Although Laifu is very hostile to ye Youran.

However, ye Youran didn't abandon Xueer and Quinn. They asked for Tianwaitian alone.

But chose to fight with death.

Although both sides were defeated in the end, Laifu couldn't help but respect ye Youran.

In fact, Laifu was full of gratitude and even worship for ye Youran.

Because ye Youran's achievements in the fairy world are obvious to all.

Before ye Youran rebelled, Laifu was even willing to pay his life for ye Youran.

In addition to ye Youran saving Laifu's life, he also granted him the method of cultivation to awaken him step by step.

The most important thing is that ye Youran is well aware of the great cause and has made great contributions for thousands of years.

With ye Youran's personality charm, whether out of gratitude or out of his greatness to ye Youran, Laifu will wholeheartedly support ye Youran.

But who knows, when the fairyland is in danger.

Ye Youran chose to defecte.

Leaving hundreds of millions of creatures in the fairy world without saying goodbye.

At that moment, the tall image of Ye Youran in Laifu's mind suddenly collapsed.

So Laifu secretly made up his mind. Ye Youran was greedy for life and afraid of death. He didn't deserve to be called his master.

He wants to replace ye Youran, take over the fairy world, protect the fairy world, and protect the billions of creatures in the fairy world.

It is precisely because of this that Laifu will be so merciless when he sees ye Youran again.

The anger and dissatisfaction with ye Youran had already blinded Laifu's eyes and made him want to get rid of Ye Youran and then be fast.

But at this moment, seeing ye Youran never give up and fight with death, ye Youran's collapsed image seems to have been reorganized again.

Therefore, Laifu was not in a hurry to pursue the victory.

At the moment, although he and ye Youran are both defeated.

But his injury is naturally more optimistic than ye Youran.

At the moment, if he wants to kill ye Youran, it's easy.

But Laifu suddenly couldn't do it.

He stared at ye Youran solemnly, as if he wanted to see something from ye Youran's face.

"You bastard, kill me if you want to kill me. In order to protect your fairyland, the guild leader broke into the sky with the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor in order to attract the firepower of the supreme Pope. If the guild leader hadn't taken risks, your fairyland would have been leveled by the supreme Pope and other forces. Now you dare to stand at the commanding height of morality and slander the guild leader of our Huaxia gang. A group of white eyed wolves, sons of bitches 。”

Wu Gang finally broke out.

At this time, Wu Gang's injury is not lighter than ye Youran.

But he and Quinn are duty bound to stand in front of Ye Youran.

Ye Youran can die, but they must die in front of Ye Youran.

But whether it's Quinn or Wu Gang, they can see clearly.

All this is a misunderstanding.

No one can understand ye Youran's greatness.

The misunderstanding of Ye Youran in the fairy world has long been irresolvable.

Today, Wu Gang doesn't expect happiness. They will stop.

After all, Laifu is now the leader of the fairy world and the leader of the hero alliance.

In the face of such huge rights, in Wu Gang's view, Laifu will never stop even if he knows he is wrong.

This is called lust for profit.

But even if you know Laifu will not let them go.

Wu Gang can't beat Laifu, but it doesn't prevent him from having a mouth addiction.

At least you can't beat it. You can also feel sick and feel a little depressed.

"Words are groundless. We know nothing about the outside world. You can talk nonsense."

Laifu hesitated in his eyes, but he sneered.

I have to say that Laifu has wavered.

But his misunderstanding of Ye Youran has long been deeply rooted, which has already made him instinctively beyond doubt.

So Laifu still can't change for a while.

"Are we talking nonsense? In fact, you know that since sect leader ye went to Tianwaitian, there have been gods coming to the fairyland in the past ten years? According to the information I have, a group of gods came to your fairyland every three or five times before sect leader Ye flew to Tianwaitian. As for sect leader Ye's visit to Tianwaitian, how did he cut through difficulties and thorns all the way to establish power and supreme patriarch and other forces I don't need to say more about confrontation. Anyway, you don't believe it. "

Quian said calmly:

"But I can tell you clearly that you can kill us today, but the Huaxia sect established by sect leader ye in Tianwaitian has been the most powerful force in Tianwaitian for ten years. If you kill us, even if the immortal world is not destroyed by supreme Pope, our Huaxia sect can easily destroy the immortal world. You all have to be buried with sect leader Ye. This is your ignorance The price to pay. "

Kui'an was once the little sect leader of Tianji gate, and then he was the new sect leader of Tianji gate.

Since the old master of Tianji gate cooperated with ye Youran for the first time.

Tianji gate has begun to collect a lot of Ye Youran's intelligence.

Kui'an knows a lot about how ye Youran wandered in the fairyland, why he went to Tianwaitian, and how to struggle in Tianwaitian.

Quinn is not the kind of person who is afraid of death.

Laifu obviously wants to kill ye Youran. If ye Youran really dies, he has no need and courage to live.

The leader of his guild is not able to protect himself. That's enough to make him die of shame.

It's all dead anyway, so Quinn is very calm.

And what he said was definitely not a threat.

Ye Youran is now in an invincible position in the Huaxia gang.

If the news of Ye Youran's meteorite comes back to heaven.

The people of Huaxia sect will definitely do something to destroy the fairy world.

"Ha ha, joke, big joke, this is the biggest lie I've ever heard in my life."

Laifu suddenly burst into laughter.

Originally, he was a little shaken at the beginning. He was really worried that he misunderstood ye Youran.

After all, after ye Youran left without saying goodbye ten years ago, there were no gods outside the sky.

But when he heard that ye Youran created the Huaxia gang by himself, and now the Huaxia Gang is the largest force in Tianwaitian.

He will never believe this.

Let alone ye Youran, even if it is him, let alone ten years, even if he is given a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, it is absolutely impossible to create the strongest force outside the sky by relying on his own strength.

Which of the truly powerful forces has not been bred after 100000 or millions of years of precipitation?

The growth of a sect does not depend on how strong a person is. Time is the only power.

Moreover, ye Youran's own strength is not very strong.

However, when Laifu completely cut off his worries.

Suddenly, a voice of heavenly power came from the sky:

"In fact, what Quinn said is true."

The voice fell, and six figures appeared out of thin air, standing proudly in the air and overlooking all living beings.

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