Ye Youran has never been a person who will give up easily.

In any desperate situation, ye Youran will never give up his life easily.

But ye Youran is really willing to give up at this moment.

If ye Youran could speak at the moment, he would beg the warrior God to kill him.

Because the pain is unbearable.

But no matter what ye Youran thinks at the moment, he can't stop the inhuman pain.

Ye Youran couldn't even make a scream.

He could only look at his body like this and watch it dissolve into a pool of rotten meat.

Then rotten meat creeps and grows again and again.

This feeling is actually terrible.

Even the warrior God looked aside and turned his head.

But at this time, ye Youran looked at his body, but he didn't feel how terrible.

Because at the moment, ye Youran's soul has only one function, that is to bear the pain that life is better than death.

In the face of great pain, no matter how terrible things become less terrible.

And when ye leisurely suffers great pain.

The power of merit surges without prompting.

While constantly repairing ye Youran's body, it also balances the impact of the energy of the creation artifact on ye Youran's soul.

If it weren't for the power of merit, ye Youran might not need to bear any pain.

He had already exploded and died.

In addition to the power of merit and virtue, the spirit pulse of Zun level is also fully launched.

Zun level spirit pulse has a certain mental connection with ye Youran.

It has felt that ye Youran's life is in danger.

It can be said that ye Youran, a hero, is the basis for the survival of Zun level spirit.

Without leaves, leisurely, it is afraid that it will dry up soon.

Therefore, the Zun level spirit pulse does not need to be urged by anyone, and a large amount of spirit power enters ye Youran's body.

It must ensure that ye lives leisurely.

This is also the advantage of Zun level spirit pulse.

Under the Zun level spirit pulse, such as the emperor level spirit pulse, it will not take the initiative to protect the Lord.

Imperial spirit vessels will also give birth to heroes.

But the imperial spirit pulse needs someone to urge it.

As long as a hero needs it, the imperial spirit will continuously transmit energy.

It won't stop even if it explodes the hero.

Without the urging of the hero, the imperial spirit would be indifferent even if it watched the hero die.

It can be said that the imperial spirit pulse is a dead object, which is similar to an artifact without spirit.

No one kills with it, and it will never move even if it puts itself into decay.

The Zun level spirit pulse has a certain spirit, just like an artifact with spirit. It can actively protect the Lord and know how to protect itself.

With the large amount of spiritual power transmitted by the Zun level spiritual pulse, it also speeds up the recovery and delivery of Ye Youran's body.

In fact, ye Youran is experiencing a tug of war between life and death.

The solution mixed with the evil wand and the spine of the warrior God is poison, which is poisoning ye Youran.

As long as ye Youran's body recovers fast enough, it can be the same as the speed of death.

This is the only way to save ye Youran's life.

If the speed of death is faster than that of recovery, ye Youran may have finished himself this time.

This time, ye Youran suffered the longest time in history.

This time, it took three months for ye to change leisurely.

In this three-month period, ye Youran is suffering from that kind of mental breakdown all the time.

Also at this time, ye Youran thought about many ways to die.

His desire to die had never been so strong.

Even in the end, ye Youran couldn't die. Ye Youran thought it would be a good thing if he went crazy.

At least, even if a madman experiences pain, at least his subjective consciousness will not feel madness.

Unfortunately, ye Youran can't do anything.

At the same time, three months, plus two months to melt the evil wand.

Nearly half a year has passed.

In the past six months, the world has been surging.

Because the injuries of Wu naizun and others have recovered.

Especially Li Min zhenzun, anxious to suppress evil scepter, he can't stand his restless heart.

Their three great fortune level strongmen began to tell each other, attracting a large number of forces to prepare to counter attack the Huaxia gang.

There are nine super first-class forces in Tianwaitian.

They are the only ones who are really ordered by the way of heaven.

However, there are still some friendly forces among the three great powers such as supreme Pope.

Whether they are first-class forces or super first-class forces, they all visit in person. Even in order to win over, their three super first-class forces pay a high price.

And their secret actions can't hide from ye Youran and Tianji gate.

Tianjimen's huge intelligence system covers the whole sky.

Although they did it secretly, they were still detected.

There is ye Youran's separation.

Although Ye leisurely's Buddha has no time to take care of it.

But ye Youran's separation is in charge of the overall situation, and a large number of separation have also collected a lot of intelligence.

Ye Ming, in particular, is the military division arranged by Ye Youran in the Huaxia sect.

Therefore, Ye Ming's decision is ye Youran's decision.

Therefore, the Huaxia Gang also began to draw in a large number of forces without rain.

There are many super first-class forces that have made friends with the supreme Pope and other forces, but there are also many forces that have friendly cooperation with the previous Tianji gate.

Moreover, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the forces that make enemies with the supreme Pope and other forces have naturally become the focus of the Huaxia gang.

However, whether it is the Supreme Master or the Huaxia Gang, not many people can really win over.

Especially those super first-class forces, almost all choose to remain neutral, indicating that they do not help each other.

These forces are old foxes. They naturally play well if they want to.

The struggle between Supreme Master and Huaxia gang will surely be a situation in which both sides will lose.

Those who can build a force are not fools.

It is true that some forces sincerely choose to remain neutral, but more want to reap the benefits under the guise of maintaining neutrality.

However, there is no way. Those forces are unwilling to intervene, and neither the Supreme Lord nor the Huaxia gang can force them.

Otherwise, if it fails to win over, it will become an enemy.

No one wants to add a few enemies at this time.

At the same time, Hong Meng's blood awakening was also completed.

Hong Meng was born with divine power. Unexpectedly, his blood is the ancient god Xing Tian.

Although the reputation of Xing Tian God has spread in the fairy world and the world.

But the great God of Xingtian is the real ancient god and the God of war in the outer heaven. Without a head, it can deter all sides.

After awakening Xing Tian's blood, Hong Mengli even condensed his divine personality, and his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the point of being the God of the nine rank clergy.

Bai Zifan and little monk Liujing are also famous

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