Hong Meng was blinded by Ye Youran.

In fact, he didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to show off his strength to ye Youran.

Because ye Youran has always suppressed their.

Even in many cases, they need to hide behind ye Youran and live a life.

That feeling is really hard.

Like a child with strict tutoring, he is always restricted by his parents at home.

It's not easy to go away from home and become a millionaire. I want to come back and show off and tell my parents how good I am.

But who knows, when I came back, I found that my parents were worth more than ten million.

Hong Meng at this time is this feeling.

He competed with ye Youran excitedly. As soon as he did this, he was completely crushed by Ye Youran.

Although Hong Meng was not seriously injured, his heart was cold.

I didn't have the courage to climb out for a while.

And baizifan and little monk Liujing were completely stunned.

The disparity in strength is too great.

They all know that ye Youran is very busy and abnormal. Many times, ye Youran's strength can not be measured by realm,

But they are not bad!

As the blood of ancient gods or the reincarnation of ancient gods, they also have the strength and confidence to challenge the higher order.

Moreover, their realm is higher than ye Youran. Even if they are defeated, they will not be so different?

It's too hard to let people live!

Of course, if they know, they can almost crush the LORD God of about seven grades in a simple power competition.

If Hong Meng fights with ye Youran, maybe ye Youran can deal with him.

Compared with strength, ye Youran has never been afraid of anyone.

Because ye Youran's body has been seriously transformed.

Ye Youran's bones merge with the vertebrae of the ancient god.

If such a leaf leisurely can't compare with Hong Meng in power, it's a joke.

Another point is that Hong Meng is actually careless and has much reservation.

Especially when he saw that ye Youran raised his fist gently and roared at him, Hong Meng was also worried that ye Youran would be hurt.

So Hong Meng temporarily withdrew his three-point strength.

All this has created such a situation.

"Well, don't lie down and die. There's business!"

Ye Youran smiled and shouted to Hong Meng.

Hong Meng just regained his mind.

"No, it's impossible! How can your strength reach such a terrible level?"

Hong Meng jumped out of the pit. He still couldn't believe it.

"Xiaobai, and bald head, hurry up! Your strength is stronger than me. You can crush him together!"

Hong Meng has united with baizifan.

I want to earn some face for what I say today.

Otherwise, where will their old faces go in the future!

"Er... Forget it! We don't want to find abuse."

Bai Zifan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although the strength of baizifan and Liujing little monk is indeed slightly stronger than that of Hong Meng.

Moreover, if the two of them work together, they can break out with stronger attack power.

But at the thought of Ye Youran's metamorphosis, baizifan has no courage.

"No, you didn't say that before! You encouraged me to challenge the boss and said that if I couldn't, you would go together..."

Hong Meng was in a hurry.

They had already plotted before ye Youran left the customs.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zifan and little monk Liujing escaped.

"When did we say that? We just said that we could challenge the boss, but we didn't say that it must be the opponent of the boss! It's your boy who is belligerent, you! This character needs to be changed, or we will lose sooner or later."

The little monk Liujing was wearing beautiful hair, and the old God said in the ground.

It's like an old man's tone of teaching his younger generation a lesson.

Hearing Hong Meng jump, he really didn't know what to say. Hong Meng immediately jumped at them.

The three immediately made a group.

Watching Hong Meng play with them, ye Youran is not happy.

I still feel comfortable with Hong Meng and them.

There are not so many intrigues. They open their hearts to each other and are as close as brothers.

It doesn't matter whether it was baizifan who encouraged Hong Meng or whether they discussed how to make ye Youran look ugly.

The important thing is that ye leisurely is very comfortable at this moment.

Because of his existence, so many people can be gathered and so many people can enjoy a peaceful life.

Guarding such a life may be the meaning of Ye Youran's existence.

For this peace, ye Youran paid all the hard work and suffered all the pain is worth it.

Finally, Hong Meng, the three of them have had enough.

Ye Youran took them back to the Council hall.

At this time, there was already a lot of noise here.

Tianjimen high-rise, revenge Island high-rise, snow family high-rise, and ye Youran's closest people are all here.

It is worth saying that Xueer and kouyun's accomplishments have improved a lot again in nearly half a year.

Maybe it's because they are gifted and detached, maybe it's because they enjoy the benefits of the noble spirit pulse.

Knocking on the cloud has condensed the spirit of fate.

She is already the God of the second rank clergy.

As the body of the law of destiny, kouyun walks quite often on the road of the law of destiny, with almost no bottleneck, which is the envy of many people.

And Xueer, as the only snow goddess who understands the law of snow and ice.

Enjoying the unique "love" of the ice and snow law, her cultivation is also rising all the way.

Now she is already the God of the eighth grade clergy, which is equivalent to ye Youran's cultivation.

You know, ye Youran paid a very heavy price for his current cultivation.

Xueer almost doesn't need to practice, and her accomplishments can advance by leaps and bounds.

However, Xueer was already the God of the five level clergy before, so her breakthrough is not too outrageous.

"In view of the current situation, I suggest that we take the initiative and take the lead in bringing the supreme family's nest."

At the meeting, ye Youran's division explained the situation and expressed his views.

The separated body was named Ye life by Ye Youran, but not many people knew that he was ye Youran's separated body.

This is also the brilliance of Ye Youran's separation.

Ye Youran naturally knows what ye Ming knows, but it's more convincing to say this from Ye Ming's mouth than from ye Youran's mouth.

As for why ye Youran wants to install a separate military division, there is only one intention. That is, when ye Youran is away, he can take charge of the overall situation in a fair manner. This is also the reason why ye Youran asked him to clarify the situation in order to establish the prestige of Ye Ming.

The current situation is that the powerful forces such as the supreme Pope have gathered in the Li nationality and should attack soon.

The supreme Pope himself is greatly weakened, and there are not many strong left behind.

Assault the supreme Pope and take away the nest of the supreme Pope. This can destroy the aspirations of others, enhance their prestige and kill two birds with one stone.

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