youran with that gesture.


After recording the gesture handed down by the warrior God, ye Youran immediately broke through the ground.


Ye leisurely roared angrily and immediately hit out the divine gesture in his mind.

While ye Youran gestures, ye Youran always stares at Laifu's eyes.

But to his surprise, Laifu turned a blind eye to Ye leisurely's gesture.

"Hum! I thought it was a killing move. It was just a useless gesture. If your strength is just like this, I'm not polite."

Laifu sneered and sniffed.

Ye Youran was blindfolded and smiled bitterly in his heart.

The gesture of high hopes is completely useless, which is difficult to do.

"I don't know what's going on. Isn't he the ancient god of that year?"

The warrior God is also strange.

As long as they were ancient gods, they should know such gestures.

I thought all the ancient gods were against the heavenly empress.

In other words, the empress of heaven wants to kill all ancient gods.

This is like an emperor, supreme. Anyone who may threaten the rule of the emperor will be killed.

Even if they are not killed, those ministers who think they can threaten the rule of the emperor will be in danger and spontaneously unite to seek another way out for themselves.

Therefore, as long as Laifu is a real ancient god, there is no reason not to know this gesture.

"Unless there are two possibilities."

After pondering for a while, the warrior God said:

"First, the ancient God fell before the empress of heaven preached. Second, he became an ancient god after the empress of heaven preached. But the latter is unlikely, because as far as I know, after the empress of heaven preached, the strong at the level of ancient god is not allowed to appear in heaven and earth. The strongest under the heaven is just the ancient god of creation, which is concealed under the control of the heaven It is less likely that heaven will cross the sea to reach the realm of ancient gods. "

The warrior God respected the head and analyzed the Tao in a down-to-earth manner.

Because at this moment, countless possibilities have been envisaged in the mind of the warrior God.

Only these two possibilities are possible.

However, the warrior God is more determined in the former.

That is Laifu, an ancient god who fell before the empress of heaven preached. Now he has returned after countless reincarnations.

"Master shenzun, don't worry about any possibility now. Think about what I should do now! I thought I should be invincible in the fairyland this time, but I didn't expect that the reality gave me a loud mouth! This thing is more difficult to deal with than those without naive respect!"

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