This time, the lower bound, although some twists and turns, but also fairly smooth.

At least ye Youran smashed the plot of wunaizun and others.

And finally left their parts in the fairyland.

But Laifu lost his life. Ye Youran has ordered people to control the Heishui River and search for Laifu's resurrection body.

But there was no news for three days.

After all, the area of Heishui river is not small, and I don't know when Laifu's resurrection body will appear.

So the difficulty of searching is not small.

Also, this time, lower bound ye Youran thought he could see all his family.

But who knows that only Ye Leng and ye Lingshan soared.

Although others are qualified to survive the robbery, they didn't choose to fly because they didn't hold ye Youran back.

In fact, what ye Youran doesn't know is that even if they don't know ye Youran's situation, neither Fire Phoenix nor Alice will choose to fly.

Because they got ye Youran's blessing ten years ago and successfully landed ye Youran's "children" has long been satisfied.

They didn't want to fly from the beginning.

It is worth saying that according to Ye Lingshan's story.

Her two "brothers" are extremely talented.

Now they are ten years old, their cultivation is growing rapidly, and their naive and lovely cultivation is almost close to the strong ones in the fairyland.

The cultivation of fairyland is the strongest in the world.

In the whole krypton planet, it seems that only a few people such as ye Leng can fight them.

Even ye Zhixin, the king of China, could only barely draw with them.

So although they are only ten years old, they are known as the most terrible monsters in the history of krypton.

Ye Youran smiled but said nothing about it.

Those two "children" ye Youran has never met, but his separation!

Although they will not awaken Ye leisurely's memory before they cross the robbery and fly to the fairyland.

However, as ye Youran's separation, they inherited two special systems: the glazed golden body and the ancient demon body in the riverside.

Rarely on earth, that's definitely not difficult.

In the future, if they fly to the fairyland, it will be nothing strange to dominate the fairyland in a short time.

Also, Alice and fire phoenix are committed to building a new earth.

Now they have transformed all the King Kong stars.

Now the King Kong star has been opened to the outside world, and a large number of tourists will visit it every day.

This is the last spiritual sustenance of Alice and fire phoenix!

Seeing ye Leng and ye Lingshan, ye Youran handed them over to the black tiger.

The black tiger, as the cultivation of heaven, has the remaining power of Ye Youran. As long as it is not the arrival of the gods outside the sky, no one should dare to harm them.

Finally, ye Youran said goodbye to ghost, Emperor Zhan, moon Red Fairy and others.

Take Hong Meng, Bai Zifan and little monk Liujing to Tianwaitian.

"Is this the outer heaven? Why do I have a feeling of deja vu?"

When they arrived at Tianwaitian, Hong Meng and others had not yet landed, so they looked around at dengtian peak curiously.

"Do you feel the same way? I thought I was the only one."

Bai Zifan also said strangely.

And they both looked at little monk Liujing.

Little monk Liujing has long hair and is no longer dressed up as a monk.

From the eyes of little monk Liujing, it is not difficult to see that he also has a feeling of deja vu about the sky outside this day.

Then they looked at ye Youran one after another.

They are sure that they have never been to Tianwaitian, but they all have a sense of deja vu about Tianwaitian.

"Come down first! Here is the Huaxia gang."

Ye Youran smiled and fell down with the three of them.

Speaking of it, ye Youran still envies Hong Meng.

When ye leisurely reached the outer sky, it was really difficult.

The gravity here is so strong that it is very difficult for ye Youran to fly in the sky at the beginning.

I've been familiar with the world outside the sky for a long time.

But Hong Meng and them are already three gods. The gravity outside the sky has no effect on them.

"In fact, you three are descendants of ancient gods."

In the huge square in front of the Huaxia Gang, ye Youran explained to Hong Meng and them.

After ye Youran explained to them what an ancient god was, Hong Meng burst into laughter:

"Ha ha, I knew I was not simple. I knew it since I was a child."

At this time, Hong Meng's tail is about to tilt up to the sky.

A sense of pride was evident.

Although Bai Zifan and little monk Liujing were also excited, they were not as complacent as Hong Meng.

"Don't be happy too early. Your blood hasn't awakened yet. It's unknown how high the blood concentration of your ancient god is after awakening."

Ye Youran couldn't help but hit.

In fact, the whole world can be said to be the descendants of ancient gods.

Because at the beginning of heaven and earth, the first batch of ancient gods were born, and these first batch of ancient gods were the ancestors of all living beings in the world.

Of course, there are also strong and weak ancient gods. Most ancient gods disappeared from all living beings, spread branches and leaves, multiplied and lived, and formed a large number of human beings.

Only a few ancient gods have spared no efforts to practice in order to pursue a higher way of heaven. These ancient gods even have no descendants.

There are few truly powerful ancient gods and few descendants.

So Hong Meng, although their ancient god blood is stronger than ordinary people.

But how strong it is and how high the blood concentration is are still unknown.

"Don't worry! I was not born simple. When I become an ancient god in the future, I will kill them like killing dogs. Then I will protect you."

Hong Meng was not hit by Ye Youran at all.

He is such a character. He never likes to worry about things in vain. His talent has reached the point of almost self worship.

Before they knew they were descendants of ancient gods, only ye Youran could hit them.

Now that he knew he was the descendant of the ancient god, he finally dared to stand up in the face of Ye Youran.

"OK, then I look forward to your protection."

Ye Youran smiled helplessly, but he still liked the feeling of chatting with Hong Meng.

"Quinn, take them down and give them to your grandfather. Activate their blood and give them to your grandfather."

Ye Youran and Hong Meng talked with each other again for a while, and then asked quian to keep them.

Activating the ancient god's blood requires a certain ceremony. The most important thing is to use the Zun level spirit pulse.

Ye Youran doesn't have time to deal with such things.

He also needs to refine the three nine master gods that Wunai Zun brought down into spiritual slaves.

At the same time, the evil Scepter leaf Youran also needs to be refined.

The decisive battle is imminent. Ye Youran will not allow Wu naizun to have the opportunity to lower the boundary again.

It is imperative to wipe out the three major forces such as the supreme Pope.

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