The leader of the blood demon sect, the bloodthirsty devil, is a real fortune level strong man.

His strength is even higher than no naive respect.

Because the bloodthirsty devil and even the whole blood demon sect serve the ancient demon head blood demon.

With blood demons as their faith, they can gain the power of faith and make themselves more bloodthirsty and powerful in a short time.

This is similar to seizing the power of nature without naive respect.

No naive respect can also become stronger in a short time by seizing the power of creation.

At the beginning, Wunai Zun worked together with Quinn and Lord Quinn to crush them with the power of nature.

The power of blood demon belief of the leader of blood demon sect is more extreme and violent.

Once the power of faith is opened, he can obtain part of the power of blood demons, and almost all the strong creatures.

This is also the reason why although the blood demon sect has no fixed residence and does not have a real Mountain Gate, it can also be inherited for so many years. After so many years, it has been surrounded and suppressed by the so-called righteous gangs, but it has become more and more powerful.

It can be said that the number of strong people of the blood demon sect is not as good as the general super first-class forces, or even the general first-class forces.

This is also the reason why the blood demon sect ranks at the bottom among the super first-class forces.

However, with the power of this belief, the blood demon sect dares to challenge any super first-class forces, and the general super first-class forces are even afraid of the blood demon sect and dare not provoke it easily.

The reason why the three super first-class forces of wushangzong, cheqian and Li, dared to encircle and suppress the blood demon sect.

It depends on their three super first-class forces, all of which have been granted destiny by the way of heaven.

Adhering to their destiny, they are inherently inseparable. They are an alliance that is doomed to be divided by interests.

This is also why the blood demon sect is afraid of the supreme sect.

After all, the three super first-class forces are a whole.

Even if the blood demon sect is arrogant, it will never challenge the three super first-class forces at the same time.

This time, the blood demon sect agreed to join hands with the supreme sect.

That's why.

The three super first-class forces of supreme Pope are too strong after all.

The blood demon sect did not want to be enemies with them, so under the coercion and inducement of the supreme sect, it gave the blood demon sect great benefits and living space, and promised that in the future, as long as the blood demon sect did not touch the interests of their three super first-class forces, their three super first-class forces would never take the initiative to deal with the blood demon sect.

This breathing machine is too attractive to the blood demon sect.

As long as the three super first-class forces such as supreme Pope do not stand at the commanding height of morality to deal with blood demon clan.

Blood demon sect can develop unscrupulously, and blood demon sect will certainly develop better in the future.

That's why the leader of the blood demon sect, the bloodthirsty devil, agreed to join hands.

And it's pouring out.

The bloodthirsty devil is a real rebellious man.

No one has ever dared to say such words to him as "conceited in life and death".

These threatening signs at the foot of dengtianfeng mountain have touched the bottom line and pain of the bloodthirsty devil.

At his command, many strong men of the blood demon sect grew up, and all signs with notices at the foot of the mountain were pulled out.

The bloodthirsty devil even stamped his feet and spit on those signs, which looked very disdainful and frivolous.

All this was "seen" by Ye Youran.

As long as it is within the range of dengtian peak, ye Youran can clearly see anything happening anywhere with his countless parts and arrays. As long as ye Youran is willing, ye Youran can even distinguish how many ants there are in dengtian peak.

"Bloodthirsty devil, you'd better be careful. There are some ways of the Chinese gang. We've all suffered losses."

Although supreme Pope was dissatisfied with the arrogant style of the bloodthirsty devil.

After all, their three super first-class forces are the leading ones. They haven't spoken yet! The bloodthirsty devil became arrogant.

If they didn't need the help of the blood demon sect, they were ashamed to be with him.

And what Wu naizun said is also true.

The Huaxia Gang really has a lot of skills. If you dare to underestimate the Huaxia Gang, you will pay a heavy price in the end.

So this time they led the troops and only wanted to win steadily. It's better to save some energy for those unnecessary things!

"Hum! You're afraid of the Huaxia sect. I'm not afraid of the blood demon sect. My name is not white glue."

Said the bloodthirsty devil coldly and proudly.

Then he shouted loudly and led the strong men of the blood demon sect to the sky first, breaking into the array of the Huaxia gang.

First of all, this is also the courage of the skilled master of the bloodthirsty devil. Second, the bloodthirsty devil knows that the Huaxia gang has a lot of good things.

The snow clan, the Confucian sect and the Tianji sect were all subordinated to the Huaxia sect.

The treasures of these forces add up to make people jealous.

In the view of the bloodthirsty devil, their four super first-class forces can definitely crush the Huaxia gang.

It's mainly because they can arrive at the Huaxia sect earlier. Maybe their blood demon sect can get more share.

How could he let go of such a good thing for the forces of his blood demon sect, who are used to looting their homes?

Looting is the only way to make a fortune!

So the bloodthirsty devil is bold and careful to seize the first opportunity.

However, the bloodthirsty devil still underestimated the Chinese gang.

Unexpectedly, the Huaxia gang has already laid a snare.

At the moment when the bloodthirsty devil and others rushed into the array, ye Youran Ran Ran Ran the array.

Dayton time is getting dark over the Huaxia gang.

The sound of fighting and killing also resounded through the sky.

The mountain protection array of Huaxia sect is not an easy thing.

The bloodthirsty devil and others immediately became embarrassed.

Moreover, the originally seemingly empty mountain climbing peak suddenly emerged a large number of strong people from nowhere and fought with the blood demon sect directly at the foot of the mountain.

"This fool doesn't know whether it's right or wrong to join hands with his blood demon sect."

At this time, Wu Nai Zun, who was still outside the array, immediately clenched his teeth.

The strength of blood demon sect is undeniably strong.

But similarly, the blood demon sect is famous for its defiance.

Although they are nominally an alliance, the blood demon sect still has its own attitude in this alliance, which makes the supreme sect and other forces quite dissatisfied.

Just because they need allies now, they can only swallow it.

Wunai Zun warned the bloodthirsty devil not to underestimate the Huaxia sect before, but the blood demon sect immediately became the way of the Huaxia sect.

Moreover, many of the priests of the blood demon sect have been killed and injured.

"Stop talking. Although these fools are stupid, we still need them now. Let's join the battle! Today we'll catch the dead with the Huaxia gang."

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