Ye Youran didn't speak because he didn't know what to say.

He just listened quietly, and gradually he finally understood the whole story.

The man who was honored as a prick by Zeng Zizhen was originally named Duanmu CI.

It was a gift, but Zeng zizhenzun called him a prick.

Because what he is good at is kicking, and sometimes he even likes to turn the tip of an ox horn.

That's why Zeng zizhenzun called him a prick.

Ye Youran doesn't know who Duanmu CI is.

But when ye Youran heard the back, he suddenly realized that he didn't dare to have the slightest disrespect for the so-called prickly head.

Because Duanmu gives, the word Zigong.

He is the Zigong zhenzun that ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun are looking for.

Ye Youran was also the deputy head of the Confucian school and the right hand of his cheap father.

Zigong zhenzun actually knew their arrival when ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun went deep into the war temple.

But Zigong zhenzun didn't show up.

But he has been observing them all the time, and all the dangers encountered by Ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun along the way are obstacles deliberately set by Zi Gong zhenzun.

The purpose is to test them.

Or, more accurately, to test Zeng Zizhen.

That's why Zigong zhenzun never showed up. When he finally showed up, he just made an illusory figure.

And he tortured Zeng Zizhen to death.

At that time, Confucianism was defeated not only because of the power of heaven, but also because of the impact of 72 Disha on Confucianism.

It was not pursued by the supreme patriarch and other forces in those years.

The power of Confucianism is unprecedented. Where can those clowns of supreme school pose a fatal threat to Confucianism.

The real defeat of Confucianism is that there are traitors in Confucianism.

Few people know about it. Except for the Confucian emperor, only Zigong zhenzun knows.

Even Zeng zizhenzun didn't know.

After all, when the war broke out and the identity of traitors had not surfaced.

The Confucian school fell apart with a thunderbolt, and everyone fought on their own.

No one cares who the traitor is.

Zigong zhenzun only knew that Confucianism was a traitor, but he didn't know who the traitor was.

In addition to Zigong's true respect for himself, he has long distrusted the strong of Confucianism.

Including distrust of Zeng Zi zhenzun.

It is precisely because of this that Zigong zhenzun has never appeared. In fact, he has been secretly observing ye Youran these years. After all, ye Youran is his little master.

When ye Youran first entered the God of war hall, he was still holding a martial arts meeting in the five academies of the God of War College.

Zigong zhenzun has confirmed ye Youran's blood and knows that ye Youran is the little master of Confucianism.

However, he has been forbearing until now to meet ye Youran.

After Zigong zhenzun's test, he has confirmed that Zeng zizhenzun is not a traitor.

If Zeng zizhenzun is a traitor, it is absolutely impossible for him to ignore his cultivation for ye Youran.

You know, the higher one's accomplishments, the more he values his own strength.

Because people who practice understand a truth.

Only their own strength is the greatest dependence, and only their own strength can better protect themselves.

The more advanced a person is, the more nervous he is about his strength.

If Zeng zizhenzun is a traitor, he can't ignore his cultivation for the sake of Ye Youran's life and death.

Even Zeng zizhenzun almost blew himself up and ruined his future.

With this test, Zigong zhenzun dared to show his birth.

With this test, Zigong zhenzun can really trust Zeng zizhenzun.

"Grandma is a jerk. If I know who the traitor is, I have to screw off his head and drink wine."

When Zeng zizhenzun knew the truth, he was furious.

It was the first time ye Youran heard Zeng Zizhen's rude words, and his words were so vulgar.

It can be seen how angry Zeng Zizhen Zun was at this time.

"The traitor will certainly come to the surface, but we shouldn't make a noise now to avoid panic."

Zigong said solemnly:

"But from today on, we can't maintain absolute trust in anyone unless they can pass our test."

Zigong zhenzun's words were deeply recognized by Ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun.

But the terrible thing is that people are now in panic.

When they don't know about the traitor, ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun can still maintain absolute trust with the strong of Huaxia gang.

At least they can be intimate and will not doubt each other for no reason.

But now that they know this, ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun will instinctively screen in their hearts.

He even tried to recall his relationship with the strong of Huaxia gang.

Want to find some clues.

But very helpless, ye Youran and Zeng zizhenzun didn't find anyone suspicious.

It is precisely because there is no doubt that it has become suspicious everywhere.

Ye Youran is well aware of the feeling of examining the people around him with a skeptical eye.

It's definitely hard to feel.

At the beginning, the golden emperor warned ye Youran not only once, but also not to trust anyone except himself.

Now the situation is finally becoming clear. Ye Youran can maintain absolute trust in the people around him, and there is no need to examine them with skeptical eyes.

But a traitor came out at this time.

Isn't ye Youran getting scared again?

"Alas! The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Then there will be another stormy day."

Ye Youran sighed in her heart.

He knew that the road he was taking would never be calm.

But ye Youran is not afraid of war. He is not afraid of strong enemies.

He was afraid that the people he trusted would stab him in the back.

This kind of thing is more unacceptable than ye Youran's encounter with a powerful opponent.

"Prick, what are your plans next?"

Zeng zizhenzun obviously felt bad.

But now that the enemy is dark and I know it, he suddenly becomes a little depressed.

"What else can we do? I think we don't have much time left. Empress Tiandao was also badly hurt by the Confucian emperor, but maybe she will make a comeback soon. It's no fun for me to continue hiding here. I'll go back with you!"

Zigong zhenzun has been hiding here for so many years.

His heart is more calm, so he looks at things more thoroughly.

Now it's time for him to come out.

"Your injury..."

Zeng Zizhen said with some worry.

When Confucianism fell apart, none of the people who could survive were intact.

Zeng zizhenzun's injury also returned to the Huaxia Gang, which recovered only by the Zun level spirit pulse.

"I've already recovered. Have you forgotten? Time is the best pill. I have plenty of time."

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